Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe


Research collaborator - DiSSGeA, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padua.

  • Ongoing research project: The tourism landscape of the Ledrensi Alps and Judicaria Biosphere Reserve: dynamics between inhabitants and visitors. Scientific referents: Margherita Cisani and Benedetta Castiglioni (DiSSGeA, University of Padua).
  • October 2022-May 2023: Promotion, selection and awarding process of the national application for the Council of Europe Landscape Award (edition 2022-2023). Management of the project DiSSGeA, University of Padua on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Culture. Scientific referent: Benedetta Castiglioni (DiSSGeA, University of Padua).



2000-2022: Researcher - CISET, International Center of Studies on Tourism Economy, Ca’ Foscary University of Venice, Italy.

  • Research/consultancy: 20 years' experience in project planning and management for tourism development on behalf of various institutions (EU, ministries, regions, municipalities), trade associations, organisations. In particular, the areas of intervention have been territorial plans for the sustainable development and management of tourist destinations, tourism demand analysis, promotion of cultural heritage and environmental resources, stakeholders networking, local community engagement, assessment and monitoring of tourism products and itineraries, assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism, participatory processes and partnership definition.
  • Education and training activities: tutor of four editions of the Master in Economics and Management of Tourism (2000-2004), continuous didactic supervision of the Master (CISET and Dept. Management, Ca' Foscari University of Venice); 20 years' experience in academic lectures addressed to different national and international universities and in life-long learning seminars addressed to tourism professionals organised by institutions, tourism associations and enterprises. Main topics: tourism economics, promotion and enhancement of territorial resources, management of local networks, community engagement.

2003-2004: Visiting student/teaching assistant, Dept. Sociology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

1997-2001: Various job experiences in the fields of culture and tourism (2000-2021: Tourism Information Office APT Terme Euganee, Abano Terme, Padua, Italy; 2000: Boscolo Tour Operator, Padua, Italy; 1997-2000: Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy)



June 2023: Ph.D. in Historical, Geographical, and Anthropological Studies - Curriculum: Geographical Studies, University of Padua, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, University of Verona. (October 2019 – June 2023). Main topics: geography of tourism, in particular the nexus landscape-tourism, tourism planning and governance, sustainable tourism. Ph.D. project: Places, people and practices in defining the ‘tourist landscape’. Theoretical propositions, case studies, educational and policy making perspectives. Supervisor: Benedetta Castiglioni, University of Padua

October 1998: Master’s Degree in Economics and Management of Tourism, Ciset and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy (October 1997-October 1998). Main Topics: macro and micro economics applied to the tourism sector, geography of tourism, museum studies, destination planning and management. Master project: The Peggy Guggenhein collection and museum shops' experience: the visitor's perspective. Supervisor: Francesco Casarin, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 

February 1997: Master’s Degree in Philosophy, University of Padua, Italy. Main topics: Modern and contemporary philosophy, modern and contemporary history, methodologies for social sciences, geography.



Journal Articles

MENEGHELLO S. (under revision), "Assessing significant landscapes as a tool for promoting participation in destination governance. Preliminary insights from the Venetian Brenta Riviera" in Annali del Turismo-Geoprogress Journal 

RABBIOSI C., MENEGHELLO S. (2023), “Questioning Walking Tourism from a Phenomenological Perspective: Epistemological and Methodological innovations”, in Humanities, 12(4), 65

MENEGHELLO S. (2023), “Mapping tourist landscapes in pandemic times. A dwelling-in-motion perspective”, in Tourism Geographies, pp. 1-16

MENEGHELLO S., MEINI M., PETRELLA M., RABBIOSI C. (2022), “The landscape–tourism nexus as a transformative learning object: Comparing didactical experiences in geography higher education”, in J- READING Journal of Research and didactics in Geography, n° 2

MENEGHELLO S., VOLPE P. (2022), “La costruzione di un Cammino di pellegrinaggio per Sant’Antonio di Padova, da Capo Milazzo e da Gemona del Friuli a Padova” in Numero monografico “Nuove forme di turismo” in eds. Savino M., Trasporti e Cultura, 61, pp. 46-53

MENEGHELLO S. (2021) “The Tourism-Landscape Nexus: Assessment and Insights from a Bibliographic Analysis”, Land,10(4), 417, Special Issue “Landscape and Tourism, Landscapes of Tourism” in eds. T. Terkenli, 1-25

MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2020), “Local active engagement as an effective tool for sustainable Tourism Development: First Considerations from the European Cultural Routes”. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 248, 1-12

MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2018), “Networks of historic houses as strategic option for sustainable tourism development. The venetian villas case ", in International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 3, 197-208

MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2016), "Promoting sustainable development through fishing tourism experiences. Benefits from the integration between fisheries and tourism in Venetian coastal areas", in International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp. 447-457

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S.(2010), “Il turismo del golf come opzione strategica per le destinazioni turistiche. Focus sullo stato dell'arte in Veneto” in TURISTICA, 3/ 2010, Speciale Golf e Turismo, Mercury, 2010

MENEGHELLO S. (2005), “Progettare i greenways come strumento di Destination Management e Destination Management”, Risposte Turismo, 1/2005.


Books chapters

MENEGHELLO S. (under revision), “Walking in the footsteps of Saint Anthony between local devotion and religious tourism”, in eds. Kiran A. Shinde and Joseph M. Cheer, A Research Agenda for Religious Tourism, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

MENEGHELLO S. (2022), “In cammino sulle orme di Sant’Antonio. Georeferenziazione dei paesaggi significativi tra esigenze spirituali e valorizzazione dei territori attraversati”, in Itinerari per la rigenerazione territoriale. Promozione e valorizzazione dei territori: sviluppi reticolari e sostenibili a cura di L. Spagnoli, Franco Angeli editore

MENEGHELLO S., ROVA S., NALETTO F.L., ANTONIALI M., PRANOVI F. (2021), “Emergenza sanitaria e turismo balneare. Percezioni e azioni nel litorale veneziano” in XXIV ed. Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2019-2020 a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 399-407

MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2019), “Il turismo equestre. Quadro nazionale e prospettive di crescita”, XXIII ed. Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2018-19 a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 595-607

MONTAGUTI F., MENEGHELLO S., D’EMILIA Y., MEGLIOLI E. (2019), “I turisti esperienziali: chi sono, dove sono e come raggiugerli”, in XXIII ed. Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2018-19 a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 565-575

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2019), Dinamiche del turismo nel Distretto Conegliano-Valdobbiadene. Focus sulla fruizione, in Rapporto Economico 2019 Distretto del Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Docg a cura di CISVE, Grafiche Antiga Spa, 131-145

MENEGHELLO S., MORLIN E. (2018). Il turismo del vino: il caso del Distretto del Prosecco di Conegliano-Valdobbiadene in XXII Rapporto sul Turismo italiano 2017-2018, a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 565-575

MENEGHELLO S., MONTAGUTI F. (2017), L’ascesa del paesaggio culturale, In XXI Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2016-2017, a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 665-675

MENEGHELLO S, MINGOTTO E. (2017), Le dimore storiche come driver di sviluppo territoriale e turistico. Esempi di progettualità nei diversi contesti nazionali In XXI Rapporto sul turismo italiano 2016-2017, a cura di E. Becheri, R. Micera, A. Morvillo, Rogiosi editore, 447-458

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E. (2017), “Dinamiche del turismo nel Distretto Conegliano-Valdobbiadene-Focus sulla fruizione enologica”, in Rapporto Annuale del Distretto Conegliano-Valdobbiadene

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., CONTE S. (2017), Destination-product-target: Differentiation vs Specialization? A competitive approach according to different destinations, in eds. Pechlaner H., Changing paradigms in sustainable mountain tourism research: problems and perspectives, Berlino, Erich Schmidt Verlag, pp.243-266.

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S.(2016), “Dinamiche del turismo nel Distretto Conegliano-Valdobbiadene-Focus sulla fruizione enologica”, in Rapporto Annuale del Distretto Conegliano-Valdobbiadene

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., MINGOTTO E.(2016), “Pescaturismo e ittiturismo. Nuovi prodotti di nicchia. Il caso della costa veneziana”, in XX Edizione 2015/2016 Rapporto sul turismo italiano a cura di E. Becheri e G. Maggiore, pp. 569-587

MENEGHELLO S., MONTAGUTI F. (2015), “Few Words, Mass Effect. Travel writings and destination image: The case of Venice”. In M. Kozac & N. Kozac (eds) Destination Marketing: An International Perspective London Routledge

CASARIN F., MENEGHELLO S. (2013), “Sostenibilità, branding e gestione sistemica nella relazione tra destinazione turistica e Tour Operator”, in M. Franch, U. Martini (a cura di), Management per la sostenibilità dello sviluppo turistico e la competitività delle destinazioni, Bologna: Il Mulino

CASARIN F., MENEGHELLO S. (2012), “Il rapporto tra la destinazione turistica ei Tour Operator” in Pechlaner H., Paniccia P., Valeri M., Raich F., (a cura di) Destination Governance. Teoria ed esperienze, Giappichelli, Torino, 181-207.

MANENTE M.-MENEGHELLO S. (2011), “Dinamiche del turismo in provincia di Treviso. Focus sulla fruizione enologia nel distretto Conegliano Valdobbiadene”. in Distretto del Prosecco Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, Centro Studi di Distretto Rapporto 2011 “Dare valore alla differenza”, pp. 189-211, Conegliano, CIRVE

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S. (2011), “Turismo golfistico ed enogastronomia: binomio strategico per la valorizzazione delle destinazioni turistiche” in Marketing e valorizzazione territoriale. Scenari e opportunità, a cura di M. Gordani, Time&Mind Edizioni, pp. 81-91

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., MONTAGUTI F.(2011), “Turismo e cultura: per un approccio experience-based e Strumenti di integrazione per la governance: casi di studio e buone pratiche”, in Ripensare il turismo. Turismo e cultura. Regione del Veneto e Fondazione Mazzotti

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S.(2010), “Turismo culturale e valorizzazione del territorio” in Il turismo culturale: nuovi orientamenti di sviluppo economico-sociale a cura di Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali Direzione per la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale

FURLAN M.C., MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S.(2008), “Dimensioni e dinamiche del turismo del vino in provincia di Treviso. Focus sul Distretto del Prosecco Conegliano-Valdobbiadene” in Distretto del Prosecco Conegliano-Valdobbiadene, Centro Studi di Distretto Rapporto 2008. “Analizzare il presente per progettare il futuro”. Conegliano, CIRVE

MENEGHELLO S.(2007), cap. 4 “Il marketing delle attrazioni turistiche” nel volume a cura di Casarin Francesco, Il marketing turistico, Giappichelli editore.

FURLAN M.C., MENEGHELLO S.(2006), “Il turismo culturale dalle città d’arte al territorio: nuovi fattori di attrattiva e forme di fruizione”, IV Rapporto Federculture.

FURLAN M.C., MENEGHELLO S., MINGHETTI V.(2004), “From “Predatory” to “Experience” Tourism: Estimating Tourist Fruition for a Greenway.” in (a cura di ) Weiermair, K., & Mathies, C., The tourism and leisure industry: shaping the future, 271-282.

MENEGHELLO S., (2002), Caratteri ed evoluzione dell’offerta culturale in Italia. Alcuni casi, cap. 3, in Manente M., Furlan M.C., Per un osservatorio sul turismo culturale: motivazioni e comportamenti nella domanda, Venezia-Cafoscarina. 

Conference Proceedings:

MENEGHELLO S. (2023), Dalla lunga scala temporale all’evento calamitoso. Le trasformazioni del paesaggio e le dinamiche turistiche in Agordino, in Atti del XXXIII Congresso Geografico Italiano. Geografie in Movimento, Padova, 8-13 settembre 2021; Volume 3. Soggetti, gruppi, persone. Pratiche, spazi e dinamiche delle mobilità umane, a cura di Rocca L., Castiglioni B., Lo Presti L.; pp. 374-381, Cleup, Padova. ISBN 978 88 5495 594 3

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S. (2016), “Il turismo a Venezia: l’impatto delle produzioni culturali sull’immagine indotta e l’autenticità”, in Volume Herity contenente Atti del Meeting svoltosi a Venezia in data 11 novembre 2016 dal titolo “Turismo ipertrofico”

FRANCESCATO S., MENEGHELLO S. (2012), “Un approccio interdisciplinare per lo studio dell'immagine di Venezia e del Veneto: travel writing e turismo nordamericano” in Darici K., Scarsella A., Maschera e Volto: Narrazioni, Libri di viaggio e Guide su Venezia (Baedeker, Guides, Reisebücher, Guías), Venezia, Granviale Editori, vol. 1. Atti del Convegno: Maschera e Volto Narrazioni, Libri di viaggio e Guide su Venezia (Baedeker, Guides, Reisebücher, Guías), Venezia, 17 Aprile 2012

MANENTE M., MENEGHELLO S., “Defining and testing a socio-economic model to identify Italian local tourism systems: a methodological framework”, Atti 8th International Forum on Tourism Statistics, Càceres, Spagna, 15 Novembre 2006



2022, October, 27-29: Italian Tourism Days. Sustainability and Tourism (Giornate Italiane del Turismo XXI edition), Università del Piemonte Orientale and Geoprogress Journal. Paper " Georeferencing significant landscapes as a planning tool for sustainable destinations. the case of the Venetian Brenta Riviera" 

2022, September, 26-30: 29th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape University of Jaen and University UNIA-Antonio Machado di Baeza (Spain). Paper “In the footsteps of St. Anthony.Assessing tourist landscape between spiritual motivations and tourism development” and paper “Assessing the landscape-tourism nexus in vulnerable mountain destinations. The Dolomites case between adversities and forms of resilience”

2022 September, 21-24: T2M 20th Annual Conference “Mobilities: disruptions and reconnections”, Dissgea-University of Padua. Paper (with Chiara Rabbiosi, speaker) “Re-interpreting religious walking heritage: a students’ experience along the Cammino di S. Antonio”

2022, July, 18-22: International Conference UGI-IGU 2022 Paris. Paper: “Exploring walking landscapes along the Italian Saint Anthony’s Route between frictional motivations and tourism development”

2022, June, 22-24 Conference “Itinerari per la rigenerazione territoriale. Promozione e valorizzazione dei territori: sviluppi reticolari e sostenibili”, Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (Isem) -Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr), Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici (CISGE), Gruppo di Ricerca Interuniversitario GECOAGRI-LANDITALY, Società Geografica Italiana. Paper: “In cammino sulle orme di Sant’Antonio. Geo-referenziazione dei paesaggi significativi tra esigenze spirituali e valorizzazione dei territori attraversati”

2022, May, 20: Seminar “Learning Landscapes. Ricerca e didattica per i paesaggi di domani”, Landscape Studies Group AGEI and Dissgea, University of Padua. Paper: “Learning on the move. Performative approaches to the nexus landscape-tourism

2021, May 27: International Workshop ATLAS (Association for tourism and Leisure Education and Research) SIG “Space, Place, Mobilities in Tourism” (online). Paper: “Mapping ‘tourist landscapes’ in the venetian Brenta Riviera between mobility and dwelling”

2020, July: International Conference "Sustainable Tourism 2020", Wessex Institute (online). Paper: Local active engagement as an effective tool for sustainable Tourism Development: First Considerations from the European Cultural Routes

2018, May: International Conference "Sustainable Tourism 2018", Wessex Institute-UK, Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Networks of historic houses as strategic option for sustainable tourism development. The venetian villas case"

2016, May: International Conference "Sustainable Tourism 2016", Wessex Institute-UK, Valencia, Spain. Paper: “Promoting sustainable development through fishing tourism experiences. Benefits from the integration between fisheries and tourism in Venetian coastal areas”

2012, April, 17: International Meeting “Maschera e volto. Narrazioni, Libri di viaggio e Guide su Venezia”, Ca’ Foscari University. Paper: “L’immagine di Venezia e del Veneto attraverso la produzione culturale: un approccio interdisciplinare”

2009, April: 44° TRC (Tourism Research Center) Meeting, Poznan University – Poland. Paper: “Tourism Mountain Destinations: the Italian context”.

2008, June : 4ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing du tourisme et des loisirs, Universitè de Savoie -IREGE IMUS -Campus de Chambery-Francia. Paper : “Competitiveness of Italian mountain destinations: a methodologycal framework for the analysis”

2007, June, 4-6-: 5th Bi-Annual Symposium of Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure, College of Charleston South Carolina, U.S. Paper: “Trends and Perspectives in Italian Tourism Research and Education”

2007, March, 17: Tourism Conference, University of Singidunum, Belgrad-Serbia. Paper: “Defining and improvement destination competitiveness: conceptual models and cases”

2004, 2005, 2006: International World Travel Forum, IPK International, Pisa, Italy. Paper: “Trends and perspectives in European and Italian tourism sector”

2004, November, 26: Tourism Conference, University of Algarve- Portugal. Paper: “Destination Management in Italy: best practices in hard times”

2002, April: International Conference “Leisure Futures”, Innsbruck University. Paper: “Cultural Tourism and Guest Profiles”



2023, May, 11: Lecture “Il turismo a Venezia. Cenni storici, flussi, pratiche, percezioni”. Course: Geography. Bachelor Degree Planning and Management of Cultural Tourism, (dBC) University of Padua, Ref. B. Castiglioni

2022, December, 20: Lecture “Paesaggi turistici e modelli di fruizione”. Master in Economics and Management of Tourism, Ca’ Foscari University - Campus Selisi, Treviso, REF. Ciset

2022, November, 24: Lecture “Paesaggio-turismo. Riflessioni teoriche ed applicazioni a casi veneti”. Course: Tourism, landscape and sustainability. Master’s degree in Tourism, Culture and Sustainability. (dBC). University of Padua. Ref. M. Cisani

2022, November, 16-17: Lectures: “Questioni teoriche e di metodo sul nesso paesaggio-turismo nell'analisi dei cammini” e “Governance e attori chiave nel Cammino di Sant’Antonio. Course: Tourism Enhancement and Landscape Promotion. Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padua. C. Rabbiosi

2022, September, 20: Lecture “The use of the Survey123 ArcGis app for the construction and use of a geo-questionnaire” in collaboration with Esri Italia. MoHu Summer School 2022 (DiSSGeA). University of Padua

2022, May, 17: Lecture "Progetti per la valorizzazione turistica di paesaggi d’acqua e di ville ". Curricular Laboratory "Water Landscapes and Villa Contexts" Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padu c/o Villa Revedin Bolasco- Castelfranco Veneto. Ref. C. Mistura

2022, May, 12: Lecture “Il turismo a Venezia. Cenni storici, flussi, pratiche, percezioni”. Course: Geography. Bachelor Degree Planning and Management of Cultural Tourism, (dBC) University of Padua, Ref. B. Castiglioni

2022, May, 10: Invited lecture “The landscape-Tourism Nexus”. Master's Degree En Análisis y Gestión del Territorio: Planificación, Gobernanza y Liderazgo Territorial of the Department of Human Geography of the University of Granada, as part of the Arqus-European Univeristy Alliance exchange. Ref. F. A. Navarro Valverde

2021, November, 4: Lecture "Framework teorico della relazione paesaggio-turismo e applicazione al tema dei cammini come pratica turistica " Course: Tourism Enhancement and Landscape Promotion. Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padua. C. Rabbiosi

16 November 2021: Teaching seminar entitled "Il nesso paesaggio-turismo. Riflessioni teoriche e possibili applicazioni a casi veneti di turismo slow e verde". Course: Tourism, Landscape and Sustainability. Master’s Degree in Tourism, Culture and Sustainability (DbC). University of Padua Prof. M. Cisani

2021, May, 12: Seminar “Il turismo a Venezia. Cenni storici, flussi, pratiche, percezioni”. Course: Geography. Bachelor Degree Progettazione e Gestione del Turismo Culturale, (dBC) University of Padua, Ref. B. Castiglioni

2021, April, 9: Seminar "I paesaggi veneti e le destinazioni turistiche". Course: Geography. Bachelor Degree Planning and Management of Cultural Tourism, (dBC) University of Padua, Ref. B. Castiglioni

2020, December – 2021, February 2021: Cycle of seminars "Le differenti tipologie di paesaggi turistici”. Master in Tourism Economics and Management. University Ca' Foscari c/o Campus Selisi. Treviso. Ref. CISET

2020, January, 21-24: Cycle of seminars “I modelli di turismo culturale” Master in Tourism Economics and Management. University Ca' Foscari c/o Campus Selisi. Treviso. Ref. Ciset



2022, April, 1 – September, 30: Teaching assistantship (40hours): Curricular fieldwork. Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padua (project “Nova Didaxis 3.0: avanzare su sentieri non tracciati”). Ref. M. Cisani

2022, June- October: Teaching assistantship in class and during the fieldtrip “Lungo il Cammino di Sant’Antonio e la Romea Germanica. Anguillara-Monselice-Padova”. Course: Tourism Enhancement and Landscape Promotion. Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padua. Ref. C. Rabbiosi

2021, June- November: Teaching assistantship in class and during the fieldtrip “Lungo il Cammino di Sant’Antonio e la Romea Strata. Villa del Conte-Camposampiero-Padova”. Course: Tourism Enhancement and Landscape Promotion. Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences (DiSSGeA). University of Padua. Ref. C. Rabbiosi

2020, October, 2; 2021, October, 1; 2022, October, 6: Teaching assistantship: opening days 1st, 2nd and 3rd edition of the Master’s Degree Landscape Sciences (Dissgea), University of Padua. Ref. B. Castiglioni

2021, April, 23: Teaching activities at the Geography Museum for students of the Geography course. Bachelor Degree Progettazione e Gestione del Turismo Culturale, (dBC) University of Padua. Ref. B. Castiglioni

2018, May-June: Teaching assistantship. International Summer School “The future of Pellestrina. A marginal but not marginalised territory” held from 11 to 22 June 2018 in Pellestrina-VE organised by IUAV University of Venice, CISET and MIT Boston. Activities carried out: coordination and implementation of research and teaching activities during the workshop as part of the multidisciplinary project shared between different working groups on the topics: energy and innovation, tourism, participation and communication, food and local economies.

2012-2015: Design and Organisation of Teaching Workshops for the Ca' Foscari Summer School on behalf of CISET

2003, August – 2004, May: Graduate Assistantship, Georgia State University, US, Department of Sociology. Activities: support in the preparation of teaching materials for undergraduate students and evaluation of class assignments



2022, Speptember, 16-30: Site Visit and Research, Granada University, Human Geography Dept. Full Sholarship from the “Arqus-European University Alliance” Project, University of Padua

2003 August – 2004 June: Visiting Graduate Student, Georgia State University- Atlanta-U.S., Dept. Sociology, Dept. Heritage Preservation. Full scholarship for visiting Graduate Student – international exchance programme. Ca’ Foscari University. Internships at the Atlanta History Center and at the Atlanta Children Museum. 



  • December 2018: "Best training project award on education on the heritage of the Venetian villas for the new generations" by the Regional Institute for  the venetian Villas for the concept and organization of the training course "Tourism Network Specialist. Venetian villas promotion and tourism development".
  • August-December 2003: "Best Student Project Award" by the National Council on Public History U.S.-CANADA for the organization of the public exhibition Rich's: the store that married a city (part of the academic course 'Exhibition Planning and Production', Heritage Preservation Dept., Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.