Master's Degree Programme in
Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa
Enrolment until 2024/2025

Double Degree with Capital Normal University

By N509FZ - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 [ENG]
Partner University website

Academic coordinator: Prof. Bianca Basciano
Department of Asian and North African Studies - Educational Programmes
International Office - Welcome

The master's level double degree programme, jointly designed by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Capital Normal University, offers students enrolled in the master's degree programme in Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa - China curriculum, the opportunity to pursue an international study path by attending the first year of the programme at the partner university and obtaining, at the end of the programme, a double academic degree:

  • Master's degree in Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa from Ca' Foscari University of Venice;
  • Master's degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages from Capital Normal University.

Admission requirements

The programme is reserved for students:

  • holding a Bachelor’s degree in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa - China curriculum from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
  • Regularly enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa - China curriculum at Ca’ Foscari University, who plan to obtain their degree in the summer graduation session of the year in which the Call for applications is published. These students must achieve all the necessary credits for graduation (except those required for the final examination) by the first exam call of the summer session and must have duly submitted their graduation request within the established deadlines;
  • Holding a degree obtained at a university other than Ca’ Foscari, provided they meet the programme entry requirements (see the relevant section);

wishing to enrol in the 1st year of the master’s degree programme in Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa - China curriculum. 

Candidates must meet the admission requirements (minimum curricular requirements and personal preparation) for the master’s degree programme in Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa and undertake to finalize their enrol within the July intake of the year in which the Call for applications is published, after checking the possession of requirements for admission in terms of personal preparation and curricular requirements, using the dedicated online procedure in the first evaluation session. Further information about the procedure is available in the Admission section of the programme’s webpage.

To participate in the programme students must prove their Chinese language proficiency (at least C1 level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: HSK certification level 5 or higher/ HSKK Intermediate or equivalent with at least 60 points).

It is not compulsory to possess an official certification: the level of language proficiency will be assessed by CNU through an online interview which will determine the final admission to the programme. The interview is usually held in the month of June: more information will be communicated to students after their official nomination.

Candidates of Chinese nationality are not eligible to apply for the programme.

For further details regarding the programme's admission requirements, please refer to the dedicated datasheet in Annex A of the Call for applications.

Programme and study plan

Students will attend the 1st year of the programme at the partner university, where the courses will be taught entirely in Chinese.

The study plan to be followed at CNU is predefined and outlined in the document attached below, which indicates the correspondences between the courses in the Ca’ Foscari programme and the academic activities that students are required to complete at CNU in order to obtain the double degree.

The study plan for the mobility year, detailed in the Learning Agreement attached below, must be approved and signed by the academic coordinator of the programme at Ca’ Foscari, Prof. Bianca Basciano, and the responsible representative at CNU.

For more information about the programme and its study plan, students can contact the Department’s Educational Programme office:

Upon their arrival at CNU, students will take an assessment test to determine their linguistic proficiency. Students may be required to take an additional Chinese language course according to the assessment test result.

Tuition fees and mobility grant

The programme envisages the payment of tuition fees at Ca' Foscari for the entire duration of the programme, including the year of mobility.

Participants in the programme are offered financial support by the Beijing Municipal Authority (Beijing Municipal Foreign Students Scholarship) in the form of exemption from paying fees at the host University. Students are however not exempt from the administrative fee due for the application and registration in the Partner University, to be paid upon arrival.

If a student breaks the laws of the People's Republic of China or the regulations of the host University, CNU International Students Office reserves the right not to grant the support and the student will have to pay tuition fees at CNU for the entire  mobility period.

Should the Beijing Municipal Authority, for reasons non-depending on the University, stop issuing the support, students undertake to pay the enrolment fees at both Universities.

Should the student fail to pass one or more profit exams, CNU may charge an extra fee. 

For the mobility period, students will benefit from a mobility grant with a variable amount, as defined annually in the Calls for applications.

Mobility procedures

Before departing for the mobility, selected students will be required to:

  • complete the registration/application procedure at the receiving institution according to the methods and within the deadlines set by the Partner University;
  • sign the grant agreement that regulates the disbursement of the mobility grant;
  • fill out the Learning Agreement, listing all the educational activities to be carried out at the Partner University and identifying the equivalences with the courses included in the Ca' Foscari study plan, which must be approved by the academic coordinators of the programme at Ca' Foscari and at the Host University.

Further information will be provided by the Welcome Unit (International Office) upon completion of the selection process and after formal acceptance of the offer.

After reaching the destination, students will have to get the confirmation of arrival form signed by the Partner University, to certify the actual start date of the mobility period (orientation/welcome activities or educational activities).

If the students intend to make changes to the study plan agreed upon before departure, it is possible to complete a Learning Agreement variation form, which must be approved by the academic coordinators of the programme at Ca' Foscari and at the Host University.

Before returning from the mobility, students will have to get the confirmation of departure form signed by the Partner University, to certify the actual end date of the mobility period.

As soon as available, students must send to the Welcome Unit (International Office) the Transcript of records issued by the Host University, i.e. the certificate listing all the exams they passed during the mobility abroad.

The exams reported in the Transcript of records must correspond to those agreed upon in the Learning Agreement and any subsequent variation forms.


At the end of the programme, students will graduate at Ca’ Foscari, following the procedures and deadlines indicated on the relevant webpage: Thesis and final degree exam | Deadlines, admission and procedures.

Additionally, an online thesis defense with the CNU Committee is required for the issuance of the Chinese degree. The thesis must be written and defended in Chinese.