Green organic synthesis team (GOST)

Research group

Maurizio Selva, Full Professor
Alvise Perosa, Full Professor
Giulia Fiorani, Associate Professor

Research topics

Development of New Functional Molecules and Materials from Renewable Resources

Development of innovative technological processes for the valorization of waste biomasses derived from processing and consumption of fish and crustaceans. Fish processing waste is rich in high-value-added compounds, including poly-saccharide-derived biopolymers such as chitosan, or peptidic biopolymers of the collagen-based family. Additionally, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and peptidic lysates are also present. We have developed new extraction and purification processes for chitosan from fish processing waste, applying environmentally friendly low-impact extraction techniques based on the use of eco-compatible solvents, such as ionic liquids (ILs). The extracted biopolymers have also been used as starting materials for the preparation and design of nitrogen-rich functionalized carbon nanomaterials known as N-doped carbon dots, which are active for photocatalytic reactions.

Selective Extraction of High-Value-Added Compounds from Residual Biomasses

Use of supercritical fluids (SCFs) in the selective extraction of high-value-added compounds from matrices of renewable origin, such as waste from the food industry and/or agricultural residues. Residual biomasses are extracted with supercritical CO2 (scCO2), selectively obtaining high-value-added chemical  compounds, such as unsaturated fatty acids, terpenes, and polyphenols. scCO2 can be obtained under mild experimental conditions (Tc = 31°C, pc = 80 bar), allowing for easy large-scale implementation. The chemical and physical properties of scCO2 can be further modified, for example, by adding appropriate co-solvents, to favour the selective extraction of multifunctional natural compounds. In both cases, the extraction occurs un- der mild operating conditions, limiting thermal decomposition reactions of the matrix and providing extracts that find additional applications in cosmetics, nutraceuticals, the food industry, flavours, and fragrances.

Chemical Valorization of Compounds from Renewable Sources through Catalytic Processes

Development of new chemical valorization processes for platform chemicals from renewable sources, such as glycerol, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, isopropenyl acetate, and CO2. Chemical valorization reactions are carried out in the presence of appropriate catalysts and under mild conditions, employing new homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts to be implemented in multiphase systems, one-pot protocols, and/or continuous flow conditions.

Last update: 21/03/2025