- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Member of the Steering Committee of the "Observatory of International Relations and Politics (OPRI)"
Member of the Senatorial commission for institutional relations with non-European countries
Director of the Professional Master's Programme in Geopolitics and Economics Affairs
Director of the Professional Master's Programme in Strategic Studies and International Security
- Telephone
- 041 234 7652 / 041 234 6686
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Diritto internazionale [GIUR-09/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/marrella (personal record)
- Office
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
CURRICULUM (English version)
Prof. Fabrizio Marrella is University Full Professor (with tenure) of International Law and European Union Law (12/E1, according to the Italian scientific sectors specialization title). At "Cà Foscari" Professor Marrella teaches courses of Advanced International Law, European Union Law and International Business Law. He is the Academic Director of the Venice Master in International Business Law, Tax, compliance and Arbitration (IBATAX) as well as of the Master in Geopolitics and Academic affairs.
He has been Vice Rector/Vice Chancellor for International Affairs of Cà Foscari University of Venice from the year 2020 to 2023.
In 2020, he has been elected Member of the Board of Directors of Venice International University, a consortium of 23 universities from all over the world with an autonomous campus on the island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy.
On September 22, 2023 he has been elected - by a General Assembly composed of over 100 University from all over the world - Member of the Board of Directors of the Global Council of the Global Campus of Human Rights. In past years he was the Dean of the Human Rights Village (from 2012 to July 30th, 2015) at the European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) - today the Global Campus of Human Rights - of which he was amongst the founding fathers and mothers in 2002. He was Member of the very first EIUC Board of Directors (2002-2007) and from 2008 to 2011 he was appointed European Master Programme Director of the E.MA Programme (European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation). In this capacity he has managed and coordinated, under the aegis of the European Commission, a truly European Master resulting from the strict cooperation of 41 European Universities.
He has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor/Profesor honorario of International Law by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), and he is often Professeur invité/Visiting Professor at the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne where he has been an associate Member since 2010 at the Institut de Recherche en Droit International et Européen de La Sorbonne (IREDIES) - Sorbonne Research Institute for International and European Law of the Université de Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne.
Attorney at Law, he is a Member of the Italian Bar, admitted to the Supreme Court and Highest Jurisdictions (Avvocato Cassazionista) including the European Court of Justice and other international tribunals. Prior to joining the Cà Foscari University of Venice Faculty (in 1999) he worked as a junior associate and then Special Counsel of Studio Bernini in Bologna, the Law firm headed by Prof. Giorgio Bernini, the Honorary President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) where he has practiced International Law, Trade & Business Law, International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, European Union Law, Antitrust and Private International Law.
Since 2019, Prof. Marrella has been appointed as a Member of the Scientific Council of Italy's Higher Specialised Legal Education School in the areas of European Law and International Law (with a special focus on International Business Law, International Investment Law and Arbitration as well as Business and human rights) established by the International Association of Lawyers/Union Internationale des Avocats.
He is a Member of the ICC Global Commercial Law and Practice Commission by participating in the same Commission at ICC Italy. He has been a long standing Member of the ICC Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission (2012-2016) and of the International Arbitration and ADR Committee.
The richness of Professor Marrella's professional experience is also manifested in his teaching activities and practice of Law over time. He has given invited lectures at a range of major Universities and professional organisations of the five continents including (among others): Harvard-Cà Foscari Summer School, Columbia Law School, Vanderbilt Law School, Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (IREDIES, Sorbonne Research Institute for International and European Law), Paris II (Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales and Paris Institute of Comparative Law) (1996-1998), Paris III (IHEAL, Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique latine) (1999-2003); Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dèfense; Berlin; Coimbra; EUI-Florence; Milan; Naples; Rome (La Sapienza, LUISS and Rome III); Padua; Palermo; Lecce (ISUFI); Turin; Trento; Verona; Bologna; Strasbourg, The Hague Academy of International Law (2013); Geneva Faculty of Law/MIDS; Moscow (PFUR - Mosca/MGIMO/RGGU) (in 2010); CUPL Beijing (2011); Hitotsubashi University of Tokyo (2015); Kaunas University (Lithuania); Universidade de Fortaleza and the Universidad Federal de Pará (Brazil); Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico; Universite' internationale de Rabat , Morocco (2016); Magtymguly Turkmen State University (2023). He has also taught as an Erasmus Professor at the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania).
In 2007 and 2008, he was Vice-Director of the Harvard University-Venice program where he has taught International Business Law. He also taught International Law in the LUISS Law Degree Programme at the Department of Law (2017-2019) as well as International and European Environmental Law (2014-2017). He was in the Faculty of its LL.M in Law and Governance of the European Union, jointly organised by LUISS and the Sapienza University of Rome. There, he taught EU Energy and Environmental Law.
Over his academic career he has researched, taught and practiced International Law, International Business Law, International Arbitration, International Investment Law and Maritime Law as well as Business and Human Rights.
He advises, as an independent Counsel, on the same matters and his scholarly writings have been cited by Courts, arbitration tribunals and commentators, including arbitral panels deciding cases under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce, ICSID and other major international arbitration centers.
Prof. Marrella holds the top Doctorates in Law (PHD/LL.D) with the highest grades (summa cum laude) both from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and the University of Bologna (1999). He is one of the eight Italians who, since 1950, have been awarded the Diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law. In 1997 he also received the Certificate of its Centre for Study and Research in International Law and International Relations (session on WTO Law). He has been awarded scholarships by the University of Bologna, by The Hague Academy of International Law (Centre for Study and Research in International Law and International Relations) and by CNR (Italian National Research Center) and was visiting exchange student at the University of California, Irvine for one academic year.
He is fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian (mother tongue).
He is the author, among other publications, of the first and most widespread scientific and systematic monographic work on International Trade&Business Law (1 ed. in 2004, co-author Prof. Francesco Galgano, and today Padua-Wolters Kluwer, 4 ed., 2023) in the Italian language of this century (see the preface by Prof. Andrea Giardina, Emeritus of Sapienza Univ. of Rome) and of a world reference textbook of general International Law of which he is co-author together with Prof. Dominique Carreau (Emeritus of the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne) and Prof. Andrea Hamann (University of Strasbourg), published in Paris in French (Pedone, 13 ed., 2022), in Italy (Giuffré-Francis Lefebvre, 4 ed., Milan, 2023), in Brazil (in Portuguese) and, soon, in Arabic (by the University of Rabat, Morocco), in Spanish (in collaboration with the University of Madrid) and in English. He edited and drafted the first Commentary of the European Union Customs Code (Giuffré-Francis Lefebvre, Milan, 2019).He is the General Editor with Prof. N. Soldati of the book “Arbitration, Contracts and International Trade Law / Arbitrato, contratti e diritto del commercio internazionale. Essays in honor of Giorgio Bernini/ Studi in onore di Giorgio Bernini”, Milan, Giuffré – Francis Lefebvre, 2021.
He is General editor of the EIUC studies on Human rights and Democratisation edited by Cambridge University Press and has served in the scientific or advisory board of specialised journals such as the Journal of International Trade Law and Policy (Emerald, London, U.K.); Transnational Dispute Management (TDM). He currently serves on the board of Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (CEDAM-Wolter Kluwers); Contratto e impresa (CEDAM-Wolter Kluwers); Rivista dell'arbitrato (Giuffré-Francis Lefebvre, Milan) as well as Diritto del commercio internazionale/The Law of International Trade (Giuffré-Francis Lefebvre, Milan). He is also a Member of the Advisory Board of the University of Bologna Law Review and a Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Journal of Human Rights/Journal Européen des droits de l'homme ; L’Europe des Droits & Libertés/Europe of Rights & Liberties (Université de Strasbourg/Fondation Marangopoulos); the Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem (Sao Paulo, Brasile) ; the European Yearbook on Human Rights (Vienna, Graz, Berlin); the Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law (Vienna, Austria). He is the Director of the International Law section of the Yearbook of Italian Law (Il libro dell'anno del diritto) edited by the Italian Institute for the Encyclopedia of Law "Treccani" in Rome.
Amongst his representative publications there are:
- Manuale di diritto del commercio internazionale (International Business Law), I ed., Padova, Cedam, 2017, now IV ed., Cedam-Wolters Kluwer, 2023.
- Droit international, (with Dominique Carreau), XI ed., Paris, PEDONE, 2012, XII ed. in 2018, XIII ed. 2022 (with A. Hamann).
- Diritto internazionale (with Dominique Carreau), 1st ed., Milan, Giuffré, 2016; 2 ed., 2018, 3 ed., 2021; 4 ed., 2023.
- "Unione Europea ed Investimenti diretti esteri" (EU and Foreign Direct Investments), in Società Italiana per il Diritto Internazionale, L'Unione europea a vent'anni da Maastricht, Napoli, ES, 2013.
- Diritto del commercio internazionale, III ed., (with Francesco Galgano), Padua, CEDAM, 2011
-"Lo straniero e la condizione di reciprocità", in Trattato notarile. Atti notarili nel diritto comunitario ed internazionale, Torino, UTET, vol. 1, 2011, pp. 107-136
- Economic globalisation and human rights, (ed. with W. Benedek and K. De Feyter), Cambridge University Press, 2007 (reprinted 2011)
- "Funzione ed oggetto dell'autonomia della volontà nell'era della globalizzazione del contratto", in La nuova disciplina comunitaria della legge applicabile ai contratti (Roma I), a cura di Nerina Boschiero, Torino, Giappichelli, 2009, pp. 15-65
- La nuova lex mercatoria. Principi Unidroit ed usi dei contratti del commercio internazionale, Padova, CEDAM, 2003 [preface by H. Grigera Naon; book reviews, inter alios, by Pierre Lalive in 23 ASA Bulletin 4/2005, at 766; Philippe Kahn, in Journal de droit international, n.1, 2004]
- Alle origini dell'arbitrato commerciale internazionale. L'arbitrato a Venezia tra Medio Evo ed Età Moderna, (with A. Mozzato) in Collana della rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, Padova, CEDAM, 2001 [preface by Andrea Giardina].
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