Document Archive

Address and contacts
  • Ca’ Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venice map
  • Information and theses and archival series consultation: 


The Document Archive Sector belongs to the General Affairs Office of the Institutional Affairs Office of Ca' Foscari University Venice.

In the Document Archive Sector, you can find the Degree Theses and PhD Theses archival series and the University Archival Series.

The consultation service for degree theses and PhD theses in printed format and for the archival series is open in the Sala Archivio (Ca' Foscari Campus).
On the Sala Archivio website, you can find the calendar for accessing the room.

Degree Theses and PhD Theses Archival Series

They are a unique University fund with the function of legal deposit of administrative acts and preservation of the cultural memory of the University.

  • Degree Theses Series: began in 1914 thanks to Associazione Antichi Studenti, which was the first to collect copies of the theses discussed by graduates, together with other publications by its members. The series was almost immediately continued by the Library of the Royal High School, later University Institute of Economics and Business then Ca' Foscari University of Venice, in close connection with the student secretariats.
    Master's degree theses discussed at Ca' Foscari University of Venice since 2012 are automatically included in the Thesis Archive, which is open access, i.e., publicly and freely consultable online. Ca' Foscari University of Venice complies with copyright, so the author of the thesis continues to hold the rights to his work and can decide whether to make it freely consultable or deny access to it.
    No public catalogues are available for dissertations discussed before 2012; for research or information, write to

  • PhD Theses Series: the thesis series began in 1988. Since 2010, PhD theses have been archived and accessible in ARCA (Open Access Institutional Archive); to consult 1988-2010 hard copies, write to
    PhD theses are subject legal deposit at the National Central Libraries of Florence and Rome, which must ensure maximum public availability and ensure their inclusion in the Italian National Bibliography; since 2010, legal deposit has been carried out electronically via an automatic data and metadata harvesting service from the Open Access Institutional Archive (Regolamento delle Scuole di dottorato e dei Dottorati di ricerca di Ca' Foscari [ITA] - Regulations for PhD Schools and PhD Programmes at Ca' Foscari University of Venice).

University Archival Series

The Historical Archive of Ca' Foscari University of Venice holds, among others, the following archival series, which can be consulted by appointment by writing to

  • Collegial Bodies
  • Rectorate
  • Students
  • Library
  • Funds and Personal Libraries
  • Aggregate Archives

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Last update: 18/02/2025