Master's Degree Programme in
History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage
Enrollment until 2024/2025

Traineeship and substitute activities

In the field of the so-called “Other formative activities”, the study plan provides 6 ECTS for formative traineeships and orientations.

The ECTS relative to formative traineeships and orientations are acquired firstly through internship activities.

ECTS can also be acquired through traineeship substitute activities based on the commitment required of the student, according to the principle that 25 hours (comprehensive for a quota of individual work) corresponds to 1 CFU. The attribution and number of credits for the traineeship’s substitute activity is established by the Didactic College (and is thus indicated and previously made known to students in reference to each available activity).

Part-time students have the opportunity to substitute the traineeship with an exam, previously believed as the favourable choice of the referent scholar.


Agreed Internships
During the study course, students are able to carry out a period of professional training at public or private firms agreed upon with Ca’ Foscari. The internship activity is recognised in ECTS (as “Formative traineeships and orientation”), for a maximum of 6 ECTS.
The University Internship service is involved with activating the internships and the relative forms and documentation.

Activated Internships
The full list of activated internships at Ca’ Foscari are found in the Personal Area, where the list of internships in Italy can also be found.

Internships to activate
Students that intend on proposing the activation of a new agreement with an institute where they will carry out their internship can consult the procedure for activating the internship, where they will also find the relative documents to send to the institute.
The procedure for activating an internship must be completed before the beginning of the activity on behalf of the student. The Didactic College will not take activities into consideration that have already been carried out without agreement with the referent scholar.

General Partnerships (150 hours)

According to that provided in article 10 of  D.M. 270/2004 and by the meeting of n.85 of the Academic Senate on 27th April 2004, the Didactic College will be able to recognise, on request, formative credits to collaborations of 150 hours as substitute activities as a whole or as part of the internship activity.

The recognition is subject to the evaluation of the relevance and coherence of the collaborative activity with the specific formative course of said student. The student, therefore, before starting the activity, must acquire the recommendation of the referent scholars for the curriculum.

Substitute internship activities

For the recognition of substitute internship activities, students must fill in the specific application form found in the Personal Area and deliver the documentation, filled in and signed as required, to the Humanities Campus to reach 6 ECTS.

The auto-certificated substitute activities will be carefully evaluated and authorised case by case by the Didactic College, taking into extreme consideration the relevance of the proposed activity on the student’s curriculum, its execution in a known institute and the possibility of documenting the activity carried out.

To consult the available substitute activities, visit the Italian page.