Research Grant Holder
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

Giulio Fugazzotto is a research fellow within the ERC WO-NAM project – Women and Non-Alignment in the Cold War era: biographical and intersectional perspectives (P.I. Prof. Chiara Bonfiglioli), where he is conducting research in global and transnational history on women's and feminist movements in Tunisia from the post-World War II period until the late 1980s.

In 2024, he obtained a PhD in Contemporary History and Comparative Cultures at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (36th cycle), with a dissertation entitled Al servizio di una rivoluzione globale? I comunisti italiani e il colonialismo (1926-1956) (At the Service of a Global Revolution? Italian Communists and Colonialism (1926-1956)), supervised by Prof. Anna Tonelli and Prof. Anna Maria Medici.

In 2020, he graduated in Historical and Oriental Studies, Global Cultures curriculum, at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, with a thesis entitled Labour Movement and Black Subjectivation in Great Britain: the Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-36 (supervisor Prof. Paolo Capuzzo; co-supervisor Prof. Marica Tolomelli).

Since 2024, he has been participating in the oral history project La Raccolta di videointerviste della Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna (The Collection of Video Interviews of the Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna) dedicated to recording interviews with former militants of the PCI, FGCI, and CGIL in the Bologna area.

Since 2022, he has been a member of the editorial board of Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale (Zapruder. Journal of Social Conflict History).