- Position
- Researcher
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Impianti chimici [ICHI-02/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/marco.gottardo (personal record)
Researcher in Chemical Plants (RTD-A, SSD: ING-IND/25) at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, "Ca’ Foscari" University of Venice since 2022.
- MSc Degree in Environmental Sciences, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, conferred on 01/03/2012. Grade: 110/110 cum laude.
- Master in Chemical Engineering for Wastewater Treatment and Renewable Energy at the University of Verona.
- PhD School in Environmental Science, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. SSD: ING-IND/25. Thesis title:” Study through multivariate analysis of innovative approaches in anaerobic treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste” (12/02/2016).
- From 2015 to 2020: Research Fellow (Post – Doc), Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
National and International projects:
- Project PNRR - iNEST “Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem” (Spoke 8).
- Project LIFEGOAST (LIFE16 ENV/IT/000416).
- Project SARR (Advanced Systems for Waste Recovery) (POR FESR VENETO 2014 - 2020).
- Project Res Urbis “RESources from Urban BIo-waSte” (Horizon 2020).
- Project "Intesa per la depurazione Efficiente (IDEE)". Research project funded under the Convention between the Experimental Station for the Leather and Tanning Industry (SSIP) and the Ca' Foscari Foundation.
- Project "Studio dell’attuale sistema di raccolta, trasporto e trattamento dei reflui del settore conciario e delle potenzialità di un eventuale sistema di raccolta differenziata dei reflui per una più corretta depurazione delle acque e gestione dei fanghi". Research project funded under the Convention between the Experimental Station for the Leather and Tanning Industry (SSIP) and Fondazione Ca’ Foscari.
- Project INAIL BRIC 2015 "Innovative bioprocesses for the valorization of organic waste through integrated production of biogas/biohydromethane and biodegradable polymers: process development and related health and safety aspects".
- PRIN Project (Research Projects of National Interest) WISE (Waste into Innovative Sustainable Endproducts).
- Project BIOFITO (Treatment of zootechnical wastewater with integrated technological systems to reduce the load of nutrients) funded by the Veneto Region.
- Project LIFE (LIFE10 ENV/GR/000610) “Development and implementation of a demonstration system on integrated solid waste management for Tinos in line with the waste framework directive (ISWM -TINOS)”.
- Project “Valorisation of food waste to biogas (VALORGAS)” Call: FP7-Energy-2009-1.
Scientific Production:
- 37 Publications in International Journals.
- 24 Participation in several National and International Conferences.
- 4 Book Chapters.
- 2 International Patents:
- Title: “Anaerobic Digestion with a Dynamic Recirculation of Digestate” Priority N° IT 102018000008006. International Publication N° WO2020031094A1. Inventors: Gottardo, M.; Pavan P.; Cavinato, C.; Bolzonella, D.; Micolucci, F; Majone, M. e Valentino.
- Title: “Method for the production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from solid content organic waste” Priority N° IT 102018000003322. International Publication N° WO2019/171316A1. Inventors: Majone, M.; Valentino, F.; Bolzonella, D.; Micolucci, F.; Pavan, P. e Gottardo, M.
The current h-index is 18 (source Scopus). Total number of citations is 1084 (source Scopus).
National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, ASN) for the Academic Discipline (Settore Concorsuale, SC, 09/D3) for Associate Professor obtained in 2023.
- From February 2022 to February 2023: Scientific Consultant for the Medio Chiampo S.p.a., manager of the Integrated Water Service of the municipalities of Montebello Vicentino, Zermeghedo and Gambellara for scientific activities related to the topic of PFAS compounds treatment and refractory organic substances treatment on wastewater.
- From March 2020 to December 2021: Vice Technical Area Director, for the Medio Chiampo S.p.a., manager of the Integrated Water Service of the municipalities of Montebello Vicentino, Zermeghedo and Gambellara, at the WWTP of Montebello Vicentino.
- From October 2017 to December 2021: Scientific Director for the Medio Chiampo S.p.a., manager of the Integrated Water Service of the municipalities of Montebello Vicentino, Zermeghedo and Gambellara and Manager for scientific activities related to the topic of PFAS compounds treatment and refractory organic substances treatment on wastewater, waste and leachates.
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