Elena ROVA
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6318
archeologia@unive.it - Portale di Archeologia di Ateneo
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Archeologia e storia dell'arte dell'Asia occidentale e del Mediterraneo orientale antichi [STAA-01/E]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/erova (personal record)
- Office
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
- ELENA ROVA, born in Venice in 1959, has a degree in Humanities (Padua 1983), a postgraduate diploma in Oriental Archaeology (Rome 1986) and a PhD in Archaeology-Prehistory (Rome 1991). She was a MAE grant holder in Turkey (1985), DAAD and Humboldt in Germany (Saarbrücken, 1987/88, Würzburg, 1991/1992), post-doc in Venice (1996-98). She is Associate Professor in Near Eastern Archaeology and Art History (sector L-OR/05) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where she was a researcher from 2001 to 2015. She is a member of the PhD Teaching Committee in Ancient Civilisation and of the School of Specialisation in Archaeological Heritage (SISBA; Trieste, Udine, Venice). She qualified as a full professor in sector 10\N1 (2018).
- Her research addresses civilizations of the Near East, with particular attention to Upper Mesopotamia and neighbouring areas (South Caucasus, Anatolia) between the Chalcolithic and the Iron Age. Among the topics addressed: the comparative chronology of the first urban civilisations and their relations with the peoples of the surrounding regions, the ways of life of the groups in the mountain regions of the Near East, also through multidisciplinary analyses and microarchaeological techniques, the study of ceramics and glyptics and their iconographic repertoire, both through traditional methods and through mathematical-statistical analysis. Since 1984 she has participated in excavations and surveys in Iraq (Karrana), Turkey (Arslantepe), Syria (Tell Leilan) and has contributed to related publications. From 1997 to 2010 she was vice-director of the Ca' Foscari team in the excavation of Tell Beydar (Syria). Since 2009 she has directed the Georgian-Italian Shida Kartli Archeological Project (excavations of Natsargora, Okherakhevi, Aradetis Orgora), since 2018 the Georgian-Italian Lagodekhi Archaeological Project, (excavations of Tsiteli Gorebi, Tchiauri) and since 2023 the "Georgian-Italian Gardabani Archaeological Project" (excavations of Gardabani Kurgan Field)
- She is the author of 7 monographs and about 140 articles and reviews in scientific journals, conference proceedings and miscellaneous volumes and has edited, alone or with others, 5 volumes of studies. She has organised national and international seminars and conferences and has been a member of the scientific committee of three international conferences. She has participated, upon invitation, in more than 50 national and international conferences and held courses and seminars at Italian and foreign universities. She is general editor of the "Araxes" series, member of the editorial board of the "Antichistica" and "Studia Asiana" series and of the "Rivista di Archeologia", she is a peer reviewer for the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (Georgia) and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium), member of the MIUR/ANVUR reviewers' board, referee for numerous international journals.
- She has participated in national research projects (CNR, MURST 40%, PRIN, MAE); she was Team Leader of the ARCANE project (Europaean Science Foundation, 2006-2011), local coordinator of a PRIN project (2009), principal investigator of two University projects, recipient of MAECI funds and of grants from the White-Levy Program for Archaeological Publications (2010-12) and of the Humboldt Stiftung (2012). She is P.I. of the PRIN 2022 ESPREMO Project (EStimating PREhistoric MObility in the mountainous regions of the Near East: animal management, raw materials procurement, technology and settlement patterns as indicators of movement and interconnections).
- She was a member of the Teaching Committee for the Degree Courses in "Conservation of Cultural Heritage" (2006/2008) and "Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management" (2008-2017, 2023-), member of the Joint Committee of the School in Conservation and Production of Cultural Heritage (2014-2018) and of the Joint Committee of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (2018-2020) and Delegata to internationalisation of DSU (2020-2023). She is (or has been) coordinator of Erasmus exchanges (UCL London, Reading, Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) and Erasmus +ICM (Georgia, Armenia, Israel).
Link to the complete CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2AdE77hAm5AtBK2tTRhyRircU0S8_GU/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1W2AdE77hAm5AtBK2tTRhyRircU0S8_GU/view?usp=sharing
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