Venetian university exchange

Palazzi di Venezia

Thanks to an agreement between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Università IUAV di Venezia, the Venice Academy of Fine Arts, and the Music Conservatory Benedetto Marcello (the four higher education institutions of the Study in Venice project), students of these Venetian institutions can enrich their course of study by studying at a different university in the city of Venice.
The "Venetian Erasmus" programme allows students to take courses and exams at one of the partner institutions, and to have these exams recognised as part of their degree programme, at no extra cost. 

Contacts and reservations

Ca' Foscari Students

Ca’ Foscari students can find the information they need on our partner’s websites: Iuav, the Venice Academy of Fine Arts, and the Music Conservatory Benedetto Marcello [ITA].

Iuav, Venice Academy and Conservatory Students

If you are enrolled at Iuav, the Venice Academy of Fine Arts or the Music Conservatory Benedetto Marcello, you can take courses and exams at Ca’ Foscari. We suggest you contact the relevant office of your institution before you select the courses and exams you would like to take, in order to ensure that such courses can be included in your degree programme. 

Please note that you can only choose courses that match the level of the programme you are enrolled in. Thus, if you are enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree Programme, you can only select Ca’ Foscari courses at that level; similarly, if you are enrolled in a Master’s Degree programme, you must select Ca’ Foscari courses at that level.

Course offer

In academic year 2024/2025, each eligible course can accept a maximum of 5 "Venetian Erasmus" students

Some courses may require that you take multiple modules. In order to gain university credits for a course, you must pass the exams of all the modules that course is articulated in. The number of modules each course is articulated is in the course description (e.g. 6 / 12 credits). 

A list of all Ca’ Foscari courses and programmes is available at the Course search page. Please check the course programme, especially its prerequisites, and ensure that you obtain the required knowledge before you start the course, in order to take full advantage of this experience.  

You can sign up to any of the courses at Ca’ Foscari for the academic year you are enrolled in, for a maximum of 18 credits as part of the venetian university exchange project, except for the courses listed below.

You can also use the Course search page to find the courses that are conducted in English, or that will allow you to take the final exam/s in English.

You cannot select the following courses:

  • for part-time students;

  • with marks equivalent to 0 ECTS or lacking SSD;
  • activated for PhD courses;
  • activated for PF 24 CFU;
  • activated for the International College;
  • activated for the School for International Education (SIE);
  • activated for inter-university Master’s programme courses when held outside Venice;
  • activated for the Chemistry and Sustainable technology Bachelor's degree programme and in the Master’s Degree Programmes in Chemistry and Sustainable Technology that are provided with a laboratory: in this case enrollment will be allowed by and not after the beginning of the laboratory;
  • activated for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Digital Management;
  • activated for the Bachelor’s degree programme in Hospitality Innovation and e-Tourism;
  • belonging to a Minor;
  • in the Linguistic and Cultural Mediation Bachelor's degree programme. It is, however, possible for students to enroll in courses that are part of the Linguistic and Cultural Mediation programme, without required attendance, only if the student needs to fulfill the curricular requirements for enrollment in the Interpreting and Translation for Publishing Master’s Degree Programme, or possible credits for the Tirocini Formativi Attivi (TFA) teaching training courses;
  • the following courses activated for the Bachelor's degree programme in Philosophy, International and Economic studies: LT9008 POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, LT9009 MORAL PHILOSOPHY, LT9010 SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICS, LT9012 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, LT9013 HISTORY OF ASIA, LT9014 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA, LT9018 MODERN SOCIOLOGY, LT9023 ECONOMICS OF LABOUR AND WELFARE, LT9027 LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 2.


Requests will be accepted based on the date in which they have been presented and until there are no places available on a course. Please remember that in order to take courses at Ca’ Foscari you must be enrolled in your home institution for the relevant academic year. 

You can enrol at Ca’ Foscari from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.


The procedure is completely online and requires the following steps:

  • Registration on the University website;
  • Submission of the enrolment request form;
  • Completion of the enrolment on behalf of the Enrolment Unit.

To compile your application form, you must:

  • Register on the University website: this consists of inserting all data for registry, residency and possible domicile. You should not carry out registration online if you are already enrolled at Ca’ Foscari.
  • Access the Personal Area of the website with your SPID account, and select, in the “Segreteria” section, the “Immatricolazione ai corsi ad accesso libero” function and then “Corso Singolo”. During the completion, you will be asked first to upload a photo (portfolio-sized, face-on, clear and legible) as a .jpg, then the following documentation:

    • A valid identification document (front and back);
    • Any other documentation (eg. Alumni enrolment card; clearance from Teaching Committee).

Enrollment questionnaire

During your competition of the application form, you will be required to fill in a specific questionnaire stating:

  • Reasons for enrolment;
  • Possible affiliation to exemption records for enrolment fee;
  • Details regarding the subjects to which you want to enrol in.


You must take the exams of the courses you have enrolled in, as outlined in the exam schedule, by the September 2025 exam session.

At the end of each session, Ca’ Foscari will inform the administration office of your home institution of the exams you have taken within the Study in Venice programme.

Last update: 21/03/2025