Bachelor's Degree Programme in
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Placement - Internship

How to earn university credits by an internship

As part of the so called “other substitute activities”, the study plan includes 6 university credits (CFU) for training and orientation internships. The Teaching Committee has decided that students enroled since the a.y. 2014/2015 onwards should obtain their 6 credits for training and orientation preferably in the form of internships.

Students can also acquire university credits by doing substitute activities in place of an internship. The choice of alternative activity must be approved by the faculty member who acts as representative of your academic college. Credit recognition for internship and substitute activities is based on the expected commitment of the student, following the correspondence of 25 hours (counting a quota of independent work) to 1 university credit. The number of university credits associated with a substitute activity (including seminars) has been established by the Teaching Committee. Previous activities will not be recognized.

Teaching Committee referees:

  • prof. Ines Giunta e prof. Giulio Azzolini: placement/internship
  • prof. Giulio Azzolini: recognition of substituted activities for the internship, recognition of activities as a substitute to internship with an exam (only for part-time students)


Internships with an agreement

During the course of their studies, students can carry out a professional training in the private or public sector as long as the organizations have an agreement with Ca’ Foscari.

Activated internships

The Internship office of the university publishes the internship offers in your personal area and checks the process of internship activation and the required forms.

Internships to be activated

Students who want to propose activating an agreement with another firm where they can carry out their internship, they can consult the procedure for the Activate an internship web page, where they will also find the documents to send to the firm. The Didactic College will not take activities into consideration that have already been carried out without previous agreement with the representative professor.

General Collaborations (150 hours)

As established in the art. 10 of the D. M. 270/2004 and in the deliberation n. 85 of April 27th 2004 of the Academic Senate , the Teaching Committee can recognize university credits to submitted collaborations of 150 hours as partial or complete substitute activities for internships.

Recognition is subordinated to the cohesiveness and relevance of the collaborations with the chosen degree programme. Student must therefore obtain a favourable opinion of the representative professors with regards to their own curriculum prior to starting a collaboration activity.

Substitute activities to internships

To obtain recognition of substitute activities to internships by the Teaching Committee, with emphasis on the relevance of the activity with the students’ curriculum, students must fill-in the dedicated form that can be found in the Personal Area and hand in the requested documentation at the Humanistic Campus.

To consult available substitute activities and the relative forms for achieving the credits, visit the Italian page.