Student collaborations

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The University considers student collaborators to be a valuable resource for the improvement of service quality and offers enrolled students the opportunity to carry out paid collaboration in services intended for student users. Every year there are one or more calls for the assignment of collaboration contracts specifying terms and participation procedures.

Non-specific collaborations


The following types of collaboration are involved:

  • basic administrative support for the University facilities;
  • opening/closing of university buildings, study rooms and libraries;
  • front-office services;
  • other non-specific support activities within the student services;
  • non-specific activities carried out by students within other university facilities (such as the university colleges) in partnership with the University.


The shortlist will be drawn up on the basis of students' ISEE for financial aid declarations, provided that students meet the merit requirements indicated in the calls, giving precedence to students in the greatest financial need.

Students with citizenship other than Italian, who are successfully awarded the collaboration contract, are required to have B2 proficiency in Italian which must have been obtained before students are contacted to check their availability for the collaboration; they will be required to produce Italian language certification at the time of signing the contract.

Students selected for a collaboration will be required to sign a contract drawn up with the University.

The contract may be signed, from the week after the start of the collaboration, at the Human Resources Area (ARU) – Technical Administrative Staff Office (UPTA) (Ca’ Foscari Central Administration, Dorsoduro 3246, Venice) – during the following public opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.30 – 12.30.

To view the calls and other information, please go to the page for Student Collaborations [ITA].

Specific collaborations


The collaborations are relative to:

  • Services related to welcome information for other students;
  • Assistance in teaching and scientific workshops and in the computer rooms;
  • IT services;
  • Assistance for disabled students;
  • Specific activities carried out by students inside other structures of the university (such as colleges) if there is an agreement with the university;
  • Support for Contact center services for students and the University Public Relations Office;
  • Other services that require specific training and abilities.


To be considered for positions of specific collaboration, students are required to meet the merit requirements as provided for in the announcement; in case students have equal merit, the lower income shall be taken into consideration based on the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Status Indicator) certification submitted by the student. The list is established based on an interview, as specified in the relevant call for applications.

To view the calls and the rankings, please go to the page for Student Collaborations [ITA].

Last update: 07/02/2025