Docente onorario
Scientific sector (SSD)
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Born in Perugia, 5.1.1948
Graduated in Philosophy in the University of Perugia (1971).
Assistant Professor in the University of Padua (1974-1981).
Associate Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy in the Universities of Calabria (1976-79), Siena (1979-81), Venezia (1981-1999).
Full Professor of History of Philosophy, Universita' Ca Foscari Venezia (1999-2001)
Full Professor of History of Ancient Philosophy, Universita' Ca Foscari Venezia (2001 - 2018).
Director of Philosophical studies curriculum in the Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2006-2009).
Coordinator of Doctoral studies in Philosophy in the Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2009-2015).
Director of Doctoral School of Humanities, Universita' Ca Foscari di Venezia (2010-2011).
Member of the Board of the Ca' Foscari Graduate School (2011-2012).

Coordinator of the Sub-Comitee for the evaluation of italian research on Philosophy (2015-2016)

Member of the Monitoring comittee of the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (2017-)

Corréspondant du Collège International de Philosophie (Paris, 1979- ).
Visting Scholar 1995, Clare Hall (Cambridge).
Faculty Fellow 2005, Institute for Advances Studies (Edinburgh).
Visiting Fellow 2010, All Souls College (Oxford).

Cattedra "Topicos" (2018), Universidad Panamericana (Città del Messico).

Editor, with G. Seel e L. Gerson of the collection "International Studies in Aristotle" (Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin), and, with others, of the collections "Studi di Storia della Filosofia Antica" (Roma), "Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition" (London). Member of the Editorial boards of the following journals: "Logos" (Salamanca), "Métexis" (Buenos Aires), "Rhizomata" (Berlin), "Rhizai" (Sofia), "Journal of ancient philosophy" (Sao Paulo, Brasile), "Acta Philosophica" (Roma). 

Member of the permanent comitee organising the Symposia Aristotelica (from 2014) (
Member of the permanent comitee organising the Aristotelian Conferences in Delphi (1995-2016).
President of the Società Italiana di Storia della Filosofia Antica (SISFA) (2012-2015).

Research project of national interest directed (Prin):

1994 Aristotele e i suoi commentatori (12 mesi)

1995 Aristotele e la tradizione del commento (12 mesi)

1996 Etica e responsabilità nella tradizione aristotelica (12 mesi)

1997 Aristotele e la tradizione del commento (24 mesi)

2000 Aristotelismo e antiaristotelismo nel mondo antico (24 mesi)

2002 Dottrine causali e determinismo nella tradizione aristotelica e nel dibattito con le scuole rivali (24 mesi)

2003 Desiderio, ragione, volontà e debolezza del volere nel pensiero antico e in quello contemporaneo (24 mesi)

2007 Aristotele, scienza e metodo (24 mesi)

2009 La scienza pratica in Aristotele (24 mesi)

2012 L'universalità e i suoi limiti: meccanismi di inclusione ed esclusione nella storia della filosofia e nei dibattiti filosofici (36 mesi)

His research focuses mainly on Aristotle: ethics, metaphysics, rhetoric. He studied the history and organisation of ancient philosophical schools, Xenophon, the ancient debate on causality and determinism. Now is working on the relationship between Aristotle's analytics and his ethical treatises. He has translated and commented Xenophon's Oeconomica (Venezia 1988, II ed. Roma 2003), Alexander of Aphrodisias' On destiny (Milano 1996, II ed. Sankt Augustin 2009), Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Roma-Bari 1999 many reprints). Has published a book on Aristotle's theology (L'Aquila 1974), another on his conception of practical wisdom (Napoli 1989, II ed. New York 2001), a third one on Aristotle's life and the organisation of his school (Bologna 1991, II ed. Princeton 2013), another on Aristotle's theory of action (Louvain-la-Neuve 2004), a general presentation of Aristotle's philosophy (Rome 2014), and lastly a book on the method of the Nicomachean Ethics (Rome 2017). He has also published the proceedings of a Symposium Aristotelicum on Nicomachean Ethics VII (Oxford 2009).