Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies




October 2024 – Present
University of Turin, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures
• Adjunct Professor of East Asian Art History (China, Korea, Japan)
Seminar course open to undergraduate and graduate students. 3-credit module: "Evolutions and Interconnections in East Asian Visual Arts (c. 2000 BCE – 1900 CE): Symbolism and Literary References."

April 2023 – September 2024
• Freelance Consultant for Cultural Projects on East Asian Art and Archaeology
> Curatorial collaboration for "The Worlds of Marco Polo. The Journey of a 13th-Century Venetian Merchant", a major international exhibition at the Doge's Palace in Venice commemorating 700 years since Marco Polo's death (06.04–29.09.2024). Responsibilities included imagining and curating the central section of the exhibition on the territory under the Yuan dynasty rule (1271–1368), writing object labels, and contributing an original essay to the catalogue.
> Member of the curatorial group for the international exhibition *"In Praise of Fragility – Ceramic Art at the P.A. Garda Civic Museum", Ivrea (17.02–09.09.2024), marking the 10th anniversary of the museum's reopening. Specific responsibilities included imagining and curating the most extensive section of the exhibition on East Asian ceramics, writing object labels, and contributing an original essay to the catalogue.

March 2006 – October 2018 / July 2021 – February 2022 / March 2023
Fondazione Torino Musei, MAO Museum of Oriental Art
• Curator of East Asian Art
> Researching collections, managing two galleries, and overseeing related storage areas.
> Conducting ongoing research on various topics related to East Asia.
> Cataloguing approximately 1,450 museum objects, including photography and valuation.
> Ensuring the appropriate display, conservation, and restoration of objects.
> Designing and implementing periodic rotations in the Japanese gallery and adjustments in the Chinese gallery.
> Promoting and developing museum projects and activities, including exhibitions, publications, website content, acquisitions, loans, donor relations, conferences, and other events.
> Training and supervising interns working at the MAO.
> Extensive experience accompanying objects as a courier in Italy and abroad.

November 2018 – June 2021
Fondazione Torino Musei, MAO Museum of Oriental Art
• Museum Director
> Promoting research, conservation, and display of the museum's collections.
> Overseeing the museum premises, infrastructure, collections, and visitors.
> Enhancing building security and investing in heritage conservation.
> Planning and supervising temporary exhibitions, events, and all museum projects with a long-term vision.
> Sharing responsibility for the museum's annual budget with Fondazione Torino Musei.
> Approving all museum expenditures within available resources.
> Managing office staff and supervising front-of-house personnel, including ticketing and control room staff.
> Building and maintaining relationships with Asian communities in Turin and beyond.
> Establishing and nurturing relationships with MAO volunteers, the Friends of Fondazione Torino Musei Association, and other stakeholders.
> Promoting projects for inclusivity and engagement with broader audiences, including people with disabilities.
> Encouraging collaboration with universities, museums, and institutions for joint projects.
> Expanding museum collections by attracting new donors and maintaining strong relationships with key benefactors.

February – September 2017
Ca' Foscari University, Department of Asian and North African Studies
• Adjunct Professor of Chinese Art History
> Taught two undergraduate courses:
> Chinese Art History 1: From the Neolithic to the Western Han period (double module).
> Chinese Art History 2: From the Song to the Ming period.

October 2009 – March 2012
University of Genoa, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
• Adjunct Professor of East Asian Art History
> Taught undergraduate courses for the Cultural Heritage Conservation program:
> 6-credit module (1st year): "The Way of Beauty: A Chinese Aesthetic Theory for Art History."
> 6-credit module (2nd year): "An Integrated Approach to Art History in Northeast Asia," with a focus on Manchuria, Korea, and Japan.

June 2010 – June 2011
Municipality of Moncalvo
• Consultant
Evaluated and catalogued the municipality's Japanese art collection: 38 pieces including screens, kakemono, emakimono, and ukiyo-e prints.

April 2001 – November 2003
University of Genoa
• Archaeologist, Interpreter, Consultant
> Member of the Italian archaeological team, facilitating promotion, organization, and negotiations with Chinese counterparts for a cooperation project on ancient Christian heritage in China.
> Conducted archaeological surveys at Ongut sites in Darhan Muminggan Banner and Hohhot (Inner Mongolia).
> Undertook archaeological reconnaissance at the Temple of the Cross site in Fangshan (Beijing).

September 1997 – October 2002
University of Naples "L’Orientale"
• Archaeologist, Interpreter
Permanent member of the Italian archaeological team in collaboration with IsIAO Rome, directed by G. Verardi. Excavation of the Fengxiansi Monastery near Longmen (Luoyang, Henan).

September – December 1998
Società Cooperativa Archeologia
• Archaeologist
Excavations at the Roman Forum (Via della Consolazione, Basilica of Maxentius).

March – April 1996
Istituto Italo Cinese (now CentrOriente)
• Teacher
Taught a short course on "Symbolism and Iconography in Chinese Art."


November 2001 – April 2005
University of Naples "L’Orientale", Department of Asian Studies
• PhD in "Archaeology: Relationships between East and West."
Dissertation on "Settlements and Materials in the Longmen Area" (Luoyang, Henan Province).

September 1996 – July 1998
Jilin University (Changchun, China)
• Scholarship recipient
> Year-long Chinese language course.
> Year-long Chinese archaeology course.

March – July 1996
CSEA Training School – Giorgio Quazza Division
• Professional Specialization in Literary Translation ("Chinese Language").
500 hours of translation theory and practice.

October 1988 – February 1995
University of Turin, Department of Oriental Studies
• Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures – Oriental Studies.
Major in Chinese language and culture, with a study plan focused on art history and archaeology.
Dissertation: "The Xiangtangshan Cave Temples" (Handan, Hebei Province). Final grade: 110/110 with honours.

September – December 1993
Beijing Language Institute (now Beijing Language and Culture University)
• Chinese Language Course for Foreigners.


National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professorship (in Italy). Sector 10/N3 - Central and East Asian Cultures (valid until 05.11.2035).


> Native: Italian.
> Proficient: English.
> Good: Mandarin Chinese.
> Reading comprehension: French and Spanish.
> Basic: Korean and Japanese.


“Dalla materia alla destinazione d’uso: gli elementi caratterizzanti della produzione ceramica in Asia orientale / From the Material to the Intended Use: the Characteristic Elements of Ceramic Production in East Asia” with notes on “Consistenza e composizione della collezione di ceramiche orientali nel Museo Civico Pier Alessandro Garda / Consistency and composition of the collection of oriental ceramics in the Pier Alessandro Garda Civic Museum”, in P. Mantovani et al. (ed.), Elogio della fragilità – Arte ceramica al Museo P.A. Garda (In Praise of Fragility – Ceramic Art at the P.A. Garda Civic Museum), Sagep Editori, Genova 2024, pp. 28-35 / 215-218.

“Dal Buddha di Zhangye alle porcellane di Dehua: Marco Polo in Cina tra religione e arte / From the Buddha of Zhangye to Dehua Porcelain: Marco Polo in China between Religion and Art”, in G. Curatola – C. Squarcina (ed.), I mondi di Marco Polo. Il viaggio di un mercante veneziano nel Duecento / The Worlds of Marco Polo. The Journey of a Venetian Merchant from the 13th Century, Magonza Editore, Arezzo 2024, pp. 116-127.
“One Museum, Five Galleries, Five Thousand Years of Asian Art. Collections and Displays at the Museo d’Arte Orientale in Turin”, Arts of Asia, Winter Issue, Hong Kong 2022, pp. 93-103.

“La collezione cinese del MAO Museo d’Arte Orientale, Torino (The Chinese collection of MAO Museum of Oriental Art, Turin)”, in C. Visconti (ed.), Arte cinese e chinoiserie. Residenze, collezioni e musei in Italia (Chinese art and chinoiserie. Residences, collections and museums in Italy), published by the journal Sulla via del Catai, year XIV, n. 24, Centro Studi Martino Martini, Trento 2021, pp. 130-145.

(with R. Spallone, F. Lamberti, F. Ronco, S. Tamantini) “3D Reconstruction and Presentation of Cultural Heritage: AR and VR Experiences at the Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino”, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, n. XLVI-M-1-2021, pp. 697–704.

(with R. Spallone, F. Lamberti, F. Ronco, S. Tamantini) “AR e VR per la comunicazione e fruizione del patrimonio al Museo d’Arte Orientale di Torino / AR and VR for Heritage Communication and Fruition at the Museo d’Arte Orientale of Turin”, in A. Arena, M. Arena, D. Mediati, P. Raffa (ed.), Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Linguaggi Distanze Tecnologie. Atti del 42° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione / Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationship. Languages Distances Technologies. Proceedings of the 42th International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2021, pp. 2659-2676.

“Introduzione / Introduction”, in M. Vetrugno (ed.), Sfumature di terra. Ceramiche cinesi dal X al XV secolo / Shades of Earth. Chinese ceramics from 10th to 15th century, Silvio Zamorani Editore, Torino 2020, pp. 1-5.

“Altri sguardi a Oriente: il MAO ospita il contemporaneo (Other views to the East: MAO hosts contemporary art)”, in D.M. Papa (ed.), Shoreless – Opere di Güler Ates al MAO (Shoreless – Works of Güler Ates at MAO), Teca Edizioni, Torino 2019, pp. 43-47.

“Le dinastie Ming e Qing: contesto storico (Ming and Qing Dynasties: a historical overview), L’arte delle dinastie Ming e Qing (Art of the Ming and Qing Dynasties)”, “Cenni di storia del Giappone (Surfing on Japanese history), Tendenze generali dell’arte giapponese (Main trends in Japanese art)”, in C. Ramasso (ed.), Orienti. 7000 anni di arte asiatica dal Museo delle Civiltà di Roma (Orients. 7000 years of Asian art from the Museum of Civilization in Rome), Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2018, pp. 142-143, 153-154.

Exhibition entries pp. 166-169, 172-175, 184-201, 340-343, in L. Godart – M. Scarpari (ed.), Dall’antica alla nuova Via della Seta (From the ancient to the new Silk Road), Tecnostampa S.r.l., Loreto 2016.

“Uṣṇīṣa-cūḍāmani. Note su un particolare iconografico delle immagini del Buddha in Asia orientale (Notes on an iconographic feature of Buddha images in East Asia)”, in P. Fedi and M. Paolillo (ed.), Arte dal Mar Mediterraneo al Mar della Cina. Genesi ed incontri di scuole e stili (Art from the Mediterranean Sea to the China Seas. Genesis and encounters of schools and styles), Officina di studi Medievali, Palermo 2015, pp. 139-152.

“Stesi per Terra, rivolti al Cielo: i tappeti imperiali cinesi come simboli cosmici di potere (Spread out upon the Earth, facing the Heavens: Chinese imperial carpets as cosmic symbols of power)”, in E. Danon and R. Danon (ed.), Il Drago e il Fiore d'Oro. Potere e magia nei tappeti della Cina imperiale (The Dragon and the Golden Flower. Power and magic in Chinese Imperial carpets) exhibition catalogue, Orientalis, Roma 2015, pp. 9-17.

“The Japanese Collection at the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO) in Turin”, in J. Kreiner (ed.), Japanese Collections in European Museums. Vol. III, Bier’sche Verlagsanstalt, Bonn 2015, pp. 249-257.

Exhibition entries nos. 173-175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 187-189, 191, 192, 216-220, 225, in F. P. Campione – M. Fagioli (ed.), L’art de l’amour au temps des Geishas, Giunti Arte Mostre Musei S.r.l., Firenze - Milano 2014.

Editing of the exhibition catalogue Cavalli Celesti. Raffigurazioni equestri nella Cina antica (Heavenly Horses. Equestrian representations in ancient China), Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2014.
Introductory essay “Storia del cavallo in Cina fino all'anno Mille: archeologia, arte, mito (History of the horse in China to the year one thousand: archaeology, art, and myth)”, pp. 13-39; 39 entries pp. 50-96; apparatus criticus pp. 100-109.

(with Sawada Kazuto) “Japanese Buddhist Objects at the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO) in Turin, with a Report on the Buddhist Robes (kesa) in the MAO”, in T.I.M. Steineck – J. Kreiner – R.C. Steineck (ed.), Japanese Collections in European Museums. Vol. IV: Buddhist Art, Bier’sche Verlangsanstalt, Bonn 2013, pp. 209-222.

Editing of the exhibition catalogue Riflessi d’Oriente - 2500 anni di specchi in Cina e dintorni (Reflections of the East – 2500 years of mirrors in China and beyond), Silvana Editoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2012.
Introductory essay “Distillati dal Sole e dalla Luna: significati e importanza dello specchio nella cultura cinese (Distilled from the Sun and the Moon. Meanings and importance of the mirror in Chinese culture)”, pp. 13-21; 17 entries pp. 57, 66-69, 94-97, 118-19, 132-33, 159, 164-71, 174, 187, 209, 214-15; introductions to the 5 sections pp. 48-49, 78-79, 108-109, 138-39, 184-85; apparatus criticus pp. 230-39.

“Oggetti luminosi nei Palazzi Eterni: corredi e tombe dal primo impero ai Tang (Luminous Objects in the Eternal Palaces: grave goods and tombs from the First Empire to the Tang)”, in S. Rastelli and M. Scarpari (ed.), Il Celeste Impero. Dall’Esercito di Terracotta alla Via della Seta (The Heavenly Empire. From the Terracotta Army to the Silk Road) exhibition catalogue, Skira Editore, Milano 2008, pp. 47-55.

“Evidenze testuali e materiali sui Cristiani di Pechino in epoca Yuan (Textual and material evidence about Christians in Beijing during the Yuan period)”, in G. Airaldi and G. Meriana (ed.), Andalò da Savignone. Un genovese del ’300 sulla via della seta (Andalò da Savignone. A Genoese of the 14th century on the Silk Road), De Ferrari, Genova 2008, pp. 63-72.

“Archaeological Evidence from the ‘Buddhist Period’ in the Longmen Area”, AION, vol. LXVI, nos. 1-4. Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’, Napoli 2006, pp. 139-177.

“L’area di Longmen (The Longmen area)”, in L. Caterina and G. Verardi (ed.), Tang. Arte e cultura in Cina prima dell’anno mille (Tang. Art and culture in China before 1000 AD), Electa, Napoli 2005, pp. 92-95.

“Tempio della Croce – Fangshan – Pechino. Documentazione preliminare delle fonti epigrafiche in situ (Temple of the Cross – Fangshan – Beijing. Preliminary documentation about the epigraphic sources on site)”, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, no. 2, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma 2005, pp. 431-460.

“Sepolture e riti funerari degli Onguti in Mongolia Interna (Burials and funerary rites of the Onguts in Inner Mongolia)”, in G. Airaldi, P. Mortari Vergara Caffarelli, L.E. Parodi (ed.), I Mongoli dal Pacifico al Mediterraneo (The Mongols from the Pacific to the Mediterranean), ECIG, Genova 2004, pp. 93-108.

“The Gao Huan Cave Tomb”, Annali, vol. LVIII, nos. 1-2, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli 1998, pp. 50-86.

“Il Tempio Rupestre di Xiangtangshan (The Xiangtangshan Cave Temple)”, Asia, no. 7, CESMEO, Torino 1996, pp. 70-75.


From digital reconstruction to urban art: tradition versus modernization in an Italian museum of Asian art.
Lecture given at SOAS, University of London, 30 November 2023.

Asian Art in and around Turin: from the Kingdom of Sardinia to the present.
Lecture given at the Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft, University of Vienna, 11 October 2023.

Is a Terracotta Horse a Horse? Notes on Equine Representations from Han to Tang.
Online lecture for the History Centre, University of Lisbon, 30 May 2023.

Uno sguardo al passato: il collezionismo di epoca Song (960-1279) come ispirazione della creazione artistica nei secoli successivi.
Lecture given at the Sant’Agostino Auction House and Art Gallery, Turin, 11 May 2023.

1. Materials and techniques in Chinese art from the Neolithic to the Early Imperial Period.
2. Replicas, forgeries and reinterpretations of archaic objects in Middle and Late Imperial China.
Visit to the MAO and lecture (4 hours) as part of the PhD Seminar "From China to Chinoiserie, Works of Art from Collectors to Museum Collections: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Knowledge, Dating and Authentication”. University of Turin, 20-23 March 2023.

Musealizzare l’Asia orientale in Italia: il caso del MAO di Torino tra arte, storia e museologia.
Lesson and MAO visit (4 hours) within the framework of the PhD course in Sciences of Literary, Artistic and Environmental Heritage. University of Milan, 11 February 2022.

La percezione delle arti cinesi in Occidente, da Matteo Ricci a Mark Tobey.
Online seminar (7.5 hours) within the framework of the PhD interuniversity course “Pegaso” in History of Arts and Performing Arts. Universities of Florence / Pisa / Siena, 3-4 February 2022.

Il MAO di Torino: un Museo d’Arte Orientale giovane che ha appena compiuto 10 anni.
Presentation given at the international conference 1918-2018. Cento anni del Museo d’Arte Siamese Stefano Cardu, Cagliari, 13-16 December 2018.

The Chinese Collection at the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO) in Turin.
Presentation given at the XXII EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies) conference, Glasgow, August 29 – 1 September 2018.

Sotto il tappeto cinese: alla scoperta dei suoi simboli fondamentali.
Lecture given at Villa della Regina, Torino, 17 February 2016.

Is a Terracotta Horse a Horse? Notes on Equine Representations from Han to Tang.
Lecture given at the Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge (MA), 18 May 2015.

Dai Cavalli Celesti ai Cavalli Marini: raffigurazioni equestri in Cina dopo l’anno mille.
Lecture given at the Museo d’Arte Orientale, Torino, 29 January 2015.

Riflessi d'Oriente. Lo specchio cinese tra arte e mito.
Lecture given at the University of Venice “Ca' Foscari”, Venezia, 27 March 2014.

Riflessi d’Oriente. Ovvero: la mostra dall’ideazione alla realizzazione.
Presentation given at the Museo d’Arte Orientale, Torino, 13 February 2013.

Jingjiao, Religione della Luce. Tracce del cristianesimo siro-orientale in Cina attraverso l'archeologia.
Lecture given at Palaexpo, Roma, 10 January 2013.

Japanese Buddhist Objects at the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO) in Turin.
Presentation given at the international symposium Japanese Buddhist Objects in European Collections and Their Impact on the European Image of Japan, Palac Łochów, Poland, 4-6 June 2012.

1. Qiyun, la consonanza del qi nell’estetica dell’arte cinese.
2. De artibus apud Sinas Mechanicis: la percezione delle arti cinesi in Occidente.
3. Approfondimenti.
Lessons given at the Confucius Institute, Torino, 12/19/26 April 2012.

La Cina al MAO: tra oggetti esposti e depositi museali
Presentation given at the Confucius Institute, Torino, 14 April 2011.

Introduzione all’arte coreana
Lecture given at the Museo d’Arte Orientale, Torino, 31 March 2011.

Le concezioni cinesi sull’oltretomba attraverso le opere del MAO
Lesson given at the University of the Third Age, Torino, 24 November 2009.

Confucianesimo e Taoismo nel periodo Han
Lesson given at the University of the Third Age, Santena (Torino), 10 November 2009.

Il Celeste Impero. Dall’Esercito di Terracotta alla Via della Seta
Presentation given at the Y’women club, Torino, 15 October 2008.

Evidenze testuali e materiali sui Cristiani di Pechino in epoca Yuan
Lecture given at the Genoa University symposium Andalò da Savignone. Un genovese del ’300 sulla via della seta, Genova, 14 March 2008.

Tang. Dall’archeologia sul campo in Cina alla mostra di Napoli
Presentation given at CESMEO International Institute for Advanced Asian Studies, Torino, 11 April 2006.

Arte e intercultura: l’arte cinese
Lesson given at the high school ‘M. Buniva’, Pinerolo (Torino), 25 March 2006.

Sepolture e riti funerari degli Onguti in Mongolia Interna
Lecture given at the Genoa University international conference I Mongoli dal Pacifico al Mediterraneo, Genova, 7-8 May 2002.

Le Necropoli degli Onguti
Presentation given at the Genoa University symposium Oltre il Mediterraneo: i Mongoli e la Città Invisibile, Genova, 5 December 2001.

The Gao Huan Cave Tomb
Lecture given at the XIII EACS (European Association of Chinese Studies) conference, The Spirit of the Metropolis, Torino, 30 August – 2 September 2000.


> Member of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) since 2000.
> Member of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) since 2007.
> Included in the China Network – Chinese Collections Group in 2014.
> Member of the first Board of Directors of the Asia Collections Network (ACN–Europe) since its establishment in April 2022.