- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6027
masterim@unive.it - MASTER SULL'IMMIGRAZIONE
- Fax
- 041 524 6793
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Sociologia generale [GSPS-05/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/fabio.perocco (personal record)
- Office
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Activities and research skills
General information
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Sociologia generale [GSPS-05/A]
- Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (SSD) affine
- Geographic areas in which the research experience mainly applies
- Internazionale: Europa
- Known languages
(scritto: base parlato: base)
- Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals/book series
membro dell’editorial board della collana “Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship” (Palgrave-Macmillan) diretta da Olga Jubany e Saskia Sassen.
Membro dell'editorial board della Collana “Politiche Migratorie”, editore Franco Angeli (peer review).
Membro dell'editorial board della Revue "Travail, Emploi, Formation" (peer review).
Membro dell'editorial board della Revue "Hijra".
Membro dell'editorial board della Collana "Sapere l'Europa, Sapere d'Europa", Edizioni Ca' Foscari (peer review).
Membro dell'editorial board della Collana "Culture del lavoro", Edizioni Ca' Foscari (peer review).
Co-direttore Collana "Società e trasformazioni sociali", Edizioni Ca' Foscari (peer review).
- Main departmental research areas and fields
Filosofia e Scienze Sociali Linea:
Area: Storia e Antropologia Linea: Antropologia
Research skills
- Disuguaglianze, trasformazioni del lavoro, migrazioni, razzismo, multiculturalismo, salute, ricerca sociale
- Description:
- Social inequalities, social change, labour, migrations, multiculturalism, racism, health, social research
- Keywords:
- Sociology, Social sciences
Completed and pending researches
- Atteggiamenti e comportamenti degli immigrati nei confronti delle sostanze stupefacenti
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Citispyce. Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Other members of the research group:
- Con3Post - Posting of Third Country Nationals in the Construction Sector
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Craw. Challenging Racism at Work
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- EXIT: Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Counteract Territorial Inequalities from an Intersectional Approach
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Other members of the research group:
- European responses to forced labour
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Facilitating Corporate Social Responsibility in the field of Trafficking of Humans Beings
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Hiv in carcere
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Il disagio psichico a Venezia
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Il ricongiungimento familiare in provincia di Venezia
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Inclusione ed escusione delle donne immigrate in Alto-Adige
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Info-Pow. Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale degli immigrati albanesi in Italia
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale degli immigrati maghrebini in Italia
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- L'inserimento lavorativo degli immigrati in Provincia di Venezia
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- La condizione degli anziani nei comuni di Cavallino-Treporti, Marcon, Quarto d'Altino.
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Linkage. Labour Market Integration through Social Dialogue
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- MORE - Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Other members of the research group:
- MiDi Work - Migrant Digital Work
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Other members of the research group:
- POW-BRIDGE – Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the Posting of Worker
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Other members of the research group:
- Poosh. Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers: Depicting the existing and future challenges in assuring decent working conditions and wellbeing of workers in hazardous sectors
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Pow-Bridge. Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the Posting of Workers
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Precstude. Precarious work amongst students in Europe
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Prin 2009 - Le condizioni del riconoscimento: ricongiungimento familiare, genere, diritti stratificati
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- RITU - Racism and trade unions
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- TEAM. Trade Unions, Economic Change and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- The impact of the Racial Equality Directive on trade unions and employers
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- UWT Undocumented workers transitions - Sixth Framework Program
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- “
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- “Cosa ne sai?“ La conoscenza dell’HIV/AIDS tra i giovani 14/18 anni
- “Internstage. Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity?”
- SSD:
- SPS/07
- Athena. Inclusione ed escusione delle donne immigrate in Alto-Adige
- Funding body:
- Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, FSE
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per attività di didattica/formazione
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2005 Length in months: 12
- Atteggiamenti e comportamenti degli immigrati nei confronti delle sostanze stupefacenti
- Funding body:
- Comune di Padova, Regione Veneto
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2001 Length in months: 36
- Citispyce. Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe
- Funding body:
- UE -
- Type:
- VII Programma Quadro - Cooperation
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2013 Length in months: 36
- Other members of the research group:
- Con3Post - Posting of Third Country Nationals in the Construction Sector
- Funding body:
- CE - DG Employment
- Type:
- Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2019 Length in months: 24
- Craw. Challenging Racism at Work
- Funding body:
- EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2012 Length in months: 12
- Cura e tutela dell'infanzia - Azione 1
- Funding body:
- Istituto provinciale per l'infanzia La Pietà di Venezia
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2012 Length in months: 12
- Cura e tutela dell'infanzia - Azione 2
- Funding body:
- Istituto provinciale per l'infanzia La Pietà di Venezia
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2014 Length in months: 12
- Cura e tutela dell'infanzia - Azione 3
- Funding body:
- Istituto provinciale per l'infanzia La Pietà di Venezia
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2015 Length in months: 12
- Cura e tutela dell'infanzia - Azione 4
- Funding body:
- Istituto provinciale per l'infanzia La Pietà di Venezia
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2015 Length in months: 12
- EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach
- Funding body:
- UE
- Type:
- H2020 - Societal Challenges
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- https://www.exit-project.eu/
- Starting date:
- Year: 2022 Length in months: 36
- European responses to forced labour
- Funding body:
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- NS
- Starting date:
- Year: 2011 Length in months: 12
- Facilitating Corporate Social Responsibility in the field of Trafficking of Human Beings
- Funding body:
- UE - CE Home Affairs, ISEC Program
- Type:
- ISEC - Prevention of and Fight against Crime
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2012 Length in months: 24
- Hiv in carcere
- Funding body:
- Viiv
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2016 Length in months: 12
- Il disagio psichico a Venezia
- Funding body:
- Ulss 12 veneziana
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2007 Length in months: 24
- Il ricongiungimento familiare in provincia di Venezia
- Funding body:
- Prefettura di Venezia, Fondazione di Venezia
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2009 Length in months: 24
- Info-Pow. Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers
- Funding body:
- EC DG Employment
- Type:
- Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- https://www.euro.centre.org/projects/detail/4442
- Starting date:
- Year: 2022 Length in months: 24
- Inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale degli immigrati albanesi in Italia
- Funding body:
- Organizzazione Internazionale delle Migrazioni - sede di Roma
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2001 Length in months: 12
- Inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale degli immigrati maghrebini in Italia
- Funding body:
- Organizzazione Internazionale delle Migrazioni - sede di Roma
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2003 Length in months: 12
- Internstage. Internships, work placements, volunteering: stages on the road to decent work or to insecurity?”, EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities;
- Funding body:
- EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities;
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2014 Length in months: 16
- L'inserimento lavorativo degli immigrati in Provincia di Venezia
- Funding body:
- Provincia di Venezia - Assessorato al lavoro e formazione
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2006 Length in months: 12
- La condizione degli anziani nei comuni di Cavallino-Treporti, Marcon, Quarto d'Altino.
- Funding body:
- Regione Veneto, Ulss 12, Comune di Cavallino-Treporti
- Type:
- Conto terzi - Prestazioni di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2007 Length in months: 12
- Le condizioni del riconoscimento: ricongiungimento familiare, genere, diritti stratificati (Prin 2009)
- Funding body:
- Type:
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2011 Length in months: 24
- Linkage. Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Groups through Social Dialogue
- Funding body:
- EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2013 Length in months: 12
- MORE - Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives
- Funding body:
- EC
- Type:
- H2020 - Societal Challenges
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- https://www.moreproject-horizon.eu/
- Starting date:
- Year: 2024 Length in months: 36
- Other members of the research group:
Francesca CIMINO
- MiDi Work - Migrant Digital Work
- Funding body:
- Type:
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2022 Length in months: 36
- Other members of the research group:
- Poosh. Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers: Depicting the existing and future challenges in assuring decent working conditions and wellbeing of workers in hazardous sectors,
- Funding body:
- EC DG Employment
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2017 Length in months: 24
- Pow-Bridge. Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the Posting of Workers
- Funding body:
- EC DG Employment
- Type:
- Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EASI) - Progress
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 2021 Length in months: 24
- Precstude. Precarious work amongst students in Europe
- Funding body:
- EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Starting date:
- Year: 1 Length in months: 12
- RAXEN - Employment Report
- Funding body:
- Foundamental Rights Agency (Wien)
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- SB
- Starting date:
- Year: 2004 Length in months: 48
- RITU - Racism and trade unions (Fifth Framewrok Program)
- Funding body:
- CE - DG Research
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- www.workingagainstracism.org/
- Starting date:
- Year: 2002 Length in months: 36
- TEAM - Trade Unions, Economic Change and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers
- Funding body:
- EC Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Type:
- Programmi DG - Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- www.ub.edu/TEAM
- Starting date:
- Year: 2011 Length in months: 18
- The impact of the Racial Equality Directive on trade unions and employers
- Funding body:
- London Metropolitan University, Fundamental Rights Agency Vienna
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- SB
- Sito di progetto:
- http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/research/background_cr/cr_racial_equality_en.htm
- Starting date:
- Year: 2009 Length in months: 12
- UWT Undocumented workers transitions - Sixth Framework Program
- Funding body:
- CE - DG Research
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- PT
- Sito di progetto:
- www.undocumentedmigrants.ue
- Starting date:
- Year: 2007 Length in months: 24
- “Cosa ne sai?“ La conoscenza dell’HIV/AIDS tra i giovani 14/18 anni
- Funding body:
- Ministero della Sanità
- Type:
- Altri finanziamenti di ricerca
- Role in the project:
- LD
- Starting date:
- Year: 2012 Length in months: 24