Associate Professor
041 234 9451
Scientific sector (SSD)
Slavistica [SLAV-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Where: Ca' Bernardo
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage

Iliyana Krapova studied Classical languages and English at Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" and got her PhD in General and Comparative linguistics at the University of Plovdiv “Paisij Hilendarski” in 1996.

Academic career

Since 2005 she is an Associate Professor at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari where she teaches Slavic linguistics and Balkan linguistics for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Bulgarian (as a third language). Previously, she has worked at the University Plovdiv where she taught courses in Linguistics, Ancient Greek and Latin.

Teaching and research activities

In addition to undergraduate and graduate courses at Ca’ Foscari, Iliyana Krapova has taught courses in the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (1995), University of Edinburgh (1997), University of Olomouc (1997), Charles University of Prague (1999), University of Trieste (2002-2004), University of Koper (2007), Bucharest University (2009), Institute for Bulgarian Language (2011), Indiana University (2012), University of Nova Gorica (2022), University of Plovdiv (2023). She has been a Fulbright research scholar at the Linguistics Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA (1994-1995); Research Fellow at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh (1997); visiting scholar at the Department of Linguistics, University of Connecticut (2002), and visiting professor at the Linguistics Department at Ottawa University (2015).

Iliyana Krapova's scientific interests include Slavic linguistics, Balkan linguistics, and in particular the comparative syntax of (South) Slavic and Balkan languages, Bulgarian linguistics, and Bulgarian dialectology, and in most recent times, the complex relationships between grammatical structures, areal distribution and contact influences that define South Slavic and the Balkans as linguisic areas. She has held talks in more than 20 universities and institutions.

Scientific boards of journals, and societies

She is a member of AIS (Associazione degli Slavisti Italiani), AISSEE (Associazione italiana studi sul sud-est europeo), the Commission for Balkan linguistics of the Internatiof onal Commission of Slavists (since 2011). She is also a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Studi Slavistici", the official journal of the Italian Association of Slavists, member of the International Scientific Board of the journals "Bălgarski ezik", “Slavyanski dialozi”, and ,,Ezik, interpretacii, koncepcii” edited by Plovdiv University “Paisij Hilendarski”. At present, she is director of the journal "Balcania et Slavia. Linguistic and studies" published by Edizioni Ca' Foscari.