Pier Mario VESCOVO

Full Professor
Department's Delegate for Civic Engagement
041 234 7207
Scientific sector (SSD)
Discipline dello spettacolo [PEMM-01/A]
www.unive.it/people/vescovo (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Piermario Vescovo (1959) is full professor of Performing Arts at “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice (In the national scientific qualification of 2012 he got also the qualification of full professor in Italian literature).

He graduated in Literature and continued his studies in Venice (School of improvement of “neolatine philology”; Phd in “Italianistica”).

He lectured for many foreign universities, among which Paris III, Paris-Sorbonne, Paris-VIII, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris-Lyon), Clermont-Ferrand.

The majority of his publications and the many critical editions (such as: Rodiana e Travaglia by Andrea Calmo, Baruffe Chiozzotte and Uomo Prudente by Carlo Goldoni, Tutto il Teatro by Giacinto Gallina and Commedie by Ippolito Nievo.) concern Italian Drama, referring particularly to Ruzante, Calmo, Andreini, Goldoni, Gozzi, Gallina and Nievo.

Among the many interests, he privileges the relations between literature and visual arts (with some trespassing on history of art, from Giorgione to Giandomenico Tiepolo). Nowadays he deals with theory and history of the dramatic text. (Entracte. Drammaturgia del Tempo; A viva voce. Percorsi del genere drammatico, Venice, Marsilio 2007 and 2015).

He is scientific secretary of the committee of the National Edition of Carlo Goldoni, Carlo Gozzi and Ippolito Nievo (Marsilio editors, Venice), editor of "Drammaturgia", “Studi sul Boccaccio”, “Studi Goldoniani”, “Quaderni Veneti”. He is co-director (along with Pasquale Sabbatino) of “Rivista di Letteratura Teatrale”.

He was part of groups of Italian interuniversity research (PRIN). He participates to the project dedicated to the European prosperity of the Italian theater (from Fifteen hundred until Seventeen hundred) promoted by the Universities Paris IV-Sorbonne (CNRS) and Autónoma of Barcellona.