Enrolment in single courses

Enrolment in single courses is an interesting opportunity to integrate one’s university and/or professional curriculum. Ca’ Foscari University offers the possibility to enrol in single courses, that is, single courses within the various departments, as well as the opportunity to take the relevant exams. Exam results are provided to students through certification.

Some courses are divided into modules; in this case, in order to receive academic credits assigned to the specific course, the student must pass all of the exams for each of the modules that make up the course.

Contacts and reservations

How to enrol

In order to enrol in single courses at Ca' Foscari:

  • the student must possess a secondary school degree;
  • students may also be enrolled simultaneously in a programme that will result in a degree, as long as all university fees and payments are in order.

Period to apply

You can register for single courses for Academic Year 2023/2024, from 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024: you can take use all the available appeals, from October 2023 to 30th September 2024.


The procedure is completely online and requires the following steps:

  • Registration on the University website;
  • Submission of the enrolment request form;
  • Payment of the enrolment fee and payment of stamp duty (16 Euros);
  • Completion of the enrolment on behalf of the Enrolment Unit.

It is possible to enrol in single courses for a maximum total of 60 ECTS for the academic year in which the student is enrolled.

During your academic years at Ca’ Foscari, you can enrol in any activated courses for Master’s degree students in the Department of Management for an overall maximum credits of 42 ECTS: with regards to ECTS gained in previous academic years, taken exams with a positive outcome only will be considered.

After enrolment, the student is not permitted to change their choice of course; instead, they may enrol in other single courses for a maximum of required credits.

To compile your application form, you must:

  • Register on the University website: this consists of inserting all data for registry, residency and possible domicile. You should not carry out registration online if you are already enrolled at Ca’ Foscari.
  • Access the Personal Area of the website with your SPID account, and select, in the “Segreteria” section, the “Immatricolazione ai corsi ad accesso libero” function and then “Corso Singolo”. During the completion, you will be asked first to upload a photo (portfolio-sized, face-on, clear and legible) as a .jpg, then the following documentation:

    • A valid identification document (front and back);
    • Any other documentation (eg. Alumni enrolment card; clearance from Teaching Committee for PhD students).

Enrollment questionnaire

During your competition of the application form, you will be required to fill in a specific questionnaire stating:

  • Reasons for enrolment;
  • Possible affiliation to exemption records for enrolment fee;
  • Details regarding the subjects to which you want to enrol in.

All students with international qualifications who wish to enroll in single courses at Ca' Foscari will have their entry qualification pre-eveluated by the Counseling and Welcome Unit. While filling the enrolment request, a part from the already mentioned certificates, students must upload:

  • Valid ID card (both front and back, for UE students only) or passport (both front and back);
  • Higher Secondary School final Diploma and transcript of records. Documents should be uploaded in the original language and officially translated into Italian or English language if needed;
  • Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA OR Declaration of Value [ITA];
  • (only for non-EU students regularly residing in Italy): valid permit of stay from the list of permits mentioned in art. 39, comma 5, of Legislative Decree n. 2864 of the 25th of July 1998.

Non European students who require a visa

The admission process for non-EU students who require a visa to finalize the enrolment procedures follows the directives published annually by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and the Ministry of the Interior. All details and information are available on the international students page of the Ministry [ITA].

Non European applicants who will receive a positive outcome from the pre-evaluation procedure to single courses must complete the pre-enrolment procedure by logging in to the Universitaly portal and filling in the application online and then proceed with the visa request.


The fees to be paid are:

  • 240,00 Euro for each course which is worth up to 6 ECTS;
  • 300,00 Euro for each course which is worth up to or more than 7 ECTS.

The receipt for the payment of fees and stamp duty will be generated within 7 working days from the day of compilation and will be notified by email.

Ca' Foscari Alumni

Students who have become members of the Ca' Foscari Alumni association are entitled to certain benefits regarding single courses: for Alumni Premium, there is a discount of 10% for two courses of their choice, and for Alumni Sostenitori: free enrollment in one course of their choice. For more information, visit the Ca' Foscari Alumni website.

Ca' Foscari PhD students

Other benefits will be given to Ca' Foscari PhD students who can enrol for two courses free of cost during their Doctorate, provided that the Academic Board finds that each course is of fundamental importance to the student’s research and the student demonstrates the scientific reasoning that correlates the course to their research, all in relation to their thesis. In this case, the student must provide a copy of this statement together with the courses application.


The single courses offered coincide with the single course available within different degree programmes.

The courses offered may require attendance in one or more modules. In order to receive full credits for the course, it is necessary to pass the exams of each of the course modules. 

The list of courses and the descriptions indicate whether or not the course is comprised of more than one module by showing the partial number of credits for each module (es.”6 out of 12 credits”). If there are other modules for this course, it will be indicated within the individual descriptions under the section “Other parts of this course”. In this case, the student must enrol for the 12 credit option, not just the 6 credit module, paying the required fee. The exam results will be given only after completion of both modules.

You will be able to enrol in any of the course offered by Ca’ Foscari for the academic year in which you are registered, except for those:

  • for part-time students;
  • with marks equivalent to 0 ECTS or lacking SSD;
  • activated for PhD courses;
  • activated fot the International College;
  • activated for the School for International Education (SIE);
  • activated for inter-university Master’s programme courses when held outside Venice;
  • activated for the Chemistry and Sustainable technology Bachelor's degree programme and for the Master’s Degree Programmes in Chemistry and Sustainable Technology that are provided with a laboratory: in this case enrollment will be allowed by and not after the beginning of the laboratory;
  • activated for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Digital Management;
  • activated for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism;
  • activated for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Engineering Physics. It is, however, possible for students to enroll in courses that are part of the Engineering Physics programme only if the student needs to fulfill the curricular requirements for enrollment in the Engineering Physics Master’s Degree Programme; 
  • belonging to a Minor;
  • innovative teaching activities, laboratory activities and other activities aimed at the acquisition of soft skills, unless otherwise specified;
  • in the Linguistic and Cultural Mediation Bachelor's degree programme. It is, however, possible for students to enroll in courses that are part of the Linguistic and Cultural Mediation programme, without required attendance, only if the student needs to fulfill the curricular requirements for enrollment in the Interpreting and Translation for Publishing Master’s Degree Programme, or possible credits for the Tirocini Formativi Attivi (TFA) teaching training courses;
  • the following courses activated for the Bachelor's degree programme in Philosophy, International and Economic studies: LT9008 POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, LT9009 MORAL PHILOSOPHY, LT9010 SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICS, LT9012 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, LT9013 HISTORY OF ASIA, LT9014 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA, LT9018 MODERN SOCIOLOGY, LT9023 ECONOMICS OF LABOUR AND WELFARE, LT9027 LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 2.

During your academic years at Ca’ Foscari, you can enrol in any activated courses for Master’s students in the Department of Management for an overall maximum credits of 42 ECTS: with regards to ECTS gained in previous academic years, taken exams with a positive outcome only will be considered.

To view the list of available courses at Ca' Foscari and their respective Degree programmes, visit the web page Course search.

To view the list of courses that require lessons or other facilitations in the English language (bibliography, taking the exam in English or language assistance in English), please consult the following web page English-taught courses at Ca' Foscari.

Completion of the application form

The completion of the application form will not automatically entail the enrolment of the student: enrolment will be completed only after the payment of fees and stamp duty.

The receipt for payment will be generated within 7 working days from the day of compilation and will be notified by email.

Saturday is not considered as a working day.

Once you are registered, you will receive:

  • a student number: this is personal and irreplaceable and necessary to receive exam results and for contact with the administrative office;
  • User ID: to be used as a login, together with your password, to access the Personal Area on the University website;
  • password: this is personal and will be activated from the following day after it has been issued. If you do not remember your password, go to the access page in the Personal Area and follow the instructions in order to recover your password. Once you have entered the Personal Area, you may make use of the various online services (printing certificates, registering for exams, effecting changes to your personal data and contact addresses).
  • e-mail address: this is personal and free of charge; it allows for a two-way communication with the university: it will be the means by which you will receive telematic records of exams that you will take, you will receive notice and information on the opportunities that the university has for your personally. It will be activated from the day following registration;
  • CartaConto: it can be used to as a library card; it allows you to make photocopies, it can also be used as a convenient pre-paid and rechargeable card.

Last update: 02/07/2024