Giancarlo CORO'
- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Member of the Steering Committee of the "Observatory of International Relations and Politics (OPRI)"
Department's Delegate for Job Placement
- Telephone
- 041 234 6676 / 041 234 9189
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Economia applicata [ECON-04/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/corog (personal record)
- Office
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
Giancarlo Corò is Full Professor of Applied Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The main research topics concern the implications of the knowledge economy in the models of development and international trade, the study of Economic Complexity on a territorial basis, and innovation policies.
Teaching assignments:
- Development Economics and International Trade (Degree in International Trade Economics)
- Economics of Innovation and Development (Master Degree in Global Development and Entrepreneurship)
- Economics of Globalization (Degree in Philosophy, International Studies & Economics)
- Industrial Cluster Economics (Master Degree in Global Development & Entrepreneurship)
Other assignments:
- Scientific Director of Executive Program Export-Import Manager, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School
- Scientific Director of Active Learning Lab Export Manager, Ca’ Foscari University
- Scientific Committee, Master in Sustainable Local Development Manager, University of Padua
- Scientific Committee, Observatory of International Politics, Ca' Foscary University
- Scientific Committee, l'industria - Review of Industrial Economics and Policy
- Steering Committee CMET05 - Applied Industrial Economics Group
Visiting Scholar:
- Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA (1988)
- Programa de Pòs-Graduaçào Desenvolvimento Regional, Universidade de Santa Cruz Do Sul, Brazil (2012)
- Centre on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA (2014)
- Trinity Business School, Trinity College, Dublin (2023)
Main Past Positions:
- Professor of Regional Political Economy at University of Urbino (1996-2002)
- Professor of Regional Economics at University of Trento (2002-2003)
- Professor of Urban Economics at Venice University Institute of Architecture (1998-2000)
- Director of Institute for Economic and Social Research – Venice (1993-2000)
- Member of the Steering committee of Veneto Region Competitiveness Forum (2003-2009)
- Member of the National Treasury Secretariat board for a reform of Industrial Districts policies (2005-2006)
- President of Regional Water Authority Bacchiglione (2008-2011)
- Director Master in Economics and Languages of Eastern Europe and Eurasia (2012-2017)
- Scientific Committee, Italian Trade Agency, Rome (2016-2019)
- Director of the School of Economics, Languages, Entrepreneurship, Ca’ Foscari University (2014-2020)
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