Master's Degree Programme in
Language and Civilisation of Asia and Mediterranean Africa
Enrolment until 2024/2025


Final degree exam

University procedure

Annual deadlines for request to graduate

  • 1-10 April for the Summer session;
  • 1-10 September for the Autumn session;
  • 1-10 December for the extraordinary session;
  • 10-15 January for extraordinary session paying a surcharge of 100 euros.

Final degree exam calendar

Degree programme regulations

Characteristics of the final degree test

The final degree test consists of the writing and presentation of a degree thesis; the thesis should therefore contain a preface in the specialised eastern language.

Type of written work:

  • interdisciplinary critical/interpretative analysis;
  • translation with introduction and critical apparatus;
  • study of specific aspects of culture in the specialised area.

Credits assigned to the final degree test

30 credits are assigned to the thesis.

Process of carrying out the final degree test

The final degree test consists of a written piece of work (MAster’s Degree test) on a topic agreed upon with the supervising scholar, and a presentation in front of a Commission in, in italian or in english and the chosen study language, focusing on the contents of the written work. In the final degree test students should demonstrate ability to use sources and/or scientific literature in the chosen study language.

Supervisor and Assisting Supervisor

The topic of the final degree test will be agreed upon with the supervisor. The supervisor and/or assisting supervisor are preferably scholars from the LICAAM Master’s Degree programme or similar scholars from the Department of Asian and North African Studies (DSAAM). If the student intends to ask a scholar in a different department from the Department of Asian and North African Studies to be their supervisor, they must also have a scholar from the DSAAM as an assisting supervisor, with whom the student will discuss the language part of the thesis. Any exceptions at any length must be approved by the programme’s Didactic College.

It is the role of the thesis advisor to communicate the name of the assistant supervisor to the Didactic Sector of the Department of Asian and North African Studies (

  1. Consider the timing required: the MA thesis should be requested and agreed upon with the supervisor a year prior to the graduation session considered or at the beginning of the second year at the lastest.
  2. Before contacting a prospective supervisor, please check the document “Professors thesis profile sinological area [ITA]” attached.
  3. Send a formal request to the professor in an email, with the following information:
    • enrolled Master’s Degree
    • abstract (max. 300 words)
    • index/summary
    • bibliography (at least 4-5 titles)
    • considered graduation session
  4. The e-mail must be sent from the student’s institutional email address ( with the following object: "Master’s thesis request" ("richiesta tesi magistrale").
  5. Wait for the professor’s answer to agree on a topic and work methodology.

Please remember that accepting or refusing a Master’s thesis is at the discretion of each professor.

Graphic Design

We recommend students should consult the Handbook for carrying out their Master’s Degree thesis suitably for the Department of Asian and North African Studies. The Handbook is a simple but complete guide for students studying arabic, chinese and japanese that are preparing to work on writing their Master’s Degree thesis.


Linguistic Campus

ADiSS - Linguistic Campus
Polo didattico San Basilio [ITA], dock no. 5, 30123 Venice (Italy)

Campus services:
Linguistic area internships:
Information tutors: