Master's Degree Programme in
History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Double Degree with l’Università di Tours

Partner University website

Coordinator: prof.ssa Valentina Sapienza e prof. Simone Piazza
Department of Philosophy and Cultural

The Double Degree programme jointly realized by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Université de Tours offers students the opportunity to follow an international bi-disciplinary study path (history of art/Italian literature) and spend a mobility period at the partner University.

At the end of the programme, students receive both degrees:

  • Laurea Magistrale in Storia delle Arti e conservazione dei beni artistici from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
  • Master (M1 et M2) d’Etudes italiennes et Histoire de l’art – mention Histoire de l’art from Université de Tours.

Admission requirements

The admission is reserved for students of the master’s degree in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Applicants will shall have a B2 level of French language proficiency, which will be assessed at selection stage.

Application and selection

Students can apply for the programme following the procedures and deadlines outlined in the Call for applications and its annexes, which are published annually.

The results of the selection process are published on this webpage, according to the timelines specified in Annex A of the Call.

Calls and forms

file pdf Call for applications 2024
The link to fill out the application form is reported in the call.
270 KB
file pdf Annex A 2 MB
file pdf Corrigendum annex a 191 KB
file pdf Annex B 142 KB

Study period abroad

Students will be contacted by the staff of the Counseling and Welcome Unit for information about the procedures to carry out before, during and after the mobility period, taking place in the second and/or third semester.

Information about scholarship possibilities can be found in the annual call for applications.

The study plan must be arranged in advance with the academic coordinators of the double degree programme (prof.ssa Valentina Sapienza e prof. Simone Piazza) according to the equivalences between the courses of Université de Tours and the courses of Ca’ Foscari University.
All students will be required to submit a Learning Agreement, listing all the academic activities they are planning to take abroad which will be recognized in their study plan after the completion of the mobility.

In order to be elegible for the double degree, students must obtain at least 42 ECTS during the mobility at the French University.

Graduation Application

In order to present the request to graduate, students must follow the standard procedure for all Ca’ Foscari students. 

After graduating at Ca’ Foscari University, it will be possible to request the degree from the partner University.

Both diplomas will be legally recognized in the countries of issuance.