Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

Admission Test - Philosophical Culture

About the basic philosophical culture, those who have followed a course of high school studies with a three-year teaching of philosophy and have achieved, in the state exam, a vote equal to or higher than 90/100 (or 54/60) are exempt from the verification obligation. Possession of the latter requirement must be self-certified at the time of enrolment using the appropriate form available in this web section. All the others are assigned an O.F.A. which consists in the obligation to take a philosophical culture test during the first year.

The test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions on the history of philosophy and on the fundamental concepts of the philosophical tradition according to the lines indicated by the Ministry of Education (Decree 7 October 2010, n. 211, attachment C) for the three-year high school period. The score assigned to each question is 1. The threshold to be reached for eligibility is 18. There are no negative scores in case of wrong answers. Students have 30 minutes of time available for the test. Failure to pass the test entails the attribution of the Additional Learning Requirements (OFA) and the consequent attendance of the "PHILOSOPHY (ADDITIONAL LEARNING REQUIREMENT)" course for those who have not passed it.

In summary, the multiple-choice questions will touch on the following topics: Ancient philosophy (pre-Socratics and sophistry; Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; from Hellenistic-Roman and Neoplatonic thought to the encounter between Greek philosophy and biblical religions); late ancient and medieval philosophy (Augustine of Hippo, in the context of patristics, Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism, from its origins to the "rediscovery" of Aristotle and the crisis of the fourteenth century); Modern philosophy (the scientific revolution and Galileo; the problem of knowledge and method and Descartes; Hume's empiricism; Kant; modern political thought between Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau); the great cultural horizons and the authors who helped outline them: Humanism, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Bacon, Pascal, Vico, Diderot; the great metaphysicians and logicians Spinoza and Leibniz; German idealism and Hegel; post-Hegelian philosophies; Philosophy between the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (reactions to Hegelianism in nineteenth-century philosophy: Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx and Nietzsche; positivism); Husserl and phenomenology; Freud and psychoanalysis; Heidegger and existentialism.

Registration for the test takes place online as for the other exams. The dates for the a.y. 2023/2024 are as follows:

  • Monday 4th September 2023 at 10.00 a.m.;
  • Thursday 19th October 2023 at 10.00 a.m.;
  • Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 10.00 a.m.;
  • Friday 12th January 2023 at 10.00 a.m..

The test can only be taken once.

To register for the test, access the reserved area with matriculation number and password, path Servizi Segreteria Studenti - ESSE3 > Exams > sessions.

Students enrolled in the first year can register for the test only if they have a registration number (made up of 6 numbers) and a password to access the reserved area.

It is possible to cancel the reservation before the registration list closes.

At the end of the course "PHILOSOPHY (ADDITIONAL LEARNING REQUIREMENT)" there is a final exam to verify the acquisition of the OFA in philosophy previously noted. The exam will focus on the contents of the explanations in class and of the teaching materials indicated or provided during the course itself.

For more information, contact the professors of the courses, prof. Matteo Cosci (; dr. Gian Pietro Soliani (

The student must contact Prof. Stefano Maso ( to agree on the study of the volume: "Lingua Philosophica Graeca", ed. Mimesis. The assessment of the knowledge and the discussion of the agreed lemmas of the volume will allow to obtain the suitability of general knowledge.

Online registration is required as for the other exams. The dates for 2023 are as follows:

  • Thursday 15th June 2023 at 10.00 a.m.;
  • Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 10.00 a.m.;
  • Friday 1st December 2023 at 10.00 a.m..

Fulfillment of the written Italian OFA

The written italian test verifies the basic necessary understanding to successfully take part in a selected degree programme with the following subjects: graphemics phonology, morphosyntax, vocabulary, text comprehension.

In the case in which students fail the test, they must attend specifically organised recovery courses, that bestows eligibility (it does not provide credit attribution). The recovery courses require attendance with a maximum of 3 absences. Part-time students are exempt from this attendance obligation.
The final exam for the recovery course is written. 3 intermediary tests are required; students that pass all the intermediate tests and do not have moe than 3 absences will obtain eligibility without having to pass the final exam.

Consult the calendars for lectures and course programmes for written italian.
For more information contact the course referent, professor Mastrantonio

  • Thursday 7th September 2023
  • Wednesday 18th October 2023
  • Wednesday 6th December 2023
  • Wednesday 10th January 2024

Online registration

To enrol in tests, students access them in their personal area with matriculation number and password and follow the path: Secretary Service for Students - ESSE3 > Exams > Attendance.
Those enrolled in the first year can only enrol on the tests if they are in possession of a matriculation number (made of 6 numbers) and a password to access the Personal Area.

If a student decided not to take the test after having registered for it, they will only have the possibility to cancel their reservation before registering closes.

Unsuccessful fulfilment of OFA

From 2013/14 Academic year, students that do not fulfil their OFA by the exam session in September of the following year from enrollment cannot take exams until the attributed OFAs have been fulfilled.

Students that have enrolled in a subsequent year to their first, such as in cases of transfer, internal paths or matriculation with credit recognition, should have fulfilled the OLA by the time they are enrolled: they cannot take exams until they have fulfilled them.


Eligibility for computer science

From the a.y. 2017/2018 onwards, teaching on the Computer Literacy course will be conducted on an interactive online platform that helps students develop the skills necessary to create web pages and code. The course will use material from Khan Academy, one of the world’s most popular educational websites. The course will be available in either Italian or English. The course will be accompanied by resources for students including exercises and mock exams.

Exams will be held from January 2018 onwards. The new Computer Literacy exam will be mandatory for students who enroled in the 2017/2018 academic year onwards and students who enroled in previous academic years but did not pass the old Computer Literacy exam by the end of 2017.

For more information on the course programmeteaching methods and assessments, please see the course syllabus.

Eligibility for English language level B1 and B2

Discover the linguistic skills that are required to students that enroll in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, and students that are already enrolled.

Furthermore, consult the cases of exemption as well as all the linguistic certificates recognized by the University. 


Humanistic Campus

ADiSS - Humanistic Campus
Malcanton Marcorà [ITA], Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venice (Italy)

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