Characteristics and assessment of the final exam

Final exam

The final exam requires you to prepare a short paper (length will depend on the number of credits earned) in agreement with a professor (supervisor) who may eventually be flanked by another professor (advisor) – appointed by the teaching coordination body – during the final stage of assessment and according to the procedures laid down for the study programme concerned.

Depending on the specific subject area concerned, the final paper may also consist of a written report of the results of an experimental research project eventually carried out with the support of internship/traineeship activities.

You will be presented with your graduation diploma on Graduation Day.

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Calculation of degree grade

The degree grade is calculated by adding the grade of the final exam and eventual bonuses to the weighted average marks calculated in hundred-and-tenths. Supervisors may allocate 0 to 6 points during the assessment of the final paper. The attribution of an eventual bonus is calculated automatically according to the rules laid out in the attached table.

The award of honours to the final grade is at the discretion of the supervisor.

Graduation and Graduation Day

You will obtain your degree when your supervisor, after evaluating your final thesis, registers your final exam. The time span during which your supervisor can register your final grades is the deadline called “registration of final exam”. As soon as your supervisor registers your final exam, you will receive an automatic email through your Cà Foscari address with your graduation mark.  Starting from that moment, you have obtained your degree (you are a graduate).

Graduation day is an event that has no relevance as far as obtaining the degree is concerned (graduation); it is a way to celebrate, a ceremony during which they give you your original diploma.

Thesis presentations for Master’s degree students will be held in person.

The Decree-Law No. 105 of August 10, 2023 has repealed the ban on mobility from one's home or abode for people subjected to solitary confinement because they tested positive for Covid-19. Therefore, there is no form of remediation of profit and graduation exams for students who tested positive for Covid-19.


For information and assistance, please contact the Campus office which is indicated on the website of your degree program > Presentation > Contacts.

Final exam

When drawing up their thesis students will require an in-depth knowledge of the methods used in their disciplinary area eventually supported by IT tools and methodologies. The final product must be original, and based on exhaustive documentation and scientific research.

The thesis defence takes place before a committee made up of university professors and experts who will jointly assess the quality of the thesis and propose a final grade.

You will be presented with your graduation diploma  when you defend your thesis (second-cycle and master’s degree programmes, and degree programmes established under the old university system);

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Calculation of degree grade

The degree grade is calculated by adding the grade of the final exam and eventual bonuses to the weighted average calculated in hundred-and-tenths . The committee may attribute from 1 to 8 points for its assessment of your final thesis. The attribution of an eventual bonus is calculated automatically according to the rules laid out in the attached table.

The award of honours to the final grade is at the discretion of the supervisor.

Last update: 21/10/2024