Barbara DE POLI

Associate Professor
041 234 8823
Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia e istituzioni dell'Africa [GSPS-04/C]
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Where: Ca' Cappello

Barbara De Poli Jesuit Fathers, Maronites, Muslim ʿUlamāʾ, and Islamists: The Role of Religious Institutions and Organisations in the Spread of the Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Myth in the Middle East , Religious Dimensions of Conspiracy Theories. Comparing and Connecting Old and New Trends, New York, Routledge, pp. 218-235 (ISBN 978-0-367-63770-5)
DOI 2022, Book Article - ARCA card: 10278/5004351

Barbara De Poli Il Marocco. Dalle conquiste arabe a Muhammad VI , Roma, Istituto per l'Oriente, pp. 1-192 (ISBN 8897622771)
2021, Scientific monograph or treatise - ARCA card: 10278/3748051

Barbara De Poli Massoneria e Oriente. Esoterismi a confronto tra storia e mito , Roma, WriteUp, pp. 1-159 (ISBN 979-12-80353-52-8)
2021, Scientific monograph or treatise - ARCA card: 10278/3740173

Barbara De Poli Italians, freemasons and the Dawn of Egyptian nationalism in THE JOURNAL OF NORTH AFRICAN STUDIES, vol. 1, pp. 1-29 (ISSN 1743-9345)
DOI - URL correlato 2021, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/3740172

Barbara De Poli La Massoneria in Egitto. I miti, gli immaginari, la storia , Milano, Jouvance, pp. 1-306 (ISBN 9788878016200)
2018, Scientific monograph or treatise - ARCA card: 10278/3702667