- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Member of the technical-scientific Committee of the Ca' Foscari Challenge School (DFBC)
Director of the Professional Master’s Programme "Tutela e gestione della risorsa idrica" (III ed.)
- Telephone
- 041 234 7222
tutor.masterfauna@unive.it - Tutor Master Fauna
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Diritto amministrativo e pubblico [GIUR-06/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/olivi (personal record)
- Office
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Marco Olivi
Classical high school diploma, Law degree, Qualification to practice law.
Academic role and teaching activities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
He is an Associate Professor of Administrative Law.
He holds courses in cultural heritage law in the three-year and master's degree courses in “Conservation and management of cultural assets and activities” and “Economics and management of arts and cultural activities.
He founded and is the director of the Master's degree in Administration and management of wild fauna.
He founded and is the director of the Master's degree in Protection and management of water resources.
He founded and is the director of the Need Study Center (Nature, ethics, economy, law).
Current Institutional Roles at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
He is a member of the Technical Scientific Committee of the Ca’ Foscari Challenge School.
He is a member of the teaching board of the master's degree course in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
Institutional roles held at Ca' Foscari University of Venice
He was a member of the Commission for the revision of the University Statute.
He was a member of the Commission for the drafting of the University Code of Ethics.
He was the Rector's Delegate for administrative simplification, a role in which he oversaw the drafting of new regulations and the revision of all University regulations following the entry into force of the new Statute.
He was a member of the Commission for the valorization of knowledge.
He was a member of the Quality Assurance Group of the Master's Degree Course in Economics and Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
He was the director of the master's degree in Environmental and Land Law.
Membership in scientific centers, associations and committees
He founded and is the director of the Need Study Center, Nature, Ethics, Economy and Law, is a member of the San Martino Group, of the Italian Association of Professors of Administrative Law, is a member of the scientific committee of the magazine AmbienteDiritto.it and of the Referee Committee of the magazine Queste Istituzioni.
Academic career
From 1994 to 2001: expert in public law at the Department of Legal Sciences of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
From 1994 to 1995: contract professor of the integrative course “Local Autonomies” of the Faculty of Economics of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
From 1995 to 2000: contract professor of the course “Urban Planning Law”, at the University Institute of Architecture of Venice “I.U.A.V.”;
From 1999 to 2001: PhD in “Administrative Law” at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trieste;
From 2001 to 2010: researcher in Public Law at the Faculty of Economics of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
In the Academic Year 2005/06: lecturer of the course “Tourism Legislation” at the Faculty of Economics of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
From 2004 to 2008, lecturer of the course “Environmental and Territorial Law”, of the distance learning course of the University Institute of Architecture of Venice “I.U.A.V.”;
From 2002 to 2008: lecturer of the course “Navigation Law” at the Faculty of Economics of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
From 2002 to 2010, he taught the course “Public Law Institutions” at the Faculty of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
From 2010 to 2018, as an associate professor, he taught the courses related to the public area of the economics and environmental sciences courses such as Public Law Institutions, Advanced Administrative Law and Environmental Law.
From 2018 to today, he has taught the courses on cultural heritage law.
Most relevant publications
Common State Property – Conferment of Functions and Privatization, CEDAM, Padua, 2005. The work is cited in the volume “The Science of Administrative Law in the Second Half of the 20th Century”.
Editing of the volumes:
- Sustainable Hunting. Biological, ethical and legal profiles, FrancoAngeli, Milan, 2020
- The wolf between myth and reality, AMBIENTEDIRITTO Editore, 2023
- Agriculture and the environment in the epochal challenge of sustainability between climate crisis and geopolitical crisis, Editoriale scientifica, Naples, forthcoming.
Most relevant essays and articles:
- Evolutionary profiles of maritime state-owned assets, in Il Diritto Marittimo, 2004;
- The legal status of fishing valleys sixty years after the navigation code in AA.VV. Dialoghi del Diritto, Padua, p. 245;
- Maritime state-owned assets between the State and territorial autonomies: ownership of the asset and ownership of the functions, in Foro Amministrativo CdS, 6/2006;
- Public assets, in Il Diritto – Enciclopedia legale del sole 24 ore, vol. II, Milan, 2007;
- Public goods, in M. Clarich, G.Fonderico Dictionary of Administrative Law, Milan 2007;
- The extraco
commercialization of public goods and the fragmentation of ownership, in AA.VV., Public goods: protection, valorization and management, Milan, 2008, p. 49;
- Ownership of tourist ports, in Foro Amministrativo CdS 11/2009;
- Cultural and environmental heritage, in AA.VV. Commentary on the Statute of the Veneto Region, Venice, 2012, p. 89;
- Principle of horizontal subsidiarity and rules of private law, in Legal Research, vol. 2, 2013, p. 479;
- Public goods between privatizations and the rediscovery of common goods, in Amministrazione in cammino, vol. 1, p. 1, 2014;
- Participation and agreements between principles and rules, in Amministrazione in cammino, vol. I, p. 1, 2014;
- Damage to the Treasury for Authorization to Kill Wild Fauna, in Ambientediritto.it, 2018 vol. 8, p. 1;
- Administration of Wild Fauna and Decision-Making Power of the Region. A Giant with Feet of Clay, in Ambientediritto.it, 2018 vol. 9, p.1;
- Legal Nature of Wild Fauna in AA.VV, Sustainable Hunting. Biological, Ethical and Legal Profiles, Milan, 2020 p. 147;
- Wild Fauna and Hunting Regulation in the Regional System in AA. The Reform of the CAP and the Management of Wild Fauna, in I GEORGOFILI. QUADERNI, SEF Florence 2021;
- Article 9 of the Constitution and the Protection of Wild Animals, in Ambiente diritto.it, 2022, vol. 1, p. 1;
- Protection of the Wolf from Ethical Issues to Legislation and Practice, in AA.VV. The Wolf between Myth and Reality, AMBIENTEDIRITTO Editore, 2023;
- Large predators and the mandatory or binding nature of ISPRA opinions: a poorly posed question, in RETICULA n. 34/2023, p. 27
- Agriculture and protection of wild animals, in Agriculture and the environment in the epochal challenge of sustainability between climate crisis and geopolitical crisis in the process of being published.
Conferences and Conventions
He has given speeches at various conferences and conventions.
He has organized and been the scientific director of the following conventions:
Conference on “The new tourism in the perspective of autonomies”, Jesolo 10 February 2003;
International round table on “Forms of protection and substantial profiles in contemporary maritime law”, Venice 7 November 2003;
International conference on “Tourism between collective needs and the market”, Jesolo 3 February 2004;
International conference on “Hunting and the environment – Legal, anthropological, ethical and sustainability aspects” Venice, 5 June 2015;
National conference on “Legal and biological aspects for managing biodiversity”, Venice, 15 June 2017;
Conference on “Men, wolves, bears and wild boars – A difficult coexistence”, Padua, 26 October 2017;
National conference on “The wolf-dog hybrid from the perspective of biodiversity”, Venice, 8 June 2018;
National conference on “Wildlife monitoring – Strategies and issues”, Venice, 16 June 2018;
National conference on “Management of native freshwater fish fauna in Italy" Venice, June 14, 2019;
National conference on “The wolf: from emergency to coexistence”, Venice, November 30, 2019;
National conference on “Allochthonous fauna”, Venice, January 14, 2022;
National conference on “The reform of articles 9 and 41 of the Constitution. Towards a new environmental protection?”, Venice, April 9, 2022;
National conference on “Agriculture and environment in the epochal challenge of sustainability between climate crisis and geopolitical crisis”; Venice, June 24/25, 2022;
National conference on “Problematic birds: legal profiles and technical profiles” Venice, December 16, 2022;
National conference on “Large predators in the prism of sustainability between rules of nature and rules of law”, Venice, June 30 2023.
National conference on “Satellite telemetry project on some species of aquatic birds and analysis of its effects for hunting purposes. Legal profiles and biological profiles”, Venice, 5 April 2024
Round table “Downgrading of wolf protection. Evaluations and perspectives. Legal, biological, anthropological, ethical profiles” Venice, November 29, 2024
National conference “The brown bear in the central-eastern Alps between instances of conservation of the species and protection of other legally relevant interests”, Venice, January 10, 2025
Other professional experiences
Before becoming a tenured University Professor, from 1987 to 1999 he was an Officer of the normal roles of the Port Authorities, where he held the position of Commander of the port and Head of the District that includes the coasts of Bibione, Caorle, Eraclea, Jesolo and exercised the functions provided for by the navigation code in terms of navigation, by the international conventions in terms of marine pollution and navigation safety, as well as the functions relating to the maritime state property and the territorial sea now conferred to the Regions and municipalities.
Since entering the university role he has carried out, within the limits of compatibility with the status of full-time professor, activities
consulting for private companies, local authorities and other public bodies.
He has been delegated several times by the University as a member of the examination commission for the qualification to practice law and of the examination commission for the qualification to practice the profession of accountant.
For many years he has been delegated by the University as a member of the examination commissions for the register of maritime brokers and for the register of maritime agents.
Charitable activity
He is a “Trustee” of the Trust called “Le neuroscienze per i bambini del silenzio – Neurosciences for the children of silence” established for scientific research purposes for the diagnosis and neurocognitive rehabilitation of autistic children.
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