Domenico SARTORE
- Position
- Professor Emeritus
- Telephone
- 041 234 9186
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Website
www.unive.it/people/sartore (personal record)
- Office
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Curriculum vitae of Domenico SARTORE
(update: 10/05/2023)
Personal Information
Department of Economics
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
San Giobbe, 873
30121 Venice (Italy)
Telephone: +39 041 234 9186 Department of Economics
+39 349 060 3656 GRETA Associati, Venezia
Web page : http://www.unive.it/data/persone/5591742
Nationality: Italian
Sex: Male
1965-1969: Graduation (Laurea) in Business Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Thesis: “ Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series (in Italian)”, supervisor: Alighiero Naddeo, discussant: Franco Giannessi, March 1970
1975-1976: Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics
Current and Past Positions
November 2018 - present: Emeritus Professor of Econometrics, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice
November 1989 - September 2017: Full Professor of Econometrics, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice
November 1986 - October 1989: Full Professor of Econometrics, University of Padova
November 1983 - October 1986: Associate Professor of Econometrics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
November 1979 - October 1983: Lecturer of Econometrics, University of Milan (Statale)
November 1974 - October 1979: Assistant Professor of Statistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
November 1970 - October 1974: Researcher in Statistic Analysis of Time Series, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Teaching Activities
2004 - present: Course of Econometrics, Professional Post-graduate Master: International Master in Economics and Finance (IMEF)
1973 – 2021: Several basic, intermediate and advanced courses of Econometrics for undergraduate, MSC and PhD students
Supervisor of several undergraduate, MSC and PhD thesis
2004 – present: Course of Econometrics, Professional Post-graduate Master: International Master in Economics and Finance (IMEF)
1997 -2003: Course of Econometrics and Quantitative Methods for Finance, Executive Master Programme in Economics and Finance at International University of Venice (VIU, San Servolo, Venice)
1988: UCLA (fall quarter): Introductory course in Statistics
1975 Isabella Procidano
1981 Carlo Carraro
1987 Giulio Codognato
1988 Anna Alberini
1992 Monica Billio
1994 Paolo Chiades
1995 Michele Trova
1998 Massimiliano Caporin
1998 Roberto Casarin
1998 Andrea Giacomelli
1999 Francesca Volo
Languages: Venetian (mother tongue), Italian, English, French
Computer skills: Econometric software (Eviews, Python), LaTex, Word, Excel
Driving license B
1988: Visiting Professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
1986: Visiting fellow at the CORE, Louvain, Belgium
1980: Visiting fellow at the University of Warwick (UK)
Research Grants
1974-75: “Gaspare Campagna” Research Grant for two years research fellowship at the London School of Economics, supported by the Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia
Editorial Activity
2012 - present: Member of the Advisory Board of Annals of Financial Economics
2014 – 2017: Co-editor of EURONA (EUROSTAT Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators)
2005-2010: Member of Editorial Board of:
- The European Journal of Finance (EJF)
- International Review of Economics and Business (RISEC)
- Rivista di Politica Economica
Academic Administrative Duties
2015 – 2019: Member of the Assessment Committee (Nucleo di Valutazione) of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2013-2015: Member of the Quality Committee (Presidio di Qualità) of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2008-2017: Director of the International Master in Economics and Finance (IMEF), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2007-2012: Director of the Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria (CIdE), Administrative Headquarters: University of Bologna
2006-2017: Coordinator of the International Center for Economics and Finance (ICEF), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2006-2008: Vice-Director of the International Master in Economics and Finance (IMEF), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
2003 – 2017: Coordinator of the Erasmus Committee of the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
1999-2002: Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
1995-2008: Member of Scientific Committee of the Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria (CIdE), Administrative Headquarters: University of Bologna
1994-1997: Chairman of Department of Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
1990-1993: Dean of Faculty of Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
1990 – present: Member of the steering committee of the Centro Interuniversitario di Econometria (CIdE), Administrative Headquarters: University of Bologna
1982– 1986: Member of the Board of Directors of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Rector: Feliciano Benvenuti (until 1983:10) and Giovanni Castellani (from 1983:11))
Non-Academic Administrative Duties
1990 – present: Co-founder and President of GRETA Associati, a research non-profit organisation in Venice
2009-2010: President of the Società Italiana di Econometria (SIdE), Administrative Headquarters in Bologna
2010 – 2017: Member of the Technical Investment Committee, Fondazione di Venezia
2010-2011: Past president of the Società Italiana di Econometria (SIdE), Administrative Headquarters in Bologna
2009-2012: Member of the steering committee of the Società Italiana di Econometria (SIdE), Administrative Headquarters in Bologna
Coordination of Research Projects
2019 - 2021: Scientific coordinator for GRETA Associati of the research “Prospective Analysis of the SME Sector in the Western Balkans” (TA2018190 RO EDI), European Investment Bank (EIB).
2017 - 2021: Responsible for GRETA Associati of the framework agreement "Unified Wealth Management Platform (Uwmp)" with Objectway S.p.A, Milan.
2011 - 2013: Coordination for GRETA Associati of the research "Impact Analysis of the Activity of the Ente Bilaterale Artigianato Veneto"
2009: Scientific Responsible for GRETA Associati of Eurostat Projects: “Use of Classification Techniques for Time Series”.
2005 – 2007: Scientific Responsible for GRETA Associati of EUROSTAT project: “Compilation, supervision, quality assessment and management process of longer time series for the euro-zone PEEIs”.
2006: Scientific Responsible for GRETA Associati of EUROSTAT project: “Common estimation guidelines for PEEIs”.
2006: Scientific Responsible for GRETA Associati of EUROSTAT Project: “Common guidelines for back-recalculation of PEEIs”
2004 – 06: Scientific Director and National Coordinator of the various university operating units for the project MIUR: "Econometric models for the analysis of financial integration and economic Enlarged European Union"
2002 – 04: Scientific Director and National Coordinator of the various university operating units for the project MIUR: "Econometric models for the analysis of financial markets: the process of integration in the Euro Area"
2000 – 2003: Scientific Coordinator for GRETA Associati of the EUROSTAT Project: “Information and Communication Technologies for the Community Statistical System, Research and Development, Methods and Data Analysis, Statistical Indicators for Euro-Zone Business Cycle Analysis”. In particular, direct analysis was performed on:
Methodology for back-recaculation, Methodology for flash estimates
1995 – 1997: Scientific Director for GRETA Associati (Venice, Italy.) and Co-ordinator TACIS ACE Programme- DGII (Contract n. T94-1026-R) titled: Financial Optimisation in the New Independent States Financial Institutions. Partners: Imperial College (London), University of Kiev (Ukraine), University of Kazan (Russia)
1993 – 1995: Scientific Director for GRETA Associati (Venice, Italy.) and Co-ordinator of the HCM Programme - DG XII - (Contract n. CHRXCT930238) titled: A Comparison of Econometric Techniques for Inference Based on Financial Data: Theory and Applications. Partners: London Business School (London), Tilburg University (Tilburg, The Netherlands), Universidad Carlos III (Madrid), CREST-INSEE (Paris)
Recent Participation to the Research Projects
2013 – 2015: European Commission FP7-SSH-2012-2, “SYRTO Systemic risk tomography: signals, measurement, transmission channels, and policy interventions”. (European Commission FP7-SSH-2012-2).
2011 – 2014: MIUR Project “Multivariate statistical models for risk assessment”, (PRIN – cod. 2010RHAHPL
2010 - 2014: Participation in the EUROSTAT Project: "An integrated system for improvement, quality monitoring and analysis of Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEls)".
2006–2008: MIUR Project “Financial variables and economic cycle: interdependence and real effects of financial fluctuations "(Scientific Coordinator: Paolol Paruolo, Local Scientific Coordinator: Monica Billio).”
Conference Organisation
2002-2023:Chairman of the Organising Committee of the International Conference C.R.E.D.I.T., held on yearly basis in Venice. Topics are listed on the web page: https://www.greta.it/index.php/it/general-information/past-credit-events
2005: Local organizer of the first Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE 2005), January, Venice
2001: Local organizer of the Econometric Society Winter Meeting, January, Venice
2000: Chairman of the Organising Committee of the International Joint Meeting on: The Euro - What's in the Future?, 8-9 June, Venice (https://www.greta.it/old/euromeeting/index.html).
1985: Chairman of the Organising and Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Economic Policies and Control Theory, 29 January - 1 February, Venice.
Evaluation Activity
01.09.2017 - 31.10.2018: Ongoing evaluation of the pilot project GreenerSites, Interreg Central Europe 2014-2010, Veneto Region (Italy) (2017-2019)
09.12.2014 - 30.09.2015: Strategic Environmental Assessment Italy Slovenia Cross-border Territorial Cooperation Program 2014-2020
2014 - 2017: Mentor of the Faculty of Economics, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
26.11.2012 - 30.06.2015: Participation in the evaluation group GRETA Associati Project MK responsible for the mid-term evaluation of the cross-border cooperation program Italy Slovenia 2007-2013
2007 – 2013: Participation to Monitoring and Evaluation for the European Social Fund, Regione Veneto (Italy), Programme 2007-2013
01.01.2007 - 01.12.2013: Evaluation of the Interreg IV Operational Program Italy Austria, Province of Bolzano (Bozen).
01.01.2007 - 01.12.2013: Strategic and operational evaluation of POR Veneto for the "Regional competitiveness and employment" objective
01.01.2007 - 01.12.2013: Monitoring and Evaluation of the European Social Fund (ESF) of the Veneto Region
01.06.2006 - 31.12.2007 : Ex ante evaluation of the Italy-Austria cross-border cooperation program 2007-13
01.06.2003 - 31.12.2005: Intermediate evaluation of INTERREG IIIA Italy-Austria - Province of Bolzano (Bozen)
01.06.2006 - 31.12.2007: LEADER + mid-term evaluation - Province of Bolzano (Bozen)
01.06.2000 - 31.12.2006: Participation in monitoring and evaluation for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Veneto Region (Italy), Objective 2 Program 2000-2006.
2001: Evaluator, FLASH Project, Eurostat, Luxembourg
01.06.2000 - 31.12.2006: LEADER + mid-term evaluation - Veneto Region (Italy)
01.06.2000 - 31.12.2004: Mid-term evaluation of INTERREG IIIA Italy-Adriatic - Abruzzo Region
1994 - 1999: Participation in monitoring and evaluation for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Veneto Region (Italy), Objective 2 Program 1994-99.
01.01.2007 – 01.12.2013: Evaluation of the Operational Programme Interreg IV Italy Austria
2000 - 2006
Quantification of the Impact Indicators for Italy Austria
2000 - 2006
Participation to monitoring and evaluation for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Regione Veneto (Italy), Objective 2 Programme 2000-2006.
Evaluator, FLASH Project, Eurostat, Luxembourg
1994 - 1999
Participation to monitoring and evaluation for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Regione Veneto (Italy), Objective 2 Programme 1994-99.
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