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Articles - Ca' Foscari News

Curing Zirconia: nanotech firm buys Ca’ Foscari’s patent

Mesoporous zirconium nanoparticles which can deliver diagnosis and cures for specific illnesses were synthesized and developed by researchers at Ca' Foscari sold a patent to a nanotech firm specialized in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

Bioplastic from urban waste, Ca’ Foscari in the Res Urbis project

Transforming urban waste in bioplastic. This was the goal of scientists from four Italian universities including Ca’ Foscari in the research project Res Urbis (REsources from URban BIo-waSte) part of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission.

Ca’ Foscari student invents nano-gel to clean artistic heritage

Fascinated by a class on the effectiveness of the bio cleaning of stones, Irene Scarpa developed and patented a new product for enzymatic cleaning. Tested at the Baths of Caracalla, it is already in demand from restorers.

A new “green” molecule from Ca’ Foscari to laboratories all over the world

A molecule developed and synthesized at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice has been made available to laboratories all over the world.