Erasmus+ non-EU study programme (ICM) Outgoing students

The Key Action KA171 International Credit Mobility (ICM) of the Erasmus+ Programme promotes study mobility projects outside the EU, in line with the internationalisation strategy of the Higher Education Institutions involved.
Ca’ Foscari offers its students the mobility opportunities of International Credit Mobility (ICM), entirely funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Programme. This specific action of the Programme aims to promote the international mobility of students, teaching and technical-administrative staff to and from non-EU destinations through the funding of projects involving Ca' Foscari and its partner universities, which can be submitted annually.
Three different projects are currently active, both based on specific country-projects:
- the first one has a financial envelope of € 1,534,680.00, it covers the three-year period 2022-2025, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2025;
- the second one has a financial envelope of € 677,250.00, it covers the three-year period 2023-2026, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2026;
- the third one has a financial envelope of € 229,442.00, it covers the three-year period 2024-2027, and it will end mandatorily on 31/07/2027.
Partner universities
Outgoing Ca’ Foscari students will be able to carry out their mobility in the following partner universities:
- Project 2022-2025 (mobility during the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025): Armenia (Yerevan State University), Australia (University of Melbourne, Southern Cross University), Azerbaijan (ADA University, Azerbaijan University of Languages), Bosnia and Herzegovina (University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka), Georgia (Tbilisi State University), Japan (Waseda University), Morocco (International University of Rabat), Mongolia (National University of Mongolia), South-Africa (Stellenbosch University), South Korea (Kyungpook National University), USA (Boston University, California State University Long Beach);
- Project 2023-2026 (mobility during the academic years 2024/2025 and 2025/2026: Israel (University of Haifa, Ben Gurion University, Weizmann Institute of Science), Jordan (University of Jordan), Kosovo (University of Prishtina), Mexico (CIDETEQ), Mozambique (Eduardo Mondlane University), Palestine (An-Najah National University, Birzeit University), Qatar (Qatar University, Doha Institute of Graduate Studies), Singapore (Nanyang Technological University), Trinidad and Tobago (University of West Indies), USA (City College of New York, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Stony Brook University).
Project 2024-2027 (mobility during the academic years 2025/2026 and 2026/2027): Algeria (Algiers 2 University), Cape Verde (Cape Verde Public University), Kenya (University of Nairobi), Morocco (Abdelmalek Essaâdi University), Tanzania (State University of Zanzibar)
Number of places, eligible study cycles and study areas vary from country to country and will be specified within the call.
Objectives of the programme
- Promote excellence in Higher Education Institutions;
- strengthen transversal skills required by the labour market (spirit of initiative, digital and linguistic competencies);
- exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies;
- favour social inclusion;
- improve the quality of teaching and professional skills.
Higher education students in any study cycle (bachelor, master and doctoral levels) will have the opportunity to undertake a learning or training mobility period at universities in non-EU countries thanks to partnerships established by academic coordinators of single country projects. Mobilities can last from a minimum of 2 months up to a maximum of 12 months per study cycle, in compliance with the country-project criteria. All details are available in the call and in the annexes.
Duration of the Project
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects generally last 36 months. Mobility grants are awarded exclusively by means of a specific call for applications published on the Ca' Foscari website, with detailed indications of the participation requirements and application procedures.
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) scholarships are primarily aimed at obtaining ECTS academic credits abroad and are awarded for full-time activities (including the preparation of the final thesis or dissertation). Erasmus+ ICM allows students to live challenging cultural experiences in non-EU Countries, to access new Higher Education Systems, and to improve the knowledge of at least one non-European language. Moreover, it sets the ground to strengthen one’s academic profile and to exchange views with other nationals, while also participating actively in the internationalisation process of Higher Education Institutions involved. During the Erasmus+ mobility, which must be consecutive and without interruptions, it is not possible to take exams or carry out any other academic act (internship, graduation, etc.) at Ca’ Foscari.
Benefits and inclusion
Students have the opportunity to attend academic courses and to use the facilities of the receiving Higher Education Institution under the same conditions as students enrolled at the host University, without paying any fees in the host Institution and with the guarantee that all credits obtained abroad will be recognised. Furthermore, Erasmus+ ICM provides a scholarship of € 700,00 per month and a return travel ticket to the destination country. The amount of the Erasmus+ grant will be fully transferred, after the signing of the 'Grant Agreement', within 30 days from the beginning of the mobility. The host University will provide assistance with visa, health insurance and accommodation procedures. Ca’ Foscari's International Office-Projects Unit will be available for the entire duration of the mobility to provide any assistance that is required.
In addition, the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ Programme “seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions. Organisations and the participants with fewer opportunities themselves are at the heart of these objectives and with these in mind, the programme puts mechanisms and resources at their disposal”.
Under the framework of inclusion measures, the basic amount of €700 per month, which is guaranteed to all selected students, will be supplemented with an additional €250 per month for a limited number of students with fewer opportunities, identified through their Family Income level, certified through an ISEE form.
Calls and forms
The first Erasmus+ ICM Call 2024/2025 is now open
The 1st Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility call 2024/2025 for students' mobilities is open and it will be closed on February 21st 2025 at 1 o'clock p.m. (only for mobilities to Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (Qatar), the deadline will be February 5th 2025 at 1 o'clock p.m.)
How to apply
The call for participation in the Erasmus+ Programme ICM is published on a yearly basis (generally in early December). Mobilities will take place in the academic year following that of the publication of the call and must be completed by the end date of the respective project.
Who can participate
You can participate in the call for applications for the Erasmus+ ICM Programme if you are a Ca’ Foscari student (of any nationality) regularly enrolled in:
- a Bachelor's Degree Programme: there are no prerequisites for a minimum number of ECTS to participate in the call; you have to be enrolled in the same Programme at Ca’ Foscari University on departure and until the end of your mobility;
- a Master's Degree Programme: there are no prerequisites for a minimum number of ECTS to participate in the call; you have to be enrolled in the same Programme at Ca’ Foscari University on departure and until the end of your mobility;
- a PhD programme of Ca' Foscari University Venice or, if inter-university, with administrative seat at another Italian university; you have to be enrolled in the same Programme until the end of your mobility.
Every year in the call for applications we will indicate the available destinations, the expected levels of study, the study programmes associated with every destination, the duration of the mobility (which is rigid and not modifiable unless in case of well-justified exceptions) and the level of linguistic knowledge required by each host University.
You cannot apply if your level of study (to be considered at the time of application) and/or your study programme are not associated in the call with the destination you are interested in.
For all the duration of your Erasmus+ mobility period, you must not receive any other EU scholarship for a period of study abroad and you must be regularly enrolled in your Bachelor's/Master's/PhD degree programme.
For students who have already participated in the LLP/Erasmus and Erasmus+ programme
During your whole university career, from the Bachelor's to the PhD degree, you will be able to benefit from Erasmus+ more than once, you may participate in mobility periods totalling up to 12 months of mobility maximum per each cycle of study regardless of the number and type of mobility activities. To verify that you have not already reached or exceeded the 12 months, all the Erasmus+ Placement, Erasmus+ for Study, Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility or LLP Erasmus experiences will be considered.
With Erasmus+ ICM you will receive the scholarship for mobility even if you have already carried out an Erasmus+ Placement, Erasmus+ for study, Erasmus+ ICM or LLP Erasmus mobility.
How to apply
To apply for a study period abroad with the Erasmus+ Programme in non-EU countries (ICM):
- carefully read the call for applications and check that you meet the requirements listed in the call.
- there is no limit to the number of destinations you can choose from among those for which you are eligible. If you are applying for more than one destination, you will have to submit and enclose a file for each destination, including all the required documents.
- for further information, reach out to the Ca’ Foscari academic contact for each destination (you can find them indicated in the document attached to the announcement "Annex I - List of partner Universities");
- fill in the online form within the deadlines indicated in the call for applications, following the instructions.
When filling in the application, in order for it to be considered valid, remember to attach the PDF file containing all the documents listed in Article 6 of the call (Admission procedures).
Learning Agreement
You will have to prepare the Learning Agreement, which is the document that contains the plan of the activities you want to carry out abroad and the indications for their recognition at Ca' Foscari, already in the application phase of the mobility, and compulsorily attach it to your application.
To prepare it:
- search the host university's website for courses that may be compatible with your study plan; if a course list is not available, please contact the partner’s administrative contacts (indicated in Annex I of the call) or the Projects Unit;
- prepare a draft of the Learning Agreement. To do this, it is necessary to use the documents attached to the call (Learning Agreement for Study or Learning Agreement for Thesis Research);
- make an appointment with the Academic Coordinator in charge of approving your Learning Agreement, indicated in the document attached to the call "Annex I - List of partner universities" (Person in charge of signing the Learning agreement) to complete the form and to obtain their signature.
The signed Learning Agreement is one of the documents that must be attached in PDF format to the application for it to be considered valid.
Selection list and acceptance
All selected and not selected candidates will be contacted through e-mail by the Projects Unit. The selection lists, drawn up by the country-projects academic coordinators and by the International Office – Projects Unit will be published in the online personal area (section International Mobility – Rankings).
- if you are selected for a destination, you will be contacted by e-mail by the Projects Unit and you will be asked to confirm your acceptance or your refusal promptly;
- if your name appears in the reserve list, you do not need to accept. The International Office will get in touch with you directly if a spot becomes available. Check your account frequently as the acceptance deadlines for reserve positions may be very tight.
Students with special needs
The Erasmus+ Programme devotes particular attention to mobile students whose physical, psychological or, more generally, health conditions are such that they cannot participate in the programme without additional funding. This is intended to help cover the additional costs incurred for aspects such as support, reception and accessibility to the premises, as well as pedagogical and technical support services. This is to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy all that is part of the mobility experience.
Therefore, students with physical, psychological or, more generally, health conditions can benefit from the support services provided by the host institution for their students.
Among the actions to support the mobility of people with special needs, there is the possibility of requesting an additional EU contribution to support expenses related to the aforementioned needs. For information about it, you can contact
Language preparation
To ensure that you are properly prepared for your Erasmus+ study experience and make sure that you meet the partner university’s language requirements, Ca' Foscari offers the opportunity to choose from the following options at the University Language Centre (CLA):
- English, French, Spanish, German and other language courses [ITA]
These courses are offered at nearly all CEFR levels (A1 to C1). At the end of the course, you will receive a diploma certifying attendance and proficiency level reached. - Preparatory courses for IELTS certification [ITA]
Ca’ Foscari can prepare you for the international IELTS exam if requested by your host university. - English Language certificates [ITA] If your receiving university requires it, you can obtain a document certifying the level of your language skills.
- Placement test [ITA]
Students wishing to self-assess their language skills can test their proficiency level once every six months by taking a free placement test. Just register at
It will be your responsibility to verify which certifications are accepted by the host university, based on the information provided in the E+ ICM Mobility Call. Remember that you must meet the language requirements set by the host university at the time of application or at the latest by the deadline set by the partner University for the registration on their website.
Procedures for outgoing Erasmus+ ICM students
The procedures described below relate to outgoing Erasmus+ ICM students (study mobility or thesis research) who have already been officially selected as beneficiaries of an Erasmus+ ICM exchange.
The Erasmus+ Programme is constantly updated by the European Commission and the Erasmus+ INDIRE National Agency. For this reason, the procedures and documentation may vary. We invite you to regularly check your institutional account ( and this web page.
After acceptance
Mobility period and calculation of scholarship
Remember that:
- the duration of your mobility is defined in the call and is rigid, unless minor adjustments due to specific needs of the student or the host University, which must be duly justified and approved by the Projects Unit;
- mobility will have to take place in the academic year following the publication of the call (therefore for the call published during the academic year 23-24, mobility may take place in the first or second semester of the academic year 24-25);
- the mobility must be completed continuously and without interruptions (during the mobility period, you will not be able to take exams or to carry out any other official academic act at Ca' Foscari);
- mobility may only be reduced or interrupted for force majeure reasons that must be duly justified and documented;
- the Mobility period may be extended; to know how to do it, see the section "Before the Return".
E+ ICM grant monthly amount and calculation
The E+ ICM Programme provides a 700 € monthly scholarship and covers travel expenses up to the maximum amount established by the European Commission.
Fractions of one month (single days) will be proportionally paid and the amount will be calculated using a special software. Only the days of mobility actually carried out will be paid. These days will be attested by the Confirmation of Arrival and Departure, according to the rules outlined in the call for applications.
In addition, the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ Programme “seeks to promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion, diversity and fairness across all its actions. Organisations and the participants with fewer opportunities themselves are at the heart of these objectives and with these in mind, the programme puts mechanisms and resources at their disposal”.
Under the framework of inclusion measures, the basic amount of €700 per month, which is guaranteed to all selected students, will be supplemented with an addition of €250 per month for a limited number of students with fewer opportunities, identified through their Family Income level, certified through an ISEE form.
The travel expenses are paid in accordance with the maximum amounts established by the Erasmus+ Programme. Please note that for some destinations that can be reached using low-emissions means of transport, such as bus, train or car-pooling, an additional contribution is provided, as indicated in the call.
The travel ticket can be purchased directly by UNIVE through an affiliated travel agency or purchased by the student and reimbursed later by UNIVE upon presentation of supporting documents. Withdrawal from the mobility subsequent to the purchase of the ticket and prior to departure, and not due to documentable force majeure, will result in reimbursement by the student of the costs already incurred by UNIVE.
Contacts at Ca' Foscari
The International Office - Projects Unit will be your reference at Ca' Foscari for all the organisational and administrative aspects of your Erasmus+ ICM experience. Regarding the educational issues related to the content of the courses you attend and the methods of recognition of the same, you can directly contact the academic coordinator of the country-project or the professor in charge of approving your Learning Agreement, both indicated in the document attached to the call "Annex I - List of partner Universities "(Erasmus+ contacts at Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Academic Coordinator and Person in charge of signing the Learning agreement).
Contacts at the host university
The International Office of the host university is the main contact for issues related to your mobility (academic calendar, course programme, accommodation, ...). Find the contacts in the document attached to the call "Annex I - List of partner Universities" (Erasmus+ contacts at host University - Academic Coordinator and Administrative Coordinator).
Your contacts
From the moment of your acceptance, all communications from the Ca' Foscari International Office will be sent to your institutional account ( We therefore invite you to check it regularly.
Documents to prepare for the host university (application)
Check the procedure and deadlines for Incoming students on the website of the host university. It will be your responsibility to submit what is required for the application within the deadlines indicated by the host university, which may not accept you if the documents arrive late. Before proceeding with the application, you will have to wait until you receive your official letter of nomination or a definitive confirmation from the Projects Unit.
If you need clarification or assistance with the preparation of the paperwork, contact the International Office - Projects Unit (
Learning Agreement
Only if your application has been accepted and you have accepted the mobility, the Projects Unit will send the Learning Agreement that you have already submitted for Ca’ Foscari’s call for applications to the Academic coordinator of the host university (indicated in the document attached to the announcement "Annex I - List of partner Universities" - Erasmus+ contacts at host University - Academic Coordinator) to obtain their counter-signature on the document. It is possible that the host university decides to countersign the Learning Agreement only once the mobility has started, or that it points out errors, for example in the choice of courses, and then it asks you to fill in a new Learning Agreement from scratch. In any case, the Projects Unit is available for the necessary support and coordination.
Travel documents
Identity card or passport
Make sure that your passport is valid for the entire period of mobility (including the residual validity - 6 months rule if applicable) and promptly retrieve information about the requirements of the country of destination to obtain a study visa: to get it, please refer to the Embassy or Consulate in Italy of the country of destination in due time. The receiving institution can assist you with the issuance of letters of acceptance or invitation for the visa application.
Standard of safety at destination
Before embarking on your mobility, register on the website and inquire about the general security status of your destination, as well as all other aspects of that country listed on the site.
Health insurance coverageEach beneficiary must have adequate insurance coverage. Any cost for insurance coverage is borne by the beneficiary. The host university can offer support in this regard.
After Leaving
During your stay at the host university:
- send us the necessary documents only by e-mail to;
- regularly check the institutional email ( as all communications from us will be sent to that email account;
- only Ca’ Foscari-headed paper documents should be used. You can download them from this page;
- if you encounter any difficulties, notify us promptly.
Confirmation of Arrival
At the beginning of your mobility, when you go to the host university for the first time, fill in and submit the Confirmation of Arrival form with the help of their International Office and send it promptly to Keep the original copy, which you must also sign and have signed before your return. Please note that, without this form, we will not be able to give you your scholarship.
Changes to the Learning Agreement
In case you want to modify the Learning Agreement, you can do it through the Changes to the Learning Agreement form (downloadable from this page). The form must be signed by both professors in charge (at the host university and at Ca’ Foscari) and sent by e-mail to
You have 30 days from the beginning of the semester courses to make any changes. Remember that no further changes will be accepted after your return, except in duly justified cases.
The Changes to the Learning Agreement form must only include the changes related to the courses indicated in the original Learning Agreement, both those to be taken abroad and those to be recognised. The courses that remain unchanged should not be reported in the variation form.
Before departure
Request for extension
To be able to extend your mobility period, at least one month before the scheduled return date, you will need to:
- contact to check the possibility of extension, which depends on the availability of additional Erasmus+ funds;
- fill in the Changes to the Learning Agreement form in which you will need to add the activities you intend to follow during the extension period. In the case of research-only mobility, you will have to complete a new Learning Agreement for Research in which you will detail the new activities to be carried out;
- have the form signed by all academic coordinators in charge and send it by e-mail to
Confirmation of Departure
At the end of your Erasmus+ mobility period, a few days before your departure, fill in and have the confirmation of departure form filled in by the person in charge of your host university, then send it to You do not need to hand in the original copy to the Projects Unit on your return. Remember that without this form and the confirmation of arrival, the mobility cannot be recognised, and upon return, you will be asked to pay back the E+ scholarship in full as received at the beginning of the mobility.
Transcript of Records
At the end of the Erasmus period, some universities issue the Transcript of Records (certificate of the exams taken) directly to the student. If not, ask this certificate to be sent directly to the International Office by email ( or by post (Ca' Foscari University of Venice - International Office / Projects Unit - Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 Venezia - Italy). Please note that you will be responsible for ensuring that the Transcript of Records is sent to Ca' Foscari. Generally, the Transcript is sent to Ca' Foscari about a month after the end of the mobility. If you have special requirements, e.g. regarding imminent deadlines for your degree, you can request a provisional certificate from the host university or send the Projects Unit a screenshot of your reserved area with your exam details. Such exceptional cases should be discussed in advance with the Projects Unit.
On your return from your mobility period
Closure of the mobility period
At the end of your Erasmus+ ICM mobility period, you will not need to arrange an appointment with the Projects Unit to hand in your original mobility documents. However, please ensure that you have sent legible copies of the signed Confirmations of Arrival and Departure, the Transcript of Records if already provided by the host university and the Learning Agreement Change forms.
Recognition of exams
As soon as we receive the Transcript of Records we will contact you to inform you of the credit recognition procedure and to send you the specific form. Please wait for our directions; do not contact your Department or Academic Contact and do not fill out the credit recognition form yourself.
As soon as we receive the credit recognition form from the academic coordinator who signed your Learning Agreement, we will forward it to the Student Administration Unit so that the exams are recorded in your online booklet. Any needs related to specific deadlines, as well as the need to change your study plan due to imminent graduation, should be reported to the Projects Unit in due time.
We remind you that partial exam recognition (ex. 6 cfu out of 12) cannot be made.
Buddy programs and student associations
Buddy programmes are a useful support and an excellent opportunity for both linguistic and intercultural exchange for all international and Italian students. When you return, you can continue living your university experience in an international atmosphere, participating in the Ca' Foscari Buddy programme or in the student associations active in our University. You can also use your experience to apply for one of the 200 hours collaboration opportunities offered by Ca' Foscari within the International Office. For more information, you can consult the section of the website dedicated to Buddy Programmes and student associations and collaborations.
Last update: 21/03/2025