cerCa books, e-books, periodicals, e-journals, articles, theses:


Opening hours changes and summer closing dates

During the summer libraries may vary their opening hours and there will be some closing days.
Please see the libraries pages for more information: BALI, BAS, BAUM, BEC, BDA.

Datarepository Unive
The University data repository is now online

From July 1st, 2024 Datarepository Unive for managing research data at Ca' Foscari is online. Another step forward towards Open Science. With the new repository, researchers and staff will be able to store and make accessible the data produced or used during their research.

OECD open access from 1st July
OECD open access from 1st July

All OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) publications starting from 1st July are open access (with a CC-BY license). You can freely consult the full text of books, magazine articles and statistics about agriculture, food, immigration, economic indicators, economic development, employment, technology, science, research and development, telecommunications.

Library System Open Access Support
Library System Open Access Support

The University Library System supports the open access publications fees with a fund for articles and books. Find how to get the benefit by Publishing Open Access page dedicated to all forms of SBA support (SBA Support Fund - Transformative Agreements, APCs with discounts).

Events and exhibitions

Find out more [ITA]

To enhance their collections, the University Library System organizes the exhibition of precious and ancient books and documents in the University spaces.
All the exhibitions are curated by the Historical Fund.

Venice libraries

Venice and its territory have many libraries attended by residents, scholars, national and international researchers In addition to the university libraries (Ca' Foscari and IUAV).

Find out their services and the opening hours:

Other libraries