ARCA - Ca' Foscari Research Archive 
SBA Research Support


Ca' Foscari promotes the principles of Open Access expressed in the Berlin Declaration (2003) and in the Messina Declaration [ITA], subscribded in 2004, and supports the open access to publications and research data adopting specific management and regulatory tools.
There are many forms and tools through which the University makes Open Access.


The model supported by the University is Green Open Access, i.e. the deposit in ARCA (Ca' Foscari Research Archive), the institutional open access repository created in 2014 with the aim of collecting, disseminate and preserve the scientific production of the University.
ARCA is in fact the University's research catalogue, it can be freely consulted, it is indexed in search engines and it is interoperable with cerCa’ and OpenAIRE.

The deposit of the publications in ARCA is not only mandatory as required by the Regolamento di Ateneo per il deposito nell’Archivio istituzionale e l’accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica [ITA] (University Regulations for filing in the institutional archive and for open access to scientific literature), but also offers countless advantages for researchers:

  • enhancement and visibility of research of Ca’ Foscari
  • increase of the citation impact of the authors and of the researchoutputs that are indexed and made accessible by the main search engines (Google, Google Scholar...)
  • conformità ai requisiti di finanziamento dei progetti di ricerca che richiedono il deposito ad accesso aperto dei risultati della ricerca
    compliance with research project funding requirements
  • ensure the conservation of documents and metadata
  • copyright protection using appropriate licenses

Uploading a file to ARCA

Authors can deposit their publications by accessing the personal profile of the ARCA website, and logging in with their Ca' Foscari credentials.
Consult ARCA University Catalogue User Guide to know how to properly upload a new product.

Before uploading your publication to ARCA and making it available in open access, you need to check the publishers policies about open access and self-archiving. A useful tool for this purpose is Open policy finder database which collects the policies about the deposit in the institutional archives of most foreign publishers. Pay attention when uploading a new product and selecting the version and the licence of the publication.

You must select:

  1. type::

    • pre-print version [Submitted Version]
    • post-print version [Author’s Accepted Manuscript, AAM]
    • published version [Version of Record, VoR]
    • other type (audio/video file, etc.)

  2. login settings:

    • open access
    • embargo date
    • restricted access

  3.  license:

    • accesso libero (no vincoli) [free open access, unrestricted]
    • accesso gratuito (solo visione) [free access, read only]
    • Creative Commons 
    • pubblico dominio [public domain]
    • accesso chiuso-personale [closed access]

See the guide for more details about the correct selection of type, login access and licence: ARCA - Files Uploading Guide.

The publications saved as Definitive are automatically sent to Ministerial site “loginmiur” and to the Publications section on the researcher’s personal web page.
It is possible to link the product entry and their WoS and Scopus identification codes. For further information, see the guide How to link the codes Wos and Scopus.

You can also upload a PhD thesis to ARCA. The uploading is subject to verification (see the Thesis submission page).

Last update: 12/02/2025