ISEE and benefits application
Tuition fees for BA and MA degrees - a.y. 2024/2025
In order to apply for the benefits for the right to education for the a.y. 2024/2025, students must (within the deadlines):
- request the ISEE for benefits for the right to education;
- complete and submit the benefits application from their reserved area;
- enrol for the a.y. 2024/2025 by paying the first instalment within the deadlines;
- meet the merit requirements, where required;
- do not hold an academic qualification of the same level as that awarded for the course they have enrolled in.
ISEE for University financial aid
The ISEE indicator is a tool assessing the effective income and asset situation of anyone requesting financial aid and it is obtained by combining and assessing three factors: income, assets and the composition of the household.
ISEE certification is required to apply for every kind of university financial aid. You do not need to send your ISEE certification to the University, which imports it from the INPS database automatically by the 48 hours subsequent to the submission of benefits application.
We remind you to check if your ISEE certification has omissions/non conformities flagged by the National Revenue Agency and to have your ISEE re-issued if you believe those omissions/non-conformities are due to your forgetting about some income/properties files of your family household. Alternatively, you can contact the Financial Aid Office if you believe that your ISEE certification is correct even though it has some omissions/non-conformities.
Please be aware that the ISEE certificate will not be imported in the following cases:
- when it does not apply to the benefits for the right to education for the applicant in question;
- the certification was submitted after the deadline;
- where it is not valid for the academic year of reference of the application (e.g. ISEE 2023 for a.y. 2024/2025);
Please note that the ISEE certificate will not be considered in the following cases:
- you do not meet the minimum merit requirements required to apply for financial aid;
- you have not filled and submitted your online benefits application;
- you enrolled in the academic year after the deadlines;
- when it has omissions/non-conformities flagged by the Revenue Agency, indicated on the certificate and you did not solved them with the issuance of a new ISEE or you did not contact the Financial Aid Office by the deadlines;
- you already hold a university degree of the same level as that awarded for the course you have enrolled in.
Students who apply for economic subsidies are part of their households (same ISEE of their parents) unless the following conditions apply:
- Students who have been residing outside of their family home for at least two years before the issuance of their Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) in a house that does not belong to a member of their households;
- Declared income as employees or similar incomes, which they receive from at least two years and not lower than EUR 9,000.00, for a single-member household.
How to request ISEE certification and financial aid ISEE certification
Italian students residing in Italy or financially independent International students residing in Italy
If you are an Italian national or financially independent non-Italian national residing in Italy, you must request your ISEE for financial aid by compiling the DSU self-certification form concerning the composition of your household and the income and asset situation of each member of the household.
If your ISEE certification has omissions/non-conformities flagged by the National Revenue Agency, you can solve them by asking for the issuance of a new ISEE certification. Alternatively, you must contact the Financial Aid Office by the due deadlines.
If you are an Extra-EU citizen residing in Italy, you can request ISEE certificate valid for the benefits for the right to education only if you have the requirements to get the equivalence status with Italian/EU citizens.
You can either request it by filling in the form in the “online services” section of the INPS website or with the help of a CAF centre or professional tax consultant.
Should more than one student from the same household be applying for financial aid, the certification must contain a note specifying that the ISEE applies to financial aid for each student concerned.
On average, ISEE certification is issued within 10 working days of DSU completion.
ISEE 2024 certificates must be requested (the date shown on the receipt of submission of the DSU) by:
- 30 September 2024 for the reduction of fees. The deadlines for the Regional Scholarship for Financial Aid and Generic Collaboration shall be indicated in the respective calls for application published in July 2023.
- 17 December 2024 exclusively for the reduction of fees. This deadline is subject to a penalty fee of EUR 50, with the exception of students enrolled in the first year of master's degree and students who transferred from other Universities. The penalty fee is also applied to students who submit the application without being eligible for any benefits.
A later deadline for requesting a reduction in fees of 31 March 2025 is applied only to students in their final year who formally withdraw the extraordinary session of the a.y. 2023/2024. The ISEE must be that of reference for the year in which the benefits were requested.
International students/Italian students residing abroad or residing in Italy but not financially independent and whose household resides abroad
If you are an Italian or non-Italian national residing abroad, you may request an ‘ISEE parificato’ (ISEE equivalent) used in cases where it is not possible to present an ISEE declaration. If you are a non-EU student the “ISEE parificato” will be taken into consideration only for applications to scholarships and student mobility (not for tuition fee reductions).
You should request an ‘ISEE parificato’ if you are:
- a non-Italian national resident abroad;
- non-Italian national residing in Italy who is not financially independent;
- Italian national resident abroad;
- Italian national residing in Italy not financially independent with parents resident abroad.
The ISEE Parificato must be requested to the new CAF partnered with Ca'Foscari, CAF CIA, through the online procedure available at the following link where you will have to upload digitally all of the requested documents. Before starting the online procedure you will have to sign up as a "new user" by clicking on "not a member yet?"
Please note carefully: Remember that the deadline for being issued an ISEE Equivalent to apply for the calls for the regional scholarship for financial aid and for the generic collaborations is 30 September 2024 (with the exception of those enrolling in the first year of a master's degree course who have time to submit their ISEE until 17 December 2024).
If you have to apply for an ISEE Equivalent, you should carry out the procedure for the issuance of ISEE in the CAF website by 16 September 2024, so that the CAF CIA office can inform you before the deadline if the documentation you have uploaded to their portal is complete or if you need to add or to integrate some documents (the integration of the documentation must be completed by 30 September 2024).
If you apply for an ISEE Equivalent from 17 September to 30 September 2024, your ISEE Equivalent will be issued by 30 September 2024 only if you uploaded complete and correct documentation when you carried out the ISEE application procedure on the CAF website
Equivalent ISEEs issued by Tax Support Centres (CAFs) other than those covered by the convention will not be considered.
How to carry out your benefits application
In addition to submitting ISEE certification, in order to apply for benefits for the right to education, such as reduction in fees, scholarships, collaborations, you must complete and submit the benefits application online in your reserved area, with which you grant the university the mandate to receive from INPS all the information included in the ISEE certificate.
Moreover, students should enroll in 2024/2025 academic year by paying the first installment as established by the relevant administrative provisions and calls.
Benefits application shall be available starting from July 2024 in your reserved area (if you are not enrolled yet you can use the following link
- 30 September 2024 for the reduction of fees. The deadlines for the Regional Scholarship for Student Financial aid and Generic Collaboration shall be indicated in the respective calls for application published in July 2024;
- 17 December 2024 exclusively for the reduction of fees. This deadline is subject to a penalty fee of 50 Euro except for students enrolled in the first year of master's degree and/or students who transferred from other Universities;
The penalty is also applied for students who submit the application without eligibility for any benefits.
A later deadline for requesting a reduction of tuition fees (31 March 2025) is applied only to students in their final year who formally withdraw from the extraordinary session of the a.y. 2023/2024. The ISEE must be that of reference for the year in which the benefits were requested.
Submission and verification
If you are not yet enrolled but you have already been student at this University, you will find the benefits application in your reserved area.
After completing the form you must confirm your request for it to be considered valid, thus completing the electronic submission of the request.
The IT system will issue a receipt that will also be sent via email to your university email address ( and which must be kept as proof of submission.
Please note: in your personal area you can check:
- if you have correctly submitted your benefit request;
- if your ISEE has been correctly imported, its value and if it has omissions/non-conformities;
- if you have paid the first instalment.
Please note: You can check yourself whether you have successfully submitted the benefits application and whether your ISEE has been imported by clicking on “benefits application summary”.
If you have submitted the benefits application and received the ISEE calculated by INPS and you do not see confirmation in your reserved area, please open a report ticket.
The university is required by law to carry out random checks to confirm the truthfulness and accuracy of the information submitted in self-certification. Making a false statement is not only a criminal offence but will lead to administrative penalties being applied.
Last update: 10/03/2025