Full Professor
Coordinator of the Venice inter-university Centre for initial teacher training
Department's Delegate for Teacher Training
President of the Humanities Area Library Board (BAUM)
041 234 9839
Scientific sector (SSD)
Paleografia [HIST-04/D]
www.unive.it/people/flaviadr (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Inter-University Centre for Early Medieval History and Archaeology (SAAME)
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

She graduated in Literature at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome in 1987. In 1996 she began teaching Medieval Epigraphy and Latin Palaeography at the Universities of Rome (Roma Tre), Naples (Suor Orsola Benincasa), Padua, Siena (Arezzo campus) and Venice (Ca' Foscari). In 2003 she was appointed associate professor in Paleography and in 2005 she joined the Ca' Foscari University of Venice where she teaches Latin Paleography and Medieval Epigraphy as associate professor and, since 2017, as full professor.

Institutional activities
Academic positions and organisational activities
Academic appointments and positions
- Senator since 2020 in the Academic Senate of Ca' Foscari;
- University coordinator for TFA in the humanities and linguistics area 2011-2012;
- University Coordinator for TFA and PAS, humanistic, linguistic and pedagogical area, a.y. 2012-13;
- University Coordinator for PAS 2013-2014, linguistic, humanistic, pedagogical and scientific area.
- Delegate of the University with rector's decree for TFA, PAS, PF24CFU linguistic, humanistic, scientific and common areas from 2014 to 2020;
- Coordinator of the inter-university Master's Degree Course in History and Management of Archival and Bibliographic Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities - University of Padua, Department of History, Geography and Anthropology, from 2008-09 to 2020;
- Member of the Teaching Committee, Ca' Foscari University, Department of Humanities, Teaching Committee from 2011 to 2020;
- Member of the Doctoral College in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies, University of Padua - Ca' Foscari University, Venice, to date;
- Deputy Director of the Department of Humanities from 2017 to 2020;
- Head of CeDoDi of the Department of Humanities from 2008 to 2020.

Participation in research evaluation and training activities
- Referee ERC2018 advanced
- CEV 2018 participation in CEV training courses
- Referee for PRIN 2013 and SIR 2014 projects
- Evaluation of VQR 2011-2014 research products

Participation in scientific committees of journals
- Member of the Comité internacional científico del Corpus Inscriptionum Hispaniae Mediaevalium (ES);
- Member of the Scientific Committee of TELMA, Traitement électronique des manuscrits et des archives, IRHT - Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des textes (FR);
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Nuovi Annali della Suola Speciale per archivisti e Bibliotecari " (rev. Class A, area 11/A4) La Sapienza University - Rome;
- Director (with Dorit Raines, DSU) of the series Edizioni Ca' Foscari, "Studi di archivistica, biblioteconomia, paleografia", University Ca' Foscari.

External activities and assignments
- President of the doctoral commission of Élodie Lévêque "Les reliures romanes de la bibliothèque de Clairvaux. Étude archéologique et biocodicologique", Université Paris Nanterre, 27 mai 2020;
- President of the Ph.D. final examination committee - comm. 59-2018 Ph.D. HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDIES - HISTORICAL STUDIES Curriculum (Cycle/s XXXII), Dr. Desi Marangon (2020);
- President of the RTDB selection board, SSD M-STO/09, Università Roma Tre, a. 2019;
- Member of the PO selection board, SSD M-STO/09, University of Cremona, in 2020;
- Member of the selection board PA, SSD M-STO/09, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, in 2020;
- Supervisor for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme :
Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky, PhD
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Research Project "MARIA-Marian Apocryphal Representations In Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France".


Lines of research
a) Epigraphic writing in the Romanesque period. This topic deals with the study of epigraphic writing in the Romanesque period in Italy during the 11th-12th centuries. The aim of the research was to identify the origins of the various stylisations of Gothic epigraphy in Italy, seen through the study of the graphic forms of Romanesque capital, and to identify areas where the coexistence of Romanesque writing with Gothic writing prevented the full development of Gothic writing.
b) Epigraphic writing in the Lombard age. The study of Longobard epigraphic writing has been developed in areas where the coexistence of morphologically defined and evolving writing systems is well documented. This research allowed to examine the northern Italian epigraphic production in territories of Longobard and Carolingian writing influence. It was thus possible to identify some common lines in the epigraphic production, with particular reference to the Veneto and Upper Adriatic area, lines that make this territory different and apparently also distant, graphically speaking, from the production of Ravenna or fully Lombard.
c) Early medieval epigraphic lapidary workshops. Starting from the studies of epigraphic writing in the Lombard age in northern Italy, and more particularly in the northern Adriatic area, it was possible to identify some graphic markers of possible epigraphic lapidary workshops. This theme will be developed during the next research, with particular reference to some graphic stylisations that do not seem to be the result of random choices by lapidary workshops, but rather the conscious use of well-selected forms. The topic is of particular importance since studies on epigraphic production, at present, have not focused on the role of lapidary workshops in the graphic transformations that affected writing in the upper centuries of the Middle Ages, and could also allow the recognition of epigraphic lapidary workshops active in the Upper Adriatic area.
d) Book writing and epigraphic writing in the Middle Ages. The research allowed us to focus on the close relations between epigraphic and book production over the centuries, and in particular on their mutual influences. The theme of the relations between book manuscripts and epigraphic production, only recently focused on in the literature of the sector, has contributed not only to the identification of writing forms common to the two contexts, but also the identification of cultural flows not always observed. These relations have been clarified in particular in the production of Italo-Southern Italian books during the high centuries of the Middle Ages, and then with particular reference to the production of Gothic script throughout Italy.
e) Graffiti in the early Middle Ages. The study of early medieval graffiti allows a different approach to the theme of literacy in the early Middle Ages, with reference to non-professional writers. Particular attention will be paid to autograph subscriptions in comparison with northern Italian graffiti. The aim of this line of research is to attempt a reconstruction of the early medieval graphic landscape not related to professional writers. The focus of the research is the site of Santa Maria in Stelle and the relations with the contemporary northern Italian book writing.
f) Graffiti from the Romanesque age to the 21st century. The research programme is linked to the graffiti present in the city of Venice and its lagoon, starting from the 11th century. This theme is linked to the project Tourist in Venice across the Centuries, branch of the Time Machine, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, now VeLA Venice Open Book. The project, started during 2019, examines the graffiti left over the centuries by occasional writers in the entire city of Venice and the larger islands, and aims to produce a website, based on a database from which to extrapolate transcriptions, graphic reconstructions, search possibilities by themes, by names, by chronologies, by types of writing, QGIS.


National and international projects:

- Coordinator and scientific head of section f, Inschriften project Wittgenstein Projekt 2005-2009, III. Texte und Identitäten. Quellenstudien zur Identitätsbildung, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna.

- Member of the main unit PRIN 2012, Venice, Poetic Memory and Poetry of Memory. Lexical and thematic recurrences in epigraphic versification and in the literary system.

- Member of the research group Time Machine H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020, EU commission, H2020 - Excellence Science - FET.

- Member of the research group Venice Time Machine, Funding Ateneo Ca' Foscari, 2019-2021.

Participation in invited and published conferences and seminars:
1. Giornata di Studi sul tema Il francescanesimo in Abruzzo: aspetti storici e artistici, Convento dei Francescani in Castelvecchio Subequo (AQ), 8 ottobre 1988.
2. Convegno nazionale di studi Cosimo Fanzago e il marmo commesso fra Abruzzo e Campania nell'età barocca, Pescocostanzo e Sulmona (AQ), 25-27 ottobre 1992.
3. Convegno San Vincenzo al Volturno nel Molise, un'Abbazia di tredici secoli in una Regione di trent'anni. Convegno di studio sulla città monastica, Castel San Vincenzo e Rocchetta a Volturno (Isernia), 8 e 9 ottobre 1994.
4. Seminario dell'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici “Le città monastiche medievali in Europa: il caso di San Vincenzo al Volturno” , Pescocostanzo (AQ), 23-27 agosto 1995.
5. Seminario della European Science Foundation, Isernia - San Vincenzo al Volturno - Montecassino dal 28 giugno al 3 luglio 1997.
6. Seminario internazionale sul tema “Il San Salvatore di Brescia, nuove interpretazioni”, Brescia, 9-10 novembre 1997.
7. Convegno Internazionale “Paolo Diacono. Uno scrittore fra tradizione longobarda e rinnovamento carolingio”, Cividale del Friuli-Udine, 6-9 maggio 1999.
8. II Euroconference “Poetry in early Medieval Europe. Manuscripts, language and music of the Latin Rhytmical Texts”, Ravello, 9-12 settembre 1999.
9. VIII Colloquio Internazionale sul tema “Carolingian Europe”, International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages Motovun and Museum of Croatian Archeological Monuments, Pore – Split, 23 - 27 maggio 2001.
10. Convegno Internazionale “Die Langobarden. Herreschaft und Identitat. Internationales Symposion, Wien, 2-4 Novembre 2001.
11. Convegno Culto e arte in Santa Giulia, Brescia, 9 novembre 2001.
12. Convegno Internazionale “Salvarsi l’anima, perpetuare la famiglia. Les transfers patrimoniaux en Europe occidentale, IV (VIIIe-Xe siècle)”, Padova 3-5 ottobre 2002.
13. Convegno Internazionale di Studi “Paolino di Aquileia e il contributo italiano all’Europa carolingio”, , Cividale del Friuli-Premariacco, 10-13 ottobre 2002.
14. XVI Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo “I Longobardi dei Ducati di Spoleto e Benevento”, Spoleto 20-23 ottobre 2002-Benevento 24-27 ottobre 2002.
15. VII Convegno di Studi Storici sull’Italia Benedettina “Il monachesimo italiano dall’età longobarda all’età ottoniana (secc. VIII-X)”, Abbazia di Nonantola, 9-13 settembre 2003.
16. Colloque international “La vengeance. 400-1200”, Roma, 18-20 settembre 2003.
17. Convegno internazionale “Les élites au haut moyen age. Crises et renouvellements”, Roma 6-8 maggio 2004.
18. Convegno Internazionale “Ineguali opportunità. La rappresentazione dell’agire femminile nell’alto medioevo europeo come strumento di valutazione politica (secoli VI-X)”, Padova 18-19 febbraio 2005.
19. 12th International Colloquium of the IRC for late Antiquity and Middle Ages, sul tema “The Town in the Middle Ages”, Motovun, Croazia, 26-29 maggio 2005.
20. XII Seminario sul Tardo Antico e l’Alto Medioevo “Archeologia delle strutture sociali nell’Italia altomedievale (V-IX secolo), Padova, 29 settembre-1 ottobre 2005.
21. Seminario Internazionale “774. Ipotesi su una transizione”, Poggibonsi (Siena), 16-18 febbraio 2006.
22. II Coloquio Internacional de Epigrafía Medieval, 11-19 Septiembre 2006, León 11-19 settembre 2006.
23. Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana Paleografi e Diplomatisti “Le Alpi porta dell’Europa. Scritture, uomini, idee da Giustiniano al Barbarossa”, Cividale del Friuli, 5-7 ottobre 2006.
24. Convegno Internazionale “La culture du Haut Moyen Age, une question d’elite”, 6-8 settembre 2007, Cambridge, Trinity College.
25. Troisième Congrès international d’épigraphie médiévale “Épigraphie médiévale et culture manuscrite.”, Poitiers 2-4 settembre 2009.
26. Convegno “Fama e publica vox nel Medioevo”, Ascoli Piceno, dicembre 2009.
27. Convegno internazionale “Strategies of Identification: Early Medieval Perspectives”, Vienna 8-10 dicembre 2010.
28. Colloque international, Agôn. Performance et compétition (Ve-XIIe siècle), Francfort sur le Main, 16-18 giugno 2011.
29. Congrès XXXIIe journées internationales d’archéologie mérovingienne “Autour du règne de Clovis. La mort des grands dans l’Europe du premier Moyen Âge. Histoire et archéologie”, 3-5 novembre 2011.
30. Kolloquium “Wandel und Konstanz in Churraetien. Politische und kulturelle Veränderungen zwischen Bodensee und Lombardei zur Zeit Karls des Grossen”, Muestair 13-16 giugno 2012.
31. Convegno Internazionale “Der päpstliche Hof und sein Umfeld in epigraphischen Zeugnissen (700 – 1700)/ La corte papale e il suo ambiente nelle testimonianze epigrafiche (700-1700)”, Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom / Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, in cooperazione con l'Epigraphisches Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum des Historischen Seminars dell'Università di Monaco e il Historisches Seminar dell'Università di Zurigo, Roma, 5-7 luglio 2012.
32. Convegno Internazionale “Charlemagne:les temps, les espaces, les hommes. Construction et déconstruction d'un règne”, presso l'Institut historique allemand à Paris, Paris, 26-28 mars 2014.
33. Giornata di Studio "Scrittura epigrafica e scrittura libraria: fra Oriente e Occidente", Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, 9 aprile 2014.
34. Convegno Internazionale, in collaborazione con D. Raines, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, e Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Digital Humanities Lab e Collège des Humanités, “Digital Palaeography. Projects, Prospects, Potentialities. An International Workshop, April 10-11” - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
35. International Medieval Congress 2014, Univ.of Leeds(UK), Session 213, 2014, July 07, Medieval Epigraphy, I, “Emperor's and King's Death-Epigraphic Approaches” .
36. Giornata di studi risorse digitali e strumenti collaborativi per le Scienze dell'Antichità, DSU, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2-3 dicembre 2015.
37. Convegno Internazionale "Le conseguenze della conservazione", Mantova, Teatro del Bibiena, 20-21 marzo 2015.
38. Convegno “Tutela, conservazione e restauro. quale futuro per il patrimonio librario e archivistico”, Venezia 6 maggio 2015, Venezia, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Università Ca' Foscari.
39. Convegno Internazionale “Italy and its rulers in the Ninth Century: Was there a Carolingian Italy?”, Institut für Mittelalterforschung Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 25-26 aprile 2016.
40. Convegno internazionale “Inschriftenkulturen im kommunalen Italien: Traditionen, Brüche, Neuanfänge. Culture epigrafiche nell'Italia comunale: Tradizioni, rotture, riprese”, Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, Roma 19-20 maggio 2016.
41. Convegno Internazionale 20th Annual International Scientific Symposium of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages Univ.of Zagreb, Zara, 02-07 giugno 2016.
42. Convegno Internazionale “Epigrafia tra Sud e Nord: Influssi, paralleli e diversità nelle iscrizioni del tardo medioevo, Epigraphik zwischen Süd und Nord: Einflüsse, Parallelen und Unterschiede spätmittelalterlicher Inschriften”, Venezia 28-29 novembre 2016, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venezia.
43. Convegno Internazionale “Documentum-monumentum, "L'epigrafe come monumento", Università di Siena, Siena 23-24 novembre 2017.
44. Seminario "Il restauro dei manoscritti: storia, esperienze, il contributo della chimica" , Venezia il 29 e 30 settembre 2017.
45. Giornata di studi "Torcello e l'Orizzonte lagunare, tra Storia, Archeologia e Memoria, Centro Studi Torcellani, San Servolo (VE), 20.10.2021
46. Seminario Internazionale DSU, La mascolinità nell'alto medioevo: tradizione e innovazione, 450-1050, 7-9 novembre 2019, Venezia
47. Convegno internazionale 12e Table ronde européenne du monachisme luxovien, Écriture et production manuscrite luxoviennes, Abbaye Saint-Colomban, Luxeuil-les-Bains, 2 ottobre 2021.
48. Convegno Internazionale “Metamorphosen und Kontinuitäten von Inschriftlichkeit – Päpstliche Epigraphik zwischen Spätantike und Renaissance”, Convegno internazionale Inschriftlichkeit zwischen Früh- und Spätmittelalter. Das Beispiel Rom Pratiche epigrafiche fra alto e basso medioevo. Il caso di Roma. Epigraphic Habit between Early and Late Middle Ages. The Case of Rome, Heidelberg 2-3 dicembre 2021.

organisational activities
organisation of national and international conferences:

- She is a member of the scientific committee, and co-organizer of the "European Summer School in Epigraphy - Poitiers (ESSEP) Erasmus Intensive Programme", AA. 2009-10, 2010-11. She is responsible for and organiser of the 2012-13 A.A. session on the medieval history of the graphic and epigraphic tradition for the same ESSEP programme, University of Poitiers, August 2013.

- In collaboration with the Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità dell’Università di Padova of the University of Padua, Prof. Nicoletta Giovè, and the Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni culturali of the University Ca' Foscari-Venice, Prof. Stefano Riccioni, she is organising the conference "Epigraphia medievale: scritture, spazi e committenti. International meeting" on 21-22 March 2013.

- Organisation of the International Conference, in collaboration with D. Raines (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University Ca' Foscari Venice) and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Digital Humanities Lab and Collège des Humanités, entitled: Digital Palaeography. Projects, Prospects, Potentialities. An International Workshop, April 10-11, 2014.

- Organization at the International Medieval Congress 2014, University of Leeds (UK), Session 213, July 07, 2014, Medieval Epigraphy, I: Emperor's and King's Death-Epigraphic Approaches.

- Organization of the International Conference "Le conseguenze della conservazione", Mantova, Teatro del Bibiena, 20-21 March 2015.

- Organisation of and participation in the conference "Tutela, conservazione e restauro. Quale futuro per il patrimonio librario e archivistico", Venice, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice 06 May 2015.

- Together with the German Centre for Venetian Studies, and participation in the International Conference Epigraphy between South and North: Influences, parallels and diversities in late medieval inscriptions, Epigraphik zwischen Süd und Nord: Einflüsse, Parallelen und Unterschiede spätmittelalterlicher Inschriften, Venice 28-29 November, Department of Humanities, Sala Cozzi - German Centre for Venetian Studies, Venice 2016.

- Organization of the seminar "Il restauro dei manoscritti: storia, esperienze, il contributo della chimica" Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Venice 29-30 September 2017.

- Organization of the conference ISMI - International Standard Manuscript Number
Pour l'identification et l'interopérabilité des manuscrits: Troisième rencontre internationale, Venice, Ca' Foscari University, 15-16 November 2018, in collaboration with IRHT-CNRS, Paris, with Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, at the Department of Humanistic Studies.

- Member of the Comité Scientifique du Colloque international sur Rome au Xe siècle, organised by the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and the École Française de Rome, Rome 30 March - 4 April 2020
(conference postponed due to Covid 2019 health emergency).

- Member of the scientific committee of the international Salve Regina Conference, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow Research Project programme "MARIA-Marian Apocryphal Representations in Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France", DSU, Venice 22-24 April 2020. (conference held 29 September 2020, for Covid Health Emergency 2019).


referee for "Hortus Artium Medievalium"; journal Università Orientale - Naples, "L'Orientale", AION-Linguistics; journal "Segno e Testo".


Further scientific activity:

- Coordinated and curated the section "written culture: documents, manuscripts and epigraphs" for the exhibition "Il Futuro dei Longobardi" held in Santa Giulia in Brescia on 18 June - 19 November 2000.
- He conceived, designed and coordinated the cycle of international seminars "Monasteries in the High Middle Ages": I International Seminar of studies "Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: comparing archaeology and history", Venice 18-19 May 2001; II International Seminar of studies "Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Le scritture dai monasteri", Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Rome 9-10 May 2002; III International Seminar of Studies "I monasteri nell'alto medioevo: Topografia e strutture degli insediamento monastici dall'età carolingia all'età della riforma", Castel San Vincenzo (IS) 23-26 September 2004.
- He curated the 'written culture' section of the exhibition 'Ezzelini. Signori della Marca nel cuore dell'Impero di Federico II", Bassano del Grappa, Palazzo Bonaguro, 16 September 2001-6 January 2002.
- In collaboration with the Department of History of the University of Padua, he organised the seminar "Verba volant scripta manent. Fonti scritte del Medioevo: progetti, metodi e prospettive di ricerca" (Venice, 4-5 May 2009).
- He participated as a collaborator in the international project "Les élites dans le haut Moyen Age occidental (Ve-XIe siècle): formation, identité, reproduction, directed by Régine Le Jan, University of Paris 1, concluded in 2010.
- She coordinated and edited, for the Umbria Region, SAAAB, the epigraphic section of the Pinacoteca Comunale di Bettona (Perugia) with catalogue.
- She coordinated and edited the medieval epigraphic section for the Civici Musei di Brescia, with catalogue.
- She edited the medieval epigraphic section of the National Roman Museum "Crypta Balbi" in Rome, on behalf of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome, with catalogue.
- She is the scientific head of the epigraphic section of the archaeological excavation mission of San Vincenzo al Volturno (IS).
- She was a member of the scientific committee, and co-organizer of the "European Summer School in Epigraphy - Poitiers (ESSEP) Erasmus Intensive Programme", AA. 2009-10, 2010-11. She is responsible for and organiser of the 2012-13 A.A. session on the medieval history of the graphic and epigraphic tradition for the same ESSEP programme, University of Poitiers, August 2013.
- In collaboration with the Department of Historical, Geographical and Ancient Sciences of the University of Padua, Prof. Nicoletta Giovè, and the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of the University Ca' Foscari-Venice, Dr. Stefano Riccioni, she organised the conference "Medieval Epigraphy: writings, spaces and patrons. International meeting" on 21-22 March 2013.