- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Director of the Professional Master’s Programme "Fine Arts in Filmmaking" (VIII ed.)
- Telephone
- 041 234 6244
cafoscarishort@unive.it - Ca' Foscari Short
tutor.masterfilm@unive.it - NOVIELLI Maria
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Cinema, fotografia, radio, televisione e media digitali [PEMM-01/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/novielli (personal record)
- Office
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Education and training
Advanced Specialization Course (kenkyusei) in Cinema, Nihon University Cinema Department – Tokyo, 1992-1994
Degree in Japanese Language and Literature, Ca’ Foscari University – Venice, 1983-1989
Scientific activities and responsibilities
Director of the Master of Fine Arts in Filmmaking – Ca’ Foscari University (2016-)
Artistic director and overall organizer of the Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival – Venice (2010-)
Member of the Commission for the classification of cinematographic works, Directorate General for Cinema of the Ministry of Culture
Member of the board of PMI Cinema Indipendente (2024-)
Scientific co-coordinator and member of Faculty of The Summer School “Films in Venice and Filming Venice”, Venice International University (2018-)
Member of the evaluation commettee of the Veneto Film Commission Foundation (2019-)
Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal Short Film Studies - University of Californi Santa Barbara (2024-)
Member of the scientific committee of the series of books "Film music notebooks" directed by Roberto Calabretto, Levi Venezia Foundation (2019-2022)
Member of the editorial board of the magazine "Venezia Arti" - Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Venice (2019-2024)
Head of the website AsiaMedia (asiamedia.unive.it) (2003-)
Chief editor of the book series “Schemi Orientali” – Editrice Cafoscarina – Venezia (2004).
Co-editor of the book series Contemporary Japan - Edizioni Ca’ Foscari (2012-)
Member of the scientific commettee of the symposium “Animation and Arts” – University of Padua, Department of Cultural Heritage, October 2016
Rector’s delegate for the cinematographic activities of Ca’ Foscari University – Venice (2010-2013)
Member of the Scientific Research Program of Relevant National Interest PRIN – Director: Prof. Samarani, title “East Asia: Regional Development and Changes in the Political, Economic and Sociocultural Communication”(PRIN, 2005-2007)
Chair of the press conferences related to Japanese movies for the Venice Film Festival, La Biennale of Venezia (La Biennale, 2004-2011)
Japanese Foreign Minister’s commendation for the Promotion of cultural exchange through art between Japan and Italy
Medal of recognition of the President of Republic Giorgio Napolitano for the direction of Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival – 2013
Academic Positions
Associate Professor L-Art/06
Director of Master of Fine Arts in Filmmaking – Ca’ Foscari University (2016-)
Artistic Director of the Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival – Venice (2010-)
Rector’s delegate for the cinematographic activities of Ca’ Foscari University – Venice (2010-2013)
Member of the Board of Studies - Teaching Committees Tars Course Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (2017-2021)
Delegate for the Guidance Unit - Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (2017-2018)
Member of the Board of Studies of the Phd program in History of Arts (2010-2013)
Head of Studies - Teaching Committees LICSAO, LICAO 2 e LISAO 2 (2009-2010)
Referent for the International Cultural Exchange with Japan DSAO (2009)
Member of the Board of Evaluation FRA – University Research Fund (2009-2010)
Referent for University Study Plans (2004-2008) and for the Transfers/Options (2004-2009) LICSAO – LICAO - LISAO
Referent for the Japanese section of the Library of East Asian Studies (2003-2010)
Researcher in Languages and Literatures of Japan and Korea L-Or/22 (2004-2007)
Adjunct Professor at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - Department of Oriental Studies, with teachings of Japanese Language and Literature (1999-2002)
Lecturer in Japanese Language and Literature at the Department of Indological and Far Eastern Studies (1997-1999)
Teaching activities 2023-2024
History of Cinema 1 (30 hours) – Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management
History of Cinema 2 (30 hours) - Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management
Cinema’s History and Critic (30 hours) - Filology and Italian Literature – History of Arts and Art Heritage
History of Japanese cinema and animation (30 hours) – EGART
Golden Ages in Japanese Cinema (integration to the course of History of Cinema 1) - Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management, Mooc (Massive Oper Online Courses), 4 Units
Elements of the history of Oriental cinema (12 hours), Master in Fine Arts in Filmmaking, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Elements of the history of Western cinema (12 hours), Master in Fine Arts in Filmmaking, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Teachings in different courses
Seminar "The new century", in Stories of Animation, IULM University of Milan, 2022
"World schools of cinema and the making of short movies", masterclass, ADA University - Baku (Azerbaijan), 2019
"Cinema and Venice" seminar - Faculty of The Summer School “Films in Venice and Filming Venice”, Venice International University (2018-)
Toyo University (Tokyo) - Cycle of five seminars and lessons on live and animated Japanese cinema – November 9-20, 2017
Ca’ Foscari SIE - Summer School, cycle of lessons "Survey of Italian cinema history" (2016-2017)
Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes in Eastern Asia (30 hours) – RIC
Film analysis and audivisual language 1 (30 hours) – Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management
Harvard Summer School at Ca’ Foscari, cycle of lessons: "Short films: Fiction Film Video for Education - Documentaries for Education - Teaching Cinema with Animation Films - Credits", Venice, 2011
History of cinema Japan (30 hours) – LICSAAM
Japanese cinema and literature (30 hours) – LICSAAM
Other academic activities
Supervisor of the PhD thesis "No screen for the viewer - Intermediate between cinema and theater of the sixties in the example of Terayama Shuji", PhD student Eugenio De Angelis, PhD in Studies on Asia and Africa, Cycle 29th, Department of Studies on Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Ca’ Foscari, year of discussion 2017
Supervisor of the PhD thesis "Youth cultures and expanded narratives - The Japanese transmedia context of the new millennium", PhD student Stefano Locati, PhD in Literature and Media: Narrativity and languages, IULM University, Milan, year of discussion 2017
Tutor for 25th Phd LICUSO Eastern Asia (2010)
Tutor for the FSE research program on "Definition of the 'cultural marketing' areas for the application of e-book technology" (2011-2012)
Supervisor at several degree sessions – Ca’ Foscari University (1999-2012)
Supervisor at degree discussions – Professional University School of the Italian Swiss – Lugano (2009)
Aistugia (Italian Association for Japanese Studies)
CUC – University Association for Cinema Studies
ASIFA ITALIA - Italian Animation Writers and Professionals Association
Co-operation with cinematographic activities
Jury member Toyo University Tourism Film festival (November 2023)
La Biennale of Venice – Venice International Film Festival – collaborator, co-responsible Ceremonial office for welcoming delegations (1991-1997; 2004-2011)
Programming of the film series: "Experimental cinema and avant-garde in Japan", season of Japanese cultural events, 8th Japanese October, Faenza, Il Raggio Verde The Green Ray (2011)
Programming of the film series: "Chefs-d'oeuvre du cinéma japonais", art exposition "Kimonos Art déco. Tradition et modernité dans le Japon", Paris, Musée du Président Jacques Chirac (July-October 2006)
Infinity Festival – Alba (2002) in charge of the retrospective on Kawase Naomi
Bergamo Film Meeting (1999) in charge of the retrospective on Yanagimachi Mitsuo
Courmayeur Noir in Festival (1999) in charge of the retrospective on Miike Takashi
Film Festival di Locarno (1995), in charge of film acquisition
Tokyo Film Festival International Cinema Students (1991) responsible for public relations
Organization of retrospectives
“Yoshida Kiju’s Cinema”, Event planning and panel with the filmaker Yoshida Kiju and the actress Okada Mariko, Venice, Santa Margherita Auditorium (2008)
Ishii Sogo (editing of the catalogue and chair for the interview/panel), Rome, Japanese Institute of Culture - 2007).
Tsukamoto Shin’ya (editing of the catalogue and chair for the interview/panel), Rome, Japanese Institute of Culture - 2003).
Kurosawa Kiyoshi (editing of the catalogue and chair for the interview/panel), Rome, Japanese Institute of Culture - Venice, Santa Margherita Auditorium, 2001).
Miike Takashi - Courmayeur Noir in Festival (1999).
Yanagimachi Mitsuo - Bergamo Film Meeting (1999).
Kawase Naomi – Infinity Festival (Alba, 2002)
Kitano Takeshi – Ten different cities in Italy (October 1998 - April 1999 – member of the organizing board).
Terayama Shuji - Festival Dei Due Mondi di Spoleto – Spoleto Off (July 1995).
Organization of symposiums and conferences
Organisation of the event ‘Ghost in the Shell VR Noh Introduction’ - Museum of Oriental Art and Ca' Foscari Theatre in Santa Marta (November 2023)
“Venice-Japan: Cross Cultural Food+ Symposium”, International Conference, Ca’ Foscari University Venice in collaboration with the Consulate of Japan in Milan, February 25-27, 2021
“Lost in translation? Japan in Italian cultural life”, International Conference for the 150th anniversary of Japanese-Italian relations 13-15 October 2016, Aula Baratto – Ca’ Foscari
"Animation and the arts" - Conference on animation studies, University of Padua, Department of Cultural Heritage, October 20-21, 2016
“Animation Between Arts and Thought”, International Conference, Ca’ Foscari, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, October 22.23, 2015
“Rethinking Nature in Contemporary Japan: Facing the Crisis”, International Symposium, Ca’ Foscari, Department of Asian and North African Studies, March 2-3, 2015
“1952-2012: The American legacy in Japan sixty years after the Occupation”, International Symposium, Ca’ Foscari, School of International Relations, May 3-4, 2012
Panels at conferences
Presentation of the film ‘Il ferroviere’ by P. Germi in the cycle Classici Fuori Mostra of the Venice Biennale - Cinema Rossini (May 2024)
Introduction to the film cycle ‘Corpo a cortpo - Il cinema di Tsukamoto Shinya), Museo nazionale del cinema di Torino (February 2024)
Sguardi femminili nel cinema di Kinoshita Keisuke (Female Glances in the Cinema of Kinoshita Keisuke) - lecture as part of the conference 25 anni senza gioia né lacrime: ritorno al cinema di Kinoshita Keisuke, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (December 2023)
Introduction to the conference S-confinare: vero e verosimile nella costruzione delle idee e nella comunicazione, Ca' Foscari University - Ateneo Veneto (November 2023)
‘The ecological theme in contemporary Japanese animation’ - Lecture within the international conference ‘Sguardi verdi - La riflessione ecologica nell'animazione cinematografica’, University of Padua (November 2023)
Presentation of the film ‘Welcome to Paradise’ by Somai Shinji within the 1st Edition of the Festival of Japanese Cinema in Tuscany - Florence (September 2023)
‘Youth subcultures in Japanese live and animated cinema’ - conference within the Rovereto & Comics event - Rovereto (September 2023)
Presentation of the manga series ‘Cinema and comics with Fujimoto’ (Star Comics) at the Turin Book Fair (May 2023)
Presentation of the film ‘The Driver’ by W. Hill in the cycle Classici Fuori Mostra of the Venice Biennale - Cinema Rossini (May 2023)
Presentation and distribution of short films of the Ca' Foscari Short Film Festival at Cine Libre - Tokyo (October 2022)
““Cinema and Youth in the Lost Decades”, Convegno Internazionale - Japan Contemporary Arts in Venice “The Aesthetics of Emptiness”, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2022)
"Mishima Yukiko - Meeting with the author", Japanese Cultural Institute, Rome (2022)
"Kawase Naomi - Thrue Mothers", Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome, Kitchenfilm, Rome (2022)
"It's a Summer Film!", In "Expert Looks", Japanese Film Festival online, Japan Foundation (2022)
"The case of Abe Sada - The attempt at sexual intercourse", International Lacanian Association, Rome (2021)
"Female directors in the new Japanese cinema", Aistugia online conference (2021)
"Tanaka Kinuyo: A pioneer in directing", Webinar in the cycle "Right to direct", Fondazione Italiana Cineforum (2021)
"Food between life and death in the cinema of Marco Ferreri and Itami Juzo", in "Venice-Japan: Cross Cultural Food + Symposium", International Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the Consulate of Japan in Milan (2021)
"Japan and the art of animation" – In conversation with Yamamura Koji as part of the Lucca Changes event - webinar by the Embassy of Japan in Rome (2020)
"Women directors in Japan", conference, XXV International Conference of Film Studies Contemporary Women’s Cinema and Media: Aesthetics, Identities, and Imaginaries - Roma Tre University - Rome, 2019
"Women in pink", conference, in "Japanese transnational cinema", Waseda University - Tokyo, 2019
"Live and animation cinema in Japan: prospects for distribution", conference, Residence of the Ambassador of Japan in Rome (2019)
"Madness, samurais and fantastic creatures of the Japanese popular tradition", conference, in "Stories of faces and silences. The magic of silent cinema", organized by the association La macchina cinema (FICC), in collaboration with L'alambicco and the patronage of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Cagliari (2018)
"Why cinema festivals?", conference, Università Popolare Mestre (2018)
"The invention of dreams. In conversation with Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavo ", Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Master in Fine Arts in Filmmaking (2018)
"Japanese animation in the Asian perspective", conference, in "Asia seen through media", La Sapienza University of Rome (2017)
“In conversation with Naotaro Endo” as part of the "Food cinema" cycle, Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome (2017)
“The New Japanese Cinema”, conference, IULM, Milan, May 2, 2016
"Animerama, a look at the Japanese animated cinema", conference in the cycle of meetings "A beautiful corner of the world - Glances in Japanese culture for the 150 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and Japan", Museum of Oriental Art of Venice (2016)
“In Conversation with Koji Yamamura”, as part of the “Animation and the Arts” International Conference, University of Padua (2016)
“Mapping the Past: post-atomic simulacra in Japan”, International Conference, Ca’ Foscari, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (2015)
“Masumura Yasuzo: A breakthrough in the Wall of Japanese cinema”, International Symposium, Ca’ Foscari, Department of Asian and North African Studies (2015)
"The magicians of form in the new Japanese animated cinema", conference, NipPop - Words and forms from Tokyo to Bologna, Bologna (2015)
"Between the sacred and the profane: Italy in the Japanese animation cinema", conference, in "Animated cinema and Italy: authors, theories and state of the art", conference, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Padua (2014)
"Cocco - Okinawa's music and cinema", conference, Fondazione Levi, Venezia (2014)
"A Short History of Korean Cinema", in "Meet Korea – International Symposium on “Korean Culture and Society - Yesterday and Today", Korea Foundation, Ca’ Foscari, Department of Asian and North African Studies, (2013)
"Contemporary Japanese Cinema", in "Special Program on Japanese Cinema in Florence", Fondazione Sistema Toscana - Cultural Association Tokaghe (2013)
"Introduction to 'My Reincarnation'", "La dottrina tibetana della trasmigrazione e il tulku", Venice, Fondazione Querini Stampalia (2012)
“In the Realm of Signs: Hybridism in Japanese Everyday Life", Venice, The American Legacy in Japan sixty years after the Occupation, International Conference (2012)
“Japanese Cinema in Venice: A Glance to Asia”, International Symposium “Portrait of Venice and Veneto”, Tokyo, Skyhall, Ca’ Foscari University, Hosei University, Confindustria Venezia, Camera di Commercio, Comune di Venezia, Regione Veneto (2011)
“ATG Experiments of Indipendent Cinema”, Venice, Ca’ Foscari University (2011)
“Wakamatsu Koji’s Cinema” – Panel – Faenza, “Japanese October” (2011)
“Art Theater Guild of Japan”, Japanese Institute of Culture - Rome (2011)
“Desire is Short: Video-art and Advertising Design Through the Experience of AsiaMedia”, in “The Work Talks – Journey in Contemporary Art”, Venice (2010)
"Experimental cinema and avant-garde in Japan", Faenza, "8th Japanese October", Il Raggio Verde The Green Ray (2010)
“Art, Literature and Cinema in the Japanese Tradition”, in “Far comprendere, far vedere”, Ca’ Foscari University Venice (2010)
“Alter-action: Icons of Bodies in Japanese New Media”, in “The Work Talks – Journey in Contemporary Art”, Venice (2010)
“Yukoku – The Rite of Love and Death”, in “Peggy Guggenheim Utopia Matters – Cinema and Utopia”, Venice, (2010)
“Shimada Masahiko and Contemporary Japanese Narrative”, in “Towards Crossing Civilizations 2010”, Venice (2010)
“Androids and Gynoids: the Cinema of The Hybrid Bodies”, in “The Work Talks – Journey in Contemporary Art” Venice (2010)
"Cinema and Figurative Arts in Japan", Faenza, "7th Japanese October", Il Raggio Verde The Green Ray (2009)
“J-Horror: Mythology, Folklore, and Religion”, International Conference "Avant-garde in Japan", Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2009)
“Cinema “mobile”. A Case of Interaction Between Cinema and Literature in Japan” in “Short Circuit: Contemporary Cinema on the Web”, Centre “La Soffitta” – Department of Music and Performative Arts – University of Bologna (2009)
“Yoshida Kiju’s Cinema”, Event planning and panel with the filmaker Yoshida Kiju and the actress Okada Mariko, Venice, Santa Margherita Auditorium (2008)
" Naruse Mikio", panel discussion in "The Ethics of Shomingeki: Tribute to Naruse Mikio", Cinema Lumière, DMS University of Bologna, Centre “La Soffitta”, Bologna (2008)
"Mizoguchi Kenji", in "The Masters’ Glance", Cecudine, Cinemazero, Film Library of Friuli, Udine (2008)
“Languages in Comparison: Japanese Cinema in Multimedia Age”, in “Wabi Sabi Cyber - New Trends in Contemporary Japanese Culture”, University of Naples L’Orientale(2007)
“The Century of Images in Motion”, in "Japan in Bologna", Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Bologna (2007)
"Hypermedially”, in "Bodies and anime", Venice, Aula Magna of the Tolentini, (2007)
"Ishii Sogo – The Visionary Experimentalism", Rome, Japanese Institute of Culture (2007)
"Roshomon: Suggestions of Reality”, in "Akutagawa - Il male del disincanto", Faenza, "5th Japanese October", Il Raggio Verde The Green Ray (2006)
“Contemporary Japanese Cinema”, Cagliari, Humanitarian Society Hall (2006)
"Cinema and literature in Japan", conference, in "Japan 2005", conferences organized by the Department of Studies on Oriental Asia, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2005)
"Genre Production in Pre-War Japanese Cinema”, Florence, Tokyo University in Florence (2004)
“Atg - Art Theatre Guild - Japanese Independent Cinema 1962-1984” – Symposium - Österreichisches Filmmuseum Vienna (2003)
"The fantastic in Japanese cinema", conference, Japanese Institute of Culture in Rome (2002)
"Cinema Lesson - Meeting with director Kawase Naomi", Alba, Infinity Festival (2002)
"In conversation with Kurosawa Kiyoshi", Department of Studies on Eastern Asia - Ca 'Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome (2001)
"Imamura Shohei Cinema", Panel Discussion, organized by the Japanese Institute of Culture in Rome (2001)
"Authors’ B-movies: the new Japanese cinema", conference, XXV Convention of Studies on Japan, Italian Association for Japanese Studies (AISTUGIA), Venice (2001)
"Shades of shadow: Horror and black in the Japanese cinema of the 90s", conference, in "Nihon monogatari: stories from Japan", organized by the Libreria Mardi Gras, Bolzano (2001)
"Japanese cinema today", Panel Discussion, New International Film Festival, Pesaro (2001)
"Ozu Yasujiro’s Cinema" - Comune di Milano - Dioniso Association - Milan (2000)
"Mizoguchi Kenji " – Panel Discussion - Japanese Institute of Culture - Rome (2000)
"Japanese Cinema in the ‘80s" – Japanese Consulate - San Fedele Foundation (Milan, 1995)
"Terayama Shuji and the experimental cinema in ’70" - Tokyo Film Festival International Cinema Students (1991)
"Nanni Moretti’s Cinema" - Toranomon Hall (Tokyo, 1992) - Nakano Musashino (Tokyo, 1993)
"The cinema of Nanni Moretti", by There's Enterprise, Toranomon Hall, Tokyo (1992)
Panels in dvd
"Red Peony Gambler - Hibotan Bakuto: hanafuda shobu" by Kato Tai, Dolmen Home Video (2006)
“Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Jingi naki tatakai” by Fukasaku Kinji, Dolmen Home Video (2006)
“Hystorical Introduction to Kurosawa’s Cinema and Poetry” in”Kurosawa: Rashomon”, Dolmen Home Video (2007)
Organization of events Ca’ Foscari Cinema –Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Opening Ceremony, with panels by the filmmaker Umberto Lenzi, the film critic Marco Giusti and the Director of Venice Film Festival Marco Müller – Screening of “Spasmo” By Umberto Lenzi (2011)
“Giuseppe Ghigi incontra Gianni Canova”, panel on Italian cinema of the XXI Century (2011)
Workshop “Film critic lives on the web” – Guests: Emanuele Sacchi, Michele Faggi (2011)
Marina Buzzoni: “Digital Middle-Ages: Heores Beyond Celluloid” (2011)
Panel with Kurosawa Kiyoshi, International Symposium, in co-operation with Japan Foundation (2011)
“Jan Svankmajer: Food and Other Alchemies” – Screenings introduced by Davide Giurlando (2011)
Giuseppe Ghigi: “Cuore and Pinocchio: at the origins of the cinema on the Risorgimento – Cinema, literature and lay rituals of the Nation” (2011)
“Zbigniew Rybczynski: Orchestra” – Screening introduced by Davide Giurlando (2011)
Italo Moscati: “Italian Concert: History and Histories of the Italian Unity”, in co-operation with Ateneo Veneto, panel with Italo Moscati, Paolo Puppa, Michele Gottardi and Roberto Ellero, with screening of the movie (2011)
Workshop “Bollywood, cinetourism and new media – Paths of the new globalization” – Guest: Marco Restelli (2011)
Gabriele Vacis: “La paura siCura”, panel with Gabriele Vacis, Paolo Puppa, Fabrizio Borin and Monica Centanni, with screening of the movie (2011)
Screening of “Poetry” at the presence of the filmmaker Lee Chang-dong – International conference (2011)
Italian preview of “Poetry” at the presence of the filmmaker Lee Chang-dong (2011)
“Conversation with… Alessandro Bergonzoni”, panel with Alessandro Bergonzoni, Flavio Gregori, Marina Buzzoni, Carmelo Alberti, in co-operation with the Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies (2011)
Workshop “From Silver to Pizel” – Guest: Carlo Montanaro (2011)
“Saint Petersburg: Portrait of a City”, screening of Basnja. Zongspiel (Torre. Songspiel), guests: Dmitrij Vilenskij, Silvia Burini, Gian Piero Piretto, in co-operation with Csar and IUAV (2011)
Workshop “Volumina: The New Concept of Art Books” – Guest: Domenico De Gaetano (2011)
“From China to Cinema: Passions in Alphabetical Order”, screening of the movie “Quando capita di perdersi” and panel with the filmmaker Sergio Basso and Elena Pollacchi, in co-operation with the Department of Studies on East Asia and North Africa (2011)
“Inshallah, football – The story of a Kashmiri boy who used to throw stones”, screening of the movie and panels with Gabriella Presta and Cecilia Cossio (2011)
“Dustintrouble presents Video:Visions”, Vernissage and screening of the video-arts Waiting for the sun, Riva, Inside-out, Crow, Hermes, Almost object, Vitti-male, Via Bixio, Blind fold, Forma orbis - Open Rome, in co-operation with Dustintrouble and White Box (2011)
“Meeting Aleksandr Sokurov”, with screening of the movies Moloch, Taurus and The Sun, in co-operation with Venice Film Festival and Csar (2001)
Preview of the movie “Damsels in Distress” by Whit Stillman, in co-operation with Venice Film Festival (2011)
“Screening Art”, with the screening of the movies Dunepark, Lake Arches, Real Remnant of Fictive Wars V, Desniansky Rayon, Pruitt Igoe-Falls, Double Take, Turbulent, Rapture, Fervor, Zarin, from Women Without Men series, Guests Cyprien Gaillard, Johan Grimonprez, Shirin Neshat, in co-operation with Palazzo Grassi Punta della Dogana (2011)
“Art Theater Guild of Japan – Experiments of Independent Cinema”, Conference, Guests: Go Hirasawa, Maria Roberta Novielli and Rosa Caroli, in co-operation with Japanese Institute of Culture of Rome (2011)
“Science in Cinema” – Series of conferences, guests: Carlo Barbante, Simone Fratini, Gian Francesco Giudice, Paolo Legrenzi, Carlo Umiltà, Giorgio De Vincenti, Flavio Sartoretto, organized in co-operation with Achille Giacometti and the BAS (2011)
Giuliana Muscio presents “Orphans, sisters, mothers”, with the screening of to documentary (2011)
“Metal Samurai: Parody and Grotesque”, screening of three episodes of the TV series introduced by Yamamoto Keiko, in co-operation with Toei Studios Kyoto (2011)
“Dreamwork China: Dreams and Rights of a New Generation in the Factory of the World”, screening of the documentary introduced by the filmmakers Tommaso Facchin and Ivan Franceschini, in co-operation with the Department of Studies on East Asia and North Africa (2011)
“A Thousand Faces of Shakespeare”, Symposium (guests: Shaul Bassi, Valerio De Scarpis, Dario Calimani), with the screening in Italian preview of “Anonymous” by Roland Emmerich, in co-operation with Warner Bros. (2011)
“Ruskino – Russian Cinema at Ca’ Foscari – Words on the Screen”, series of screening of contemporary Russian movies, presented by some of their authors, in co-operation with Csar (2011)
“Die Akte Kleist” by Torsten Striegnitz, screening presented in the symposium “Venetian Lessons on Kleist” organized by the Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies (2011)
“Tunisian Spring” – Screening of the short movies Confessions Tunisiennes, Chaos, Signé kalloutcha, Zaba et les mèdias, Tunisie: violation et dèpassements, Tunisie entre Islam Laicitè, introduced by Ida Zilio-Grandi and Maria Roberta Novielli (2011)
Hommage to Pordenone Silent Movie Festival, with the screening of “The Circus” by Charles Chaplin, introduced by Carlo Montanaro, in co-operation with Charlie Chaplin Archive, AIRSC, MK2 (2011)
“Hommage à Le Fresnoys”, with the movies Eleven, Mèmoire Vive, Red Road, Panthère (2011)
“Seven Little Indians: Short and Very Short from the Film & Television Institute of India”, with the movies The Experience Bar, Stolen Dreams, Playing God, Utsav, Light Animation, Memoires, Come and See, introduced by Cecilia Cossio (2012)
“Red Lanterns Among Baobabs: China and Africa between reality and perceptions”, International conference with screenings of the movies Li Xia’s Salon and When China Met Africa, organized by Giovanna Puppin and the group Bachi da Seta, in co-operation with the Department of Studies on Eat Asia and North Africa (2012)
“1952-2012 The American Legacy in Japan sixty years after the Occupation”, International Conference, with the screening of the movies Sayonara and McArthur’s Children, in co-operation with the School of International Relations and the Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies
“Cinema for Greenpeace: Into Eternity This Hiding Place Should Never Be Disturbed”, screening of the movie introduced by Lucio Bulgarelli, in co-operation with Greenpeace Venice (2012)
“Cinema: New Trends in Israel”, with the screening of the movies Watch Over me, A man Asleep, An Apple, White Elephants, Playground, Narkis, Ceremony, Susya (2012)
“Workshop of animation Short but Very Animated”, cycle of ten lessons of animation held by Daniele Lunghini (2012)
Special Screening “I due Foscari” by Enrico Fulchignoni, introduced by Carlo Montanaro (2012)
Conversation With Kim Ki-duk, discussion with the author in occasion of the screening of “Pieta” in competition at Venice Film Festival, in co-operation with the Department of Studies on Eat Asia and North Africa (2012)
“Workshop: Film Festivals Programming: From Europe to Asia”, International workshop, with the screening of the movies Three Sisters by Wang Bing and Lotus by Liu Shu, at the presence of the filmmakers, organized in co-operation with Elena Pollacchi and the Department of Studies on Eat Asia and North Africa (2012)
Anymation - Ca’ Foscari Animation Fest – I edition October 29-31, 2012
Workdhop: Business and Cinema . Marina Salamon comments on "Arven" by Per Fly presented by Fabrizio Panozzo - November 5th, 2012
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