- Position
- Full Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 8952
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Oceanografia, meteorologia e climatologia [GEOS-04/C]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/davidoff (personal record)
- Office
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: ex meeting room A (Zeta A building, 1st floor)
Personal identifiers in scientific databases
Scopus Author ID: 35616404000; ORCID: 0000-0001-5929-6983
2005 - PhD degree awarded by the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences on 30/11/2005, XVIII Cycle, with thesis entitled: “Analisi delle evoluzioni climatiche nell’Italia Settentrionale indotte da cambiamenti globali: dinamiche e tendenze future” (supervisor: Prof. Pietro Traverso). PhD supported by ministerial scholarship assigned by public competition.
2001 - Degree (“Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento”) in Environmental Sciences awarded by the University Ca’Foscari of Venice on 20/02/2001 (mark: 110/110), with thesis entitled: “Modellazione dei processi di remineralizzazione della sostanza organica in sedimenti marini e loro influenza sulla speciazione dei metalli pesanti” (supervisor: Prof. Roberto Pastres).
1995 - Diploma awarded by the scientific high-school Marcantonio Flaminio of Vittorio Veneto (mark: 52/60)
Main work experiences
since April 2021 Associate Professor at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
2018-2021 Tenure-track assistant professor (RTD-B) at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
2014-2018 Post-Doc (“Assegnista”) at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, within the European Project PREFACE (603521, WP10).
2010-2014 Post-Doc at the “Max Planck Institute for Meteorology” of Hamburg (Germany) within the project ENIGMA (“Earth System Network of Integrated Modeling and Assessment”) of the Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) for the period 01/02/2010-30/10/2011 and, then, for the period 01/11/2011-31/08/2014, within the project MultiClip, a contribution to the research program “MiKlip” (FKZ:01LP1158A) of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Germany (BMBF).
2008–2010 “Assegnista” (holder of an annual scholarship, extended) at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Evironmental Sciences.
2007–2008 Scientific collaborator (post-doc level) at the Consorzio Venezia Ricerche (CVR) within the project “EuroMediterranean Center for Climate Change (CMCC)” Line 5.1 Task 1.3.
2006-2007 “Assegnista” (holder of an annual scholarship) at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Evironmental Sciences.
Qualifications, institutional and scientific responsibilities, participation in scientific commissions
I have served in multiple occasions as a member of PhD and Master Degree Commissions for various national and international Universities, including the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, the University Parthenope of Naples, the University of Salento, the University of Iceland, the University of Hamburg and the University of Cambridge. I have also served as member of the commissions for the evaluation procedures related to the assignment of teaching for PhD and second-level Master courses as well as for the assignment of post-doctoral grants at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice.
I hold the national scientific habilitations in the section (“settore concorsuale”) “04/A4 (Geophysics) – I Fascia” (Full Professor) since 2020 and in the section “02/C1 (ASTRONOMY, ASTROPHYSICS, PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY PHYSICS) – I Fascia” (Full Professor),
I have acted as referee for international Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards including the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2020-2021 of the Government of Canada and of international scientific proposals, including application for the Minerva Fellowship
Since 2018 I am a member of the scientific council of the Phd Course in Science and Management of Climate Change of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and have acted as Advisory Panel Member at the PhD school “International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modeling” between 2013 and 2016.
I am Editorial Board Member of the international peer-reviewed journal (MDPI Atmosphere, IF: 2.046, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/atmosphere/editors) since October 2019. I am Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Venice flooding: understanding, prediction capabilities, and future projections” in the peer-reviewed scientific international journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. I am coordinator of the multi-journal special issue “The Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP)” published in the Copernicus/EGU peer-reviewed international journals: ACP, GMD, CP, ESD. See: https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/special_issue430_907.html
I am co-chair of the international scientific activity “VolMIP – Model Intercomparison Project on the climate response to Volcanic forcing, volmip.org), a contribution to the “Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 6 – CMIP6” of the “World Climate Research Program” (wcrp-climate.org). Since 2015 I am a member of the international scientific panel “CLIVAR – Research focus on decadal climate variability and predictability” (http://www.clivar.org/research-foci/dcvp)
Organization of scientific meetings
I have been convener or co-convener in various international scientific meetings including different editions of the General Assembly of the “European Geosciences Union” (2015, 2019-2021), the PAGES Open Science Meeting 2017, and of different editions of the international conference series “THEMES” (2016-2019).
Research Projects
I am supervisor of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowships grant “InAndAround - Patterns of land-use and human mobility in a time of climate changes (Italy, 6th to 10th c.)”. I am PI of the research project “IPSODES - Investigating the predictability of the Southern Ocean dynamics through ensemble simulation hindcasts” funded by the Italian Programma Nazionale di Ricerca in Antartide – PNRA. I am coordinator of Line 5.1 of the 4-year research program “Venezia 2021 - Programma di ricerca scientifica per una laguna “regolata””. I contribute to the National Science Foundation Proposal “Collaborative research: P2C2—What is the driver of orbital-scale central American Monsoon variations? Tests of the Insolation and sea surface temperature hypotheses” (PI: Amos Winter, Indiana State University, Terra Haute, IN, USA).
I contributed as a post-doc to the research projects ENIGMA (“Earth System Network of Integrated Modeling and Assessment”) of the Max Planck Society (Germany), MultiClip, a contribution to the research program “MiKlip” of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Germany (BMBF) and to the European Project PREFACE.
Teaching and student/post-doc supervision
I am currently supervising two students within the PhD program “SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE“ at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice. I have supervised and co-supervised several first-level and second-level Master students as well as post-lauream internship at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. At Ca’Foscari I have also refereed several Bachelor and Master Theses.
I have supervised two post-doctoral researchers in the ambit of the research program “VENEZIA 2021” and a post-doctoral researcher within the research project PNRA-IPSODES.
I currently teach the following courses at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice: GEOPHYSICS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE (graduate); THE CLIMATE SYSTEM AND ITS VARIABILITY (graduate); INTRODUCTION TO CLIMATE DYNAMICS (PhD/second-level master); Earth System Dynamics (PhD/second-level master)
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