Tuition fees

Enrolment in the Master’s Degree programme for the 2018/2019 academic year is 4,000 euros (including regional tax for the right to education and stamp duty).

This amount must be paid in 3 instalments, as follows:

  • First installment, 700 euros, to be paid upon enrolment to the course
  • Second installment, 1,600 euros, to be paid by 17/12/2019
  • Third instalment, 1,700 euros, to be paid by 15/05/2019

It is possible to request a reduction in the fees provided you have a household income of under 60,000 euros.

First installment

The first payment consists of:

  • Regional student tax for the right to study;
  • 16 euros stamp duty;
  • University fees.

You can only pay regional student tax for the right to study and stamp duty from the moment of enrolment if you are a student:

  • That benefits from the regional study scholarship or a suitable scholarship for the 2017/2018 academic year and are not registered for a year abroad course; you also fulfill the necessary prerequisites and resume your scholarship application for the academic year 2018/2019. In the event that you do not fulfill all of these conditions, you will need to contact the ‘Diritto allo studio’ office;
  • With a recognised disability equal to or higher than 66% or with a recognised disability in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 1 of the Act of 5th February 1992, n. 104.

The payment of the amount of the first installment for those enrolled in years following the first is expected by 1st October 2018. For those enrolled in the academic year 2018/2019, it is expected at the time of enrollment.

Default on payment

If you miss the deadlines, you will have to pay a late fee which includes:

  • 50 euros for the first installment from October 2nd to October 31st 2018;
  • 200 euros for the payment of the first installment from 1 November 2018 onwards.
Second installment

The second installment will be on 17th December 2018.

If you miss the deadlines, you will have to pay a late fee which includes:

  • 50 euros for the first installment from 18th December to 27th December 2018;
  • 200 euros for the payment of the first installment from 28th December onwards.
Third installment

The third payment is given by the difference between the maximum amount and the amount paid with the first and second installments and will be invoiced in April 2019.

It will be due on May 15th 2019.

If you miss the deadlines, you will have to pay a late fee which includes:

  • 50 euros for the first installment from 16th May to 15th May 2019;
  • 200 euros for the payment of the first installment from 26th May onwards.

Last update: 19/06/2024