Master's Degree Programme in
Sustainable Chemistry and Technologies


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Degree Programme Regulations

Internship Regulations and Final Exam

Class LM-54 Chemical sciences

For anything not covered in this regulation, reference is made to art. 29 of the University didactic regulations.
This regulation comes into force for all students enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020 for the Master's Degree in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies, DM 270/04. This Regulation was approved by the Council of Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems at the meeting of 02/22/2019.


The Thesis application form and the Declaration for ending the internship form, filled in and signed, must be scanned and emailed to

Art. 1

The thesis foresees an internship (6 ECTS) and a final exam (24 ECTS).

Art. 2

Two types of thesis are possible:

  1. "Internal" thesis - to be conducted in the laboratories of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice;
  2. "external" thesis - to be conducted at an institution, research laboratory or external company that has entered into an agreement with the University.

To be admitted to the thesis[1] activity the student must have achieved at least 60 credits and have submitted an application by completing the appropriate form to be delivered to the Secretariat of the Scientific Campus. The official start of the thesis period is from the starting date of the experimental work, which must be indicated in the application.
The Teaching Committee of the Master's Degree Program in CTS approves the thesis project based on the application presented, and assigns the student to a mentor, two mentors or a mentor and a co-examiner:

  • in the case of an “internal” thesis, the mentor must be a tenured professor or a researcher of the University and may be supported by a second mentor or an emeritus professor;
  • in the case of an "external" thesis, there are at least two mentors, one internal (a tenured professor or a researcher from the University) and one external, to be indicated by the institution, research laboratory or company outside of the University. 

In the case of experimental activity carried out "externally", refer to the University regulations for the necessary obligations.

Those who carry out a thesis abroad, in the context of university exchange projects, must send, every two months, to the internal mentor a descriptive report of the activity carried out up to that moment. In total, therefore, two reports plus the final thesis must be submitted.

Art. 3

The mentor is responsible for guiding and coordinating the work carried out by the candidate and for promoting all the formalities required by these Regulations, except those for which it is otherwise set out. Each Professor can be at the same time a mentor for a maximum of 3 undergraduate degree students, regardless of the Degree Course they come from.

Art. 4

The thesis consists in carrying out experimental activities on a specific topic, assigned to the candidate by the mentor and approved by the Teaching Committee. In order to acquire the 30 credits related to the thesis activities (Internship and Final Test), the experimental activity period must not be less than seven months from the date of entry into the internship and until the uploading of the thesis. To complete the internship the student must attend the course Research and management of bibliographic information in the field of Chemistry, offered by the scientific area library. To take the Final Test, the student must have attained all the credits required by the Master's Degree Program (96), with the exception of those awarded for the Final Test (24).

Art. 5

For each graduating student, the Teaching Committee designates a Thesis Commission which must include the mentor (s), two tenured professors or researchers and a deputy commissioner who will take over only in the case of impediment of the former.
In the case of an "external" thesis, the external mentor has the right to participate in the Thesis Commission. In this case the judgment and evaluation are agreed between the two speakers.
The Thesis Commission has the task of jointly evaluating the work carried out by the candidate through an interview. The object of the interview is the presentation and discussion of the activity carried out by the candidate during the thesis period.
The Commissioner who cannot participate in the interview for justified reasons must arrange to have his substitute replace him by communicating it to the President of the Teaching Committee.

Art. 6

The report, in digital form, must be delivered to each member of the Thesis Commission at least four working days before the discussion. The final papers and theses can also be written in multimedia form and in a language other than Italian or English, subject to the approval of the Teaching Committee. The last exam of the curriculum of the studies must be taken within the deadline set by the University for each session.

Art. 7

The evaluation of the thesis is carried out taking into consideration the results achieved and their discussion. At the end of the interview, the Thesis Commission expresses a concise evaluation of the work carried out by the candidate, reporting it on a specific form. The evaluation of the thesis must be attached to the records for the attribution of the grade of the Master's Degree.

The Thesis Commission can assign a score not exceeding 8 points, of which up to a maximum of 3 points available to the mentor and the remaining points available to the Commission.

Art. 8

The evaluation of the Final Test consists in the discussion, in front of the Final Test Commission, of a thesis prepared by the student in an original way and produced and delivered exclusively in digital form. The convocation of the Final Test Commission is transmitted by the Secretariat of the Scientific Campus.

Art. 9

The Final Test Commission, composed of 3 to 7 professors, chosen by majority among the professors of the University (adjunct professors, those with assignment or those who are experts on the subject can also take part), is appointed by the Director of the Department and is, as a rule, chaired by the President of the Teaching Committee. 1 or 2 substitute members are also appointed who must be present before the start of the graduation session to replace the members unable to attend.

Art. 10

On the basis of the score that is obtained by expressing in one hundred and ten the average of the grades of the exams weighted with the respective credits attributed to each course and to the points awarded by the Thesis Commission, the Final Test Commission assigns a score in one hundred and ten.

The Final Test Commission may at most round off the final score to the superior unit based on the candidate's presentation of the thesis work. The Commission may have additional bonus points to assign to the student based on current University regulations.

Art. 11

The final score will be obtained by adding the weighted average of the marks obtained in the exams from the graduating student to the additional scores of any bonuses and the final exam. A necessary condition for submitting the request for honours is that the score, expressed in one hundred and ten, which is obtained from the weighted average of the marks obtained in the exams is equal to or greater than 105/110.

Honours are conferred unanimously by the Final Test Commission on the unanimous proposal of the Thesis Commission.

[1] The use of the male gender to indicate the recipients of this code is intended to refer to both genders and therefore only meets the needs of simplicity of the text.


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors: