

26/02/2025 - Formal Methods in Metaphysics

Malcanton Marcorà, Aula Valent
The workshop discusses recent applications of formal tools to metaphysical issues, such as definability and extendibility of metaphysical necessity, compatibility of divine omnipotence with necessary truths, ontological pluralism and classical theory of quantification, the relations between the logic of parthood and the logic of fundamentality.

4/04/2025 - Recent Works in Philosophical Logic

Malcanton Marcorà, Aula Mazzariol
The workshop investigates the role of logic in science, physics in particular. It focuses on recent developments in the logic of theoretical equivalence and measure theory.

11/04/2025 - The Logic in the Science

Malcanton Marcorà, Aula Mazzariol
The workshop provides a discussion on recent topics in philosophical logic, including but not limited to plural logic, the logic of indeterminacy, the logic of location, and the logic of extension to mention a few.

Past events

file pdf 16/12/2024 - Lugano/Ca' Foscari workshop series
Speakers and commentators: Joshua Babic, Claudio Calosi, Fabrice Correia, Damiano Costa, Kit Fine, Samuele Iaquinto, Giovanni Merlo, Giuliano Torrengo, Alessandro Torza, Lisa Vogt
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file pdf 13/12/2024 - Formal Metaphysics of the Material World
Speakers and commentators: Alessandro Cecconi (Geneva), Fabrice Correia (Geneva), Ulrich Meyer (Colgate), Lisa Vogt (Geneva)
702 KB
file pdf 11/10/2024 - TiPS Colloquia Series
"Ideology, Visions, and Worldviews in Economics"
Invited speaker: Julian Reiss, Professor of Philosophy, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
Palazzo Malcanton Marcorà, Aula Valent, 4th Floor
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file pdf 4/11/2024, 17.00 CET - TIPS inaugural lecture
“Engaged Empirical Inquiry in the Age of AI: The Question of Research Environments”
Invited speaker: Sabina Leonelli, Chair of Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, Technical University of Munich
Ca’ Dolfin, Aula Magna
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On 4th November 2024 we celebrated the official launch of TIPS with Sabina Leonelli giving an inaugural lecture that perfectly endorsed the interdisciplinary mission of the centre. Many the questions to the speaker, who got people enthused and curious about what it really means doing research in our complex times. Many thanks to Sabina and to all the participants, at Ca' Foscari and online, for making this interesting and lively event happen.

TIPS Visiting Programme 

TIPS believes in the value of intellectual collaboration, and we welcome expressions of interest in the areas of research promoted by the centre from academics from different countries at different levels of seniority.
Prospective TIPS visitors are asked to approach one of the centre research coordinators in their area of expertise/interest, who – upon acceptance – will then become their ‘sponsor’ for the duration of their stay. Visitors are expected to attend Centre events, participate in Centre activities, contribute to the TIPS seminars and colloquia, and generally contribute to the intellectual life of the centre, of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (DFBC) and of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
The duration of visits can vary up to one academic year. There will be two selections per year (one in each semester), plus a number of ad hoc admissions (assessed case by case). There are no centre bursaries attached to visits. Funding opportunities can be discussed with individual prospective sponsors.

Master's programme in “Filosofia della Scienza e della Tecnologia (FISTEC)”

Application deadline 2025/26: TBA

The philosophy and the history of science and technology are taught and discussed in this master’s degree as applied disciplines, able to take on board – in a plural and interactive dialogue – some challenging issues, global and local, of our times.
This master's programme, organised in collaboration with Roma Tre University, is divided into five courses, taught in Italian:

  • Historicizing science and technology (2 online modules: Experience,  experiment and practical knowledge; History of artificial intelligence)
  • Philosophy of science in practice (2 online modules: Science and society: between dogma and relativism; The categories of social sciences)
  • Health, Disease, Enhancement (2 online modules: Psychiatry, cognitive sciences and dynamic psychology; Normal and pathological: ethical/scientific and political/social implications)
  • Research techniques and evaluation (2 online modules: Reasoning and deliberating with numbers; Ethics and integrity in research)
  • 'Making science happen' (interdisciplinary seminar with theoretical discussion and in situ demonstrations of scientific and technological applications)

Students’ voices
An online philosophy of science discussion group and blog

We are a group of students at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. As the student component of the project, we are interested in observing and discussing the role philosophy and science play in contemporary democracy, on the basis of the knowledge acquired during our course of studies. We do so by discussing some papers during online meetings, but also sharing our own ideas through articles, comments and any other means, if it can spread a message.
For further information:

Logic, Science and Metaphysics reading group

We host a bi-weekly reading group on logic, science and metaphysics. The reading group meets usually on Zoom, and three times a semester in person.
For further information:

TIPS colloquia

This is a bi-weekly internal colloquium where members and their teams present their own research. It also hosts international guests.
For further information: