Traineeships and internships

Students enrolled in the Department of Asian and North African Studies for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes can undertake an internship provided in their personal curriculum in Italy or Abroad. For students that choose to undertake an internship abroad, the University attributes two points (or bonus) towards the final Bachelor’s degree grade and one point towards the final Master’s Degree grade; it is also possible to begin an internship from your own contact or show recognition of substitute activities. The post-graduates or post-PhD students can undertake an internship within 12 months of achieving their title.


Coordinator for Internships and Erasmus Plus:
to be defined

For more information Linguistic Campus:
opening hours

Internship in Italy

Students interested in finding an internship in Italy can consult the offers and apply following the instructions indicated in the relevant section of the Career Service. After having received an offer or a useful contact for undertaking the internship, candidates must request acceptance for the formative project from the internship representative in the relevant field, if the name of the preferred university tutor is not explicitly indicated:

To start the internship procedure visit the following page.

Internship abroad

Ca’ Foscari maintains relations with prestigious organizations, companies and international culture centers that offer post-graduate students the possibility to undertake an internship. For information on how to apply, please contact the Internship Abroad Service.

If it is not otherwise indicated in the internship proposal, the university Tutor coincides with the internship supervisor in the relevant field:

Finding an internship by yourself

Students, post-graduates and post-PhD students can propose an internship through contacts established by themselves with a certain Italian or foreign organization.
Before following the procedure for applying for the internship, candidates must contact the supervisor in the relevant field, who will verify the coherence of the proposed internship with the chosen degree programme.

Activities that can substitute an internship

Various activities can be recognized as traineeships, and for each of the activities listed below there are specific procedures for recognition and ECTS credits attribution. To confirm your tutor you must request the Declaration of contact person Internship in your Personal Area (> Stage in Italia > Attività sostitutiva di stage > Attività sostitutiva di tirocinio - Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea).

This is regarding work contracts stipulated between the University and the student, in which an announcement is agreed upon: all the information is available in the following page. On finishing this collaboration, students must present the manager’s report from the body where the internship was carried out to the supervisor in the relevant field, since the recognition IS NOT automatically done by the Linguistic Campus. The University tutor verifies the coherence of the collaboration activity with the study plan.

Collaboration activities in the Department, such as the participation in conferences and workshops organized by the Department or the University, can count towards a traineeship: students must ask the University Tutor in the area before the start of the activity for possible recognition of credits; the University tutor of the area will submit the request to the Teaching Committee of the relevant degree programme.

Certified Work activity can cover the credits reserved for the internship only if it is undertaken during the period of study: working students should present the form for the request of recognition of the substitutive activity for the internship to the University tutor of the relevant area.

Community Service Volunteering [ITA] can replace the internship only if it is undertaken during the period of study. Upon finishing the activity, students can establish credit recognition for substituting the internship by going directly to the Student Administration Office, if the recognition on part of the degree programme is provided by the project. If the recognition on part of the degree programme is not provided by the project, students must take a copy of their end-of-service certificate to the university tutor of the area, who will verify the coherence of the activity carried out with the degree programme in which the student is enrolled.

Participation in formative activities within the Short Film Festival can only be recognised if the necessary hours for the internship are carried out (75 for Bachelor’s Degrees, 150 for Master’s Degrees). In case the students do not reach the expected amount of credits, they can integrate them with specific activities organized by the Department. For more information and for recognition, book an appointment with the internship tutor of the relevant area.

The relevant credits for the internship can also be obtained by participating in an activity organized by the University such as the Active Learning Lab, for work orientation, or the Urban Innovation BootCamp, a workshop for entrepreneurs. The activity substituting the curricular internship and/or the extra credits activity is preemptively recognized by the Faculty of the degree programme and is indicated in the table published on the webpage of the project.

Other certified activities for internships, work, international volunteering certified in other institutions can only be recognized with the approval (to be obtained before the beginning of the activity) of the internship tutor of the relevant area – provided that it lasts for a minimum of 75 hours for Bachelor’s Degree students and 150 hours for Master’s Degree students. If carried out abroad, these activities can grant 2 bonus points. To obtain the bonus point, it is essential that the minimum duration of the activity is at least one month for all students (both Bachelor and Master).

Last update: 21/10/2024