Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Engineering Physics
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Degree Programme regulations

Regulations for internships and final degree exam

Class L-8 – Information Engineering

This Regulation is approved by the Board of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems during the meeting held on 19/09/2024.
This Regulation shall come into effect for students enrolled to the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Engineering Physics from the academic year 2023/2024.

Students who will carry out On-Campus Training Activities (AFC) in a research laboratory of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems (DSMN) must first fill in and sign the form "Dichiarazione avvenuta informazione sulla salute e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro(D.Lgs. 81/08)", have it countersigned by the lecturer in charge of the laboratory and submit the original hard copy to DSMN Educational Programmes Office (4th floor, Alfa building, Scientific Campus, via Torino 155, Mestre).

PDF version and downloads

Internship application under 140 CFUs [ITA]

Art. 1

To be eligible for graduation, students must have obtained the following CFUs: 5 CFUs for the internship, 1 CFU for the Health and Safety for Teaching and Research course, and 3 CFUs for the final examination. 

Article 2

To obtain the 5 CFUs corresponding to the internship, two types of internships are available:

  • External internship (Tirocinio esterno). External internships take place at an institution, research laboratory, or company that is not affiliated with the University. Before starting an external internship, there must be a prior agreement between the external party and the University. The guidelines for external internships comply with current legislation and the general University regulations, which are available at the dedicated pages of the website.
  • On-Campus Training Activity (Attività Formativa in Campus - AFC). On-Campus training activities take place in the laboratories of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The content, timing, and methods of the activity need to be discussed and agreed upon with the assigned University tutor. The University tutor is the main responsible for overseeing the completion of the activity.

Before beginning the chosen internship, students must submit an Application for Internship and Final Examination using the correspondent form. This application must be approved by the Teaching Committee of the Degree Programme in Engineering Physics and include the name of the supervisor and (if any) of the co-supervisor. The supervisor must be a member of the University’s teaching or research staff or a contract lecturer.
Please refer to the University regulation regarding the necessary fulfilments for external internships.
Students conducting their thesis abroad as part of the University’s exchange projects must send regular progress reports to their supervisor.
A minimum of 140 CFUs must be obtained to be eligible for internship activities. 

Article 3

Students who wish to conduct an external internship in Italy or abroad can request the Teaching Committee’s authorisation before obtaining the necessary 140 CFUs, provided that they have obtained at least 120 CFUs with a weighted average of 25/30 or higher.
The application must be submitted using the procedure [ITA] available at > Graduate. 

Article 4

Supervisors are responsible for guiding and coordinating the student’s work and for promoting compliance with all the fulfilments of these Regulations, except where otherwise provided.
The internship or On-Campus Training Activity officially begins on the starting date of the experimental work, which must be indicated in the application.

Article 5

Obtaining credits for the internship and preparation for the final examination may take up to three months. To complete the thesis, students must attend the Information Literacy – Basic level course, delivered by the Science and Technology Library (Biblioteca di Area Scientifica - BAS).

Article 6

The Teaching Committee appoints a co-examiner chosen among the members of the teaching and research staff to every graduating student.
The co-examiner shall critically assess the student’s work and agree on a grade together with the supervisor.

Article 7

To take the final examination, students must have obtained all the CFUs envisaged in the programme’s teaching outline (177 CFUs), not including those allocated for the final examination itself (3 CFUs).
Please refer to University regulation for all further fulfilments and deadlines.

Article 8

The final examination consists on discussing the work carried out during the internship or On-Campus Training Activity in the form of a written paper and developed under the guidance of the supervisor and, where appropriate, the co-supervisor.

Article 9

After hearing the co-examiner, the supervisor may award the thesis from 0 to 6 points.
The supervisor must submit the request for honours in writing to the co-examiner.
A necessary condition for applying to honours is that the sum of the candidate’s weighted average of the exam grades, the additional bonus points and the final examination points is higher than 110.

Article 10

The proclamation and awarding of Diplomas will take place on the graduation day, scheduled for each graduation session, following University procedures.


Scientific Campus

ADiSS - Scientific Campus
Via Torino 155 [ITA], Epsilon building (ground floor), 30170 Venezia Mestre (Italy)

Campus services:
External internships:
Information tutors: