Thesis and final degree exam: deadlines, admission and procedures
For anything not provided for in this Regulation, please refer to Article 29 of the University Teaching Regulations.
This Regulation was approved by the Board of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems during the meeting held on 19/09/2024.
This Regulation shall come into effect for all students enrolled from the academic year 2023/2024 to the Master’s Degree Programme in Science and Technology of Bio and Nanomaterials, ordination M.D. 270/04.
Students who will carry out On-Campus Training Activities (AFC) in a research laboratory of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN) must first fill in and sign the form "Dichiarazione avvenuta informazione sulla salute e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro(D.Lgs. 81/08)", have it countersigned by the lecturer in charge of the laboratory and submit the original hard copy to DSMN Educational Programmes Office (4th floor, Alfa building, Scientific Campus, via Torino 155, Mestre).
The thesis consists of carrying out experimental work on a specific topic assigned by the supervisor and approved by the Teaching Committee.
A final examination (18 CFUs) and an internship (6 CFUs) contribute to the thesis.
The experimental work for the dissertation is carried out during an internship.
Two types of internships are available:
To be eligible for the internship activities, students must have completed 57 CFUs in the mandatory subjects of the first year (51 CFUs for core activities and 6 CFUs for related/integrative activities). Students also need to submit the correspondent form to the Scientific Campus Services Secretariat. The official thesis period starts on the date when the experimental work begins, which should be specified in the application.
The Teaching Committee approves the thesis project and assigns a supervisor and, if necessary, a co-supervisor:
Please refer to University regulations regarding the necessary fulfilments for external internships.
Supervisors are responsible for guiding and coordinating the student’s work and for promoting compliance with all the fulfilments of these Regulations, except where otherwise provided.
For each graduating student, the Teaching Committee appoints a Thesis Panel, which must comprise a supervisor, two members of the University teaching and research staff and an alternate member who will take over if another member is unable to attend.
For external thesis, the Thesis Panel will also include the figure appointed by the institution, laboratory or company. In this case, the supervisors will jointly agree on the evaluation and assessment. The Thesis Panel has the task of jointly evaluating the work done through an interview. The interview consists of a discussing the work carried out during the thesis period.
The Panel member who is unable to attend the interview for justified reasons must arrange to be replaced by an alternate member and inform the Coordinator of the Teaching Committee.
The dissertation in electronic form must be submitted to each member of the Thesis Panel at least seven working days before the defence.
Final dissertations may also be written in multimedia form and in languages other than Italian and English, subject to the approval of the Teaching Committee.
The last course exam of the Study Plan must be taken before the deadline set by the University for each graduation session.
The thesis is assessed taking into consideration the degree of originality of the work and the student’s critical skills in discussing the results of their work. At the end of the interview, the Thesis Panel will give a summary assessment of the work using the correspondent form. The dissertation assessment must be attached to the records for awarding the Master’s Degree grade.
The Thesis Panel may award a maximum of 8 points. Of these, a maximum of 3 points may be awarded by the supervisor, while the remaining points are at the Thesis Panel’s discretion.
To take the final examination, students must have obtained all the CFUs envisaged in the programme’s teaching outlines (102 CFUs), except those allocated for the final examination itself (18 CFUs).
The final examination consists in the presentation to the Final Examination Panel of an original dissertation written by the student and submitted exclusively in digital form.
The Final Examination Panel is convened by the Scientific Campus Services Secretariat.
The Final Examination Panel consists of 3 to 7 lecturers, the majority of whom are members of the University teaching or research staff (contract lecturers or honorary fellows may also be members). The Final Examination Panel is appointed by the Department Director or their delegate and is, as a rule, composed of the Chair, the Secretary and at least one full member. If the Final Examination Panel is composed of only three members, two alternates must be available for the duration of the meeting.
The Final Examination Panel determines the Degree grade in one-hundred-and tenths based on the weighted average of exam grades, the points awarded by the Thesis Panel and any bonuses. The final grade may be rounded up by the Final Examination Panel at the presentation of the thesis. In addition, the Final Examination Panel may add further points according to the University regulations.
The request for honours must be submitted in writing by the supervisor to the Panel. In order to be eligible for honours, the candidate’s weighted average of the grades obtained in course exams (expressed in one-hundred-and tenths), plus the additional bonus points and the points obtained in the final examination must be equal to or higher than 110/110.
Honours are awarded unanimously by the Final Examination Panel following the unanimous proposal of the Thesis Panel.
ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)
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