Erasmus+ study programme

The Erasmus+ Programme gives students the opportunity to participate in cultural experiences abroad, become acquainted with new higher education systems, improve their language skills and meet young people from other countries, contributing to the development of a more united Europe.
Thanks to the Erasmus+ Study Programme students can benefit from a study period abroad at a partner university located in one of the participating countries.
They will be able to attend university courses and use the host institution facilities without paying additional tuition fees, while receiving a grant from the European Commission. They will obtain full recognition for their study period abroad and the registration of the activities carried out in their academic career.
![]() | Erasmus+ Student Charter | 1.58 M |
Environment and climate action are priorities for the EU and the Erasmus+ Programme is a key instrument for the building of knowledge on sustainable developments both within the European Union and beyond.
To find out some suggestions about sustainable behaviour you can adopt during your mobility, please check the guide below, written in collaboration with the Sustainability Office
![]() | Eco-friendly habits | 1.15 M |
How to participate
We regret to inform you that the ranking list for the Erasmus+ for studies Call for Applications 2025/2026 will not be available today. We apologise for the inconvenience.
We will inform students by email once the results are online.
The 2025/2026 Erasmus+ Study programme call for applications is closed.
Calls for applications
![]() | 2025/2026 Erasmus+ for studies EU Call for Applications | 157 K |
![]() | Annex 1 - Grants | 93 K |
![]() | Annex 2 - Privacy Policy | 76 K |
![]() | How to Apply to the call | 0.92 M |
![]() | Info meeting E+ call for applications | 0.92 M |
Linguistic preparation
To ensure that you are properly prepared for your Erasmus+ study experience and make sure that you meet the partner university's language requirements, you can attend the Courses offered by the University Language Centre - CLA.
If the CLA courses are not suitable for you or if you are required to submit a specific linguistic certification, you can address an institution external to the University.
It is your responibility to verify which certifications are accepted by the host university. In case of doubt about the accepted documentation, please contact the Erasmus office of your host university.
If you just need a declaration issued by Ca' Foscari, you can send us proof of your language level via email to so that we can provide you with the requested document.
We remind you that you will need to provide proof of your language level within the terms established by the host university. The host university might reject your application in case you do not meet the entry requirements.
Students with special needs
Erasmus+ pays particular attention to students whose physical, mental or health-related conditions are such that their participation in the Programme would not be possible without extra financial support.
Students with physical, mental or health-related conditions can in fact benefit from the support services that the receiving institution offers to its enrolled students.
Moreover, if already benefiting from the monthly top-up for fewer opportunities, they may be able to apply to an additional European financial suppport for costs related to their special needs that cannot be covered by the top-up, in addition to the regular Erasmus+ grant.
All selected students will be informed about how to apply to the additional EU financial support over summer.
The complete list of available destinations for a.y. 2025/2026 can be found in the "2025/2026 Erasmus+ for studies EU list of destinations" file. There you can check all restrictions and specifics for each destination.
In the bottom down menu for each department you can find the institutional factseet provided by each partner univeristy. However, please make sure to check the "2025/2026 Erasmus+ for studies EU list of destinations" file before applying, as the information in the bottom down menus below is incomplete.
Please, read the guide to acronyms and abbreviations in the section "Destinations" as well to better understands all specifics.
NOTICE: in the file 2025/2026 Erasmus+ for studies EU list of destinations, the number of months in column J - months for the following destinations: D TUBINGE01-Trizio Emiliano-Social and behavioural science-DFBC and D TUBINGE01-Trizio Emiliano-Philosophy and ethics-DFBC is wrong, as the duration of the mobility is 5 months and not 10.
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Department of Economics
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
University [Erasmus Code] | Discipl. Area | Coordinator | Students/Months | Details |
Universiteit Antwerpen - Faculty of Sciences - Department of Chemistry [B ANTWERP01] | 0531 Chemistry | Aricò Fabio | 2 x 6 | details [PDF 6.42 Mb] |
Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences (UAS) [D BINGEN01] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Aricò Fabio | 1 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.14 Mb] |
University of Bergen [N BERGEN01] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Aricò Fabio | 2 x 5 LM | details [PDF 0.11 Mb] |
University of Iceland [IS REYKJAV01] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Aricò Fabio | 2x5 L e LM, non-EU solo 2° sem.. | details [PDF 0.15 Mb] |
Universität des Saarlandes - Department of Computer Science [D SAARBRU01] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Calzavara Stefano | 2 x 6, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.72 Mb] |
Universitat de Barcelona - CETT, School in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy [E BARCELO01] | 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure | Camatti Nicola | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.45 Mb] |
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès - ISTHIA [F TOULOUS02] | 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure | Camatti Nicola | 2 x 6 L | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
Université Savoie Mont Blanc - IAE school of Management, tourism, Hospitality and Events Management department [F CHAMBER01] | 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure | Camatti Nicola | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.11 Mb] |
Universitat Ramon Lull - IQS School of Management [E BARCELO16] | 1015 Travel Tourism Leisure | Camatti Nicola | 2 x 6 L | details [PDF 0.23 Mb] |
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - Tourism & Hotel Management (Campus di Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès) [E BARCELO02] | 1015 Travel, Tourism and Leisure | Camatti Nicola | 2 x 6 L | details [PDF 0.09 Mb] |
University of Barcelona - Faculty of Chemistry [E BARCELO01] | 0711 Chemical Engineering and Processes | Cavinato Cristina | 1 x 10 LM | details [PDF 0.52 Mb] |
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia [P LISBOA03] | 0222 History and archaeology - conservation and restoration | Izzo Francesca Caterina | 2 x 6 LM | details [PDF 1.27 Mb] |
Palacky University Olomouc - Department of Analytical Chemistry [CZ OLOMOUC01] | 0531 Chemistry | Izzo Francesca Caterina | 2 x 6 LM e PhD | details [PDF 0.26 Mb] |
Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) - Faculty of Informatics [A WIEN02] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Luccio Flaminia | 1x6L, 2x6LM,1x3PhD, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.45 Mb] |
Masarykova Univerzita - Faculty of Informatics [CZ BRNO05] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Luccio Flaminia | 2 x 6 LM e PhD | details [PDF 0.11 Mb] |
TURKU UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES- Faculty of Business, ICT and Chemical Engineering [SF TURKU05] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Raffaetà Alessandra | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Centria University of Applied Sciences [SF KOKKOLA05] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Raffaetà Alessandra | 1 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.17 Mb] |
Université Paris Cité - Faculté des Sciences - UFR d'informatique [F PARIS482] | 0611 Computer use | Raffaetà Alessandra | 1 x 6 L e LM | details [PDF 0.23 Mb] |
West University of Timișoara - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics [RO TIMISOA01] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Raffaetà Alessandra | 2 x 6 L | details [PDF 0.49 Mb] |
Technische Universität Braunschweig - Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences [D BRAUNSC01] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Rovere Alessio | 2 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 2.99 Mb] |
Department of Humanities
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
EUTOPIA General Agreements
University [Erasmus Code] | Discipl. Area | Coordinator | Students/Months | Details |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES [F CERGY P-11] | 0222 History and Archaeology | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - School of Economics and Business [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0311 Economics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.54 Mb] |
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0222 History and Archaeology | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 X 5 | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Business [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School [B BRUSSEL01] | 0311 Economics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Letters [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 3 x 5 | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - WE-Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences [B BRUSSEL01] | 0719 Bioengineering | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - WE-Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences [B BRUSSEL01] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Business and Economics [D DRESDEN02] | 0311 Economics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.95 Mb] |
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - School of Business, Economics and Law (Handels) [S GOTEBOR01] | 0311, 0410, 0412, 0413, 0414 0311 Economics, 0410 Business administration, 0412 Finance, banking and insurance, 0413 Management and Administration, 0414 Marketing and Advertising | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.48 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of social sciences [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0321, 0310, 0312 0321 Journalism and reporting, 0310 Social and Behavioural Sciences, 0312 Political Sciences and Civics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1x5 L e 1x5 LM | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - ES-Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School [B BRUSSEL01] | 0300 Social Sciences | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies [D DRESDEN02] | 0232 Literature and linguistics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem | details [PDF 0.97 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of History and Philosophy and Faculty of European Studies [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0312 Political Sciences and Civics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR Droit [F CERGY P-11] | 0421 Law | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] | 0531 Chemistry | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] | 0533 Physics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0531, 0512, 0711 0531 Chemistry, 0512 Biochemistry, 0711 Chemical Engineering and Processes | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1 x 5 | details [ 0.00 Mb] |
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Faculty of Computer Science [D DRESDEN02] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.97 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1x5 L e LM (Asian studies) | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR Economie et Gestion [F CERGY P-11] | 0311 Economics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Public administration [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0413 Management and Administration | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of History and Philosophy [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0223 Philosophy and Ethics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.30 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Letters [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1 x 5 L e PhD | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 (Slavic studies) | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 4 x 5 LM | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Biotechnical Faculty [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0511 Biology | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 LM e PhD | details [PDF 0.23 Mb] |
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Science and Technology [S GOTEBOR01] | 0610 Information and Communication Technologies ICTs | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.42 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LANGUES [F CERGY P-11] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR SCIENCES ET TECHINQUES [F CERGY P-11] | 0521 Environmental Sciences | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - PE-Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences [B BRUSSEL01] | 0111 Education Science | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - LW-Faculty of Languages and Humanities [B BRUSSEL01] | 0232 Literature and linguistics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [RO CLUJNAP01] | 0311 Economics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.24 Mb] |
Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden - Institute of Philosophy [D DRESDEN02] | 0223 Philosophy and Ethics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 X 5, L e LM, solo 1° sem | details [PDF 0.97 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - UFR LETTRES ET SCIENCES HUMAINES [F CERGY P-11] | 0220 Humanities | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
University of Gothenburg - Faculty of Humanities (Humfak) [S GOTEBOR01] | 0230, 0220 0230 Languages e 0220 Humanities | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.26 Mb] |
University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0230 Languages | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1x5 L e LM (Languages, English) | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Social Sciences [S GOTEBOR01] | 0310 Social and Behavioural Sciences | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.37 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0210 Arts | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 LM e PhD | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL - LW-Faculty of Languages and Humanities [B BRUSSEL01] | 0222 History and Archaeology | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 0.16 Mb] |
Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) - Institute of History [D DRESDEN02] | 0222 History and Archaeology | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem | details [PDF 0.97 Mb] |
GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET - Faculty of Science and Technology [S GOTEBOR01] | 0532, 0531, 0511, 0541 0532 earth science, 0531 chemistry, 0511 biology, 0541 mathematics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.25 Mb] |
UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI - Faculty of Arts [SI LJUBLJA01] | 0223 Philosophy and Ethics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 1 x 5 | details [PDF 0.22 Mb] |
CY Cergy Paris Université - IEP-SCIENCES PO SAINT-GERMAIN [F CERGY P-11] | 0312 Political Sciences and Civics | Accordo generale EUTOPIA | 2 x 5 | details [PDF 0.17 Mb] |
Venice School of Management
University [Erasmus Code] | Discipl. Area | Coordinator | Students/Months | Details |
Universidad Autonoma De Madrid - Faculty of Business [E MADRID04] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 4 x 5 L | details [PDF 1.02 Mb] |
ESIC University - Campus Madrid [E MADRID232] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 4 x 5 L | details [PDF 1.39 Mb] |
Universidad De Granada - Faculty of Economics and Business [E GRANADA01] | 0413 Management and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.65 Mb] |
Universitat de Valencia - Faculty of Economics [E VALENCI01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 4 x 5 L, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.41 Mb] |
Universidad De Zaragoza -Facultad de Economia y Empresa - Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas [E ZARAGOZ01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 8 x 5 L 4Fall/4Spring | details [PDF 0.19 Mb] |
Vilnius University - Faculty of Economics [LT VILNIUS01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 1.30 Mb] |
Arcada University of Applied Sciences - Department of Business Management and Analytics [SF HELSINK39] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2x5 L | details [PDF 0.35 Mb] |
Universidad De Malaga - Faculty of Economics and Business [E MALAGA01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 6 x 6 L | details [PDF 2.42 Mb] |
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Economia do Porto (FEP) [P PORTO02] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.62 Mb] |
ESIC Business & Marketing School - BA Campus Valencia/Barcelona; MA Campus Madrid [E MADRID114] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2x5 L e 2x5 LM | details [PDF 1.21 Mb] |
Universidade de Coimbra - Faculdade de Economia [P COIMBRA01] | 0413 Management and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 2 x 6 L e LM | details [PDF 0.08 Mb] |
Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Turismo - Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas [E ALCAL-H01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.19 Mb] |
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa School of Economics and Management [P LISBOA109] | 0410 Business and Administration | Cancellieri Giulia | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 9.65 Mb] |
Reykjavík University - Department of Business Administration [IS REYKJAV05] | 0410 Business and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 2 x 5 LM | details [PDF 0.10 Mb] |
University of Agder - School of Business and Law [N KRISTIA01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 4 x 5 L | details [PDF 1.21 Mb] |
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences [B BRUXEL04] | 0413 Management and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 5 x 5 LM | details [PDF 0.69 Mb] |
University of Lodz - Faculty of Management [PL LODZ01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 5 x 6 L | details [PDF 0.18 Mb] |
Athens University of Economics and Business [G ATHINE04] | 0410 Business and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 4 x 5 L | details [PDF 1.49 Mb] |
Boğaziçi University - Department of Management [TR ISTANBU01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Costantini Antonio | 2 x 5 L, 2 x 5 LM, 1 x 3 PhD | details [PDF 0.56 Mb] |
Universität Wien - Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics [A WIEN01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 3x6, L e LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.21 Mb] |
Université Savoie Mont Blanc - IAE Annecy [F CHAMBER01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 2 x 6 L e LM | details [PDF 0.11 Mb] |
University of Klagenfurt - Faculty of Management, Economics and Law [A KLAGENF01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 3 x 5 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.21 Mb] |
École Superieure De Commerce (EDC) De Paris [F COURBEV04] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.80 Mb] |
Université Bourgogne Europe - Institut Diderot [F DIJON01] | 0413 Management and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 6 x 6 LM | details [PDF 0.08 Mb] |
Université de Poitiers - Institut d’Administration des Entreprises [F POITIER01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 3 x 6 LM | details [PDF 2.06 Mb] |
EMYLON Business School [F LYON23] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 6x5 L, 6x5 LM | details [PDF 2.21 Mb] |
ESSEC Business School - Global BBA [F CERGY03] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 9 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.51 Mb] |
Université De Rennes 1 - Faculty of Economics [F RENNES01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Dal Mas Francesca | 3 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.78 Mb] |
Universität Regensburg - Faculty of Business, Economics, and Management Information Systems [D REGENSB01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Fava Valentina | 4 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.92 Mb] |
Trinity College Dublin - Trinity Business School [IRL DUBLIN01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4x5 L | details [PDF 0.74 Mb] |
Stockholms Universitet - Business School [S STOCKHO01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 8 x 5 | details [PDF 0.52 Mb] |
IAE Montpellier [F MONTPEL54] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 2 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.04 Mb] |
Universite Toulouse Capitole - Toulouse School of Management [F TOULOUS01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 6X5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.10 Mb] |
Groupe ESSCA [F ANGERS10] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 8x5 L,LM 4Fall/4Spring | details [PDF 0.61 Mb] |
Södertörns Högskola - Social Sciences [S HUDDING01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.31 Mb] |
Aarhus Universitet - Department of Management and Department of Economics and Business Economics [DK ARHUS01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4x5 L e LM, solo 2° sem | details [PDF 0.23 Mb] |
Syddansk Universitet - Faculty of Business and Social Science [DK ODENSE01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4x5 (PhD 3 mesi), solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.72 Mb] |
NEOMA Business School [F REIMS25] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 6x5 L, 6x5 LM | details [PDF 7.18 Mb] |
University of Stavanger - School of Business and Law [N STAVANG01] | 0420, 0410 0420 Law, 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4x5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.26 Mb] |
Université de Lorraine - IAE Metz [F NANCY43] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 5 X 5 | details [PDF 1.55 Mb] |
Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Business School [P LISBOA07] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 6 x 5 LM | details [PDF 1.93 Mb] |
Copenhagen Business School [DK KOBENHA05] | 0311, 0410 0311 Economics e 0410 Business and administration | Khan Ashraf | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.66 Mb] |
Audencia Business School [F NANTES12] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 10x6 L e LM | details [PDF 0.71 Mb] |
ESC Dijon Bourgogne - Burgundy School of Business [F DIJON11] | 0413 Management and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 2x5 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.53 Mb] |
ESC Dijon Bourgogne - Burgundy School of Business [F DIJON11] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4X5 | details [PDF 0.53 Mb] |
ESCI-UPF [E BARCELO258] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 2 x 6 L | details [PDF 5.70 Mb] |
Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) [D HAMBURG13] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 2 x 5 L , 1Fall/1Spring | details [PDF 0.36 Mb] |
LEUPHANA UNIVERSITAT LUNEBURG - School of Management & Technology (M&T) [D LUNEBUR01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 3 x 6 LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 1.39 Mb] |
De Vinci Higher Education group - EMLV Business School [F PARIS270] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 6x5 L, 6x5 LM | details [PDF 3.16 Mb] |
Kozminski University - College of Management [PL WARSZAW21] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.66 Mb] |
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management [D KOBLENZ03] | 0410 Business and Administration | Khan Ashraf | 4 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.58 Mb] |
Tecnische Hochschule Deggendorf - Deggendorf Institute Of Technology - Faculty of Applied Economics (School of Management) [D DEGGEND01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 2 x 5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 5.18 Mb] |
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg - School of Business, Economics and Society [D ERLANGE01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 4x5,L e LM solo 1° sem | details [PDF 0.28 Mb] |
Rzeszow University of Technology - Faculty of Management [PL RZESZOW01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 3 x 5 L e LM | details [PDF 0.51 Mb] |
Hochschule Heilbronn - Faculty of Business and Transport Management [D HEILBRO01] | 0410, 0413 0410 Business and Administration, 0413 Management and administration | Pinelli Michele | 3x5 L e LM, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.26 Mb] |
UVA -Universiteit Van Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business [NL AMSTERD01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 4x5 L e LM | details [PDF 2.23 Mb] |
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration [D BAMBERG01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 6x5, solo 1° sem | details [PDF 0.20 Mb] |
Linköpings Universitet - Faculty of Arts and Sciences [S LINKOPI01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 2 x 5 L | details [PDF 0.20 Mb] |
Munich Business School [D MUNCHEN12] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 2x4 L,LM, 1Fall/1Spring | details [PDF 1.55 Mb] |
Corvinus University of Budapest - Faculty of Economics [HU BUDAPES03] | 0311, 0413 0311 Economics e 0413 Management and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.32 Mb] |
Universität zu Köln - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences [D KOLN01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 3 x 5, solo 1° sem. | details [PDF 0.32 Mb] |
University of Groningen - Faculty of Economics and business [NL GRONING01] | 0410 Business and Administration | Pinelli Michele | 4 x 5 | details [PDF 0.15 Mb] |