
Degree programme regulations

he final test consists in the presentation and discussion of the master's degree thesis in front of a Commission made up of at least three academics, including the student's mentor and co-mentor.

The thesis work must be an original paper concerning the Chinese language on a topic agreed with the mentor, and be conducted on texts and with sources in Chinese language. The thesis must be introduced by an abstract in English and also by an introduction in Chinese (about 400 characters). The types of theses envisaged are of a theoretical-methodological or practical nature.

In the first case the thesis will consist in the deepening of a theoretical or methodological aspect in the field of linguistics, translation or interpretation. In the second case, the final test will consist of the translation of a text of a sectoral, non-fiction or literary nature, accompanied by a detailed translation and, possibly, linguistic commentary and a possible glossary.
In the case of translation theses, the text to be translated must be about 30 pages (approximately 12,000 - 15,000 Chinese characters). It is not mandatory to include in the thesis the text in the original language; it can, however, be included depending on the type of thesis and on the recommendation of the supervisor.

The final exam corresponds to 24 ECTS. The mentor must be an academic of the ITES course or an academic of the Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa, with sinological knowledge.

Contacting a supervisor for your thesis - Sinology

  1. Consider the timing required: the MA thesis should be requested and agreed upon with the supervisor a year prior to the graduation session considered or at the beginning of the second year at the lastest.
  2. Before contacting a prospective supervisor, please check the document “Professors thesis profile sinological area [ITA]” attached.
  3. Send a formal request to the professor in an email, with the following information:

    • enrolled Master’s Degree
    • abstract (max. 300 words)
    • index/summary
    • bibliography (at least 4-5 titles)
    • considered graduation session

  4. The e-mail must be sent from the student’s institutional email address ( with the following object: "Master’s thesis request" ("richiesta tesi magistrale").
  5. Wait for the professor’s answer to agree on a topic and work methodology.

Please remember that accepting or refusing a Master’s thesis is at the discretion of each professor.

Last update: 19/06/2024