Scientific sector (SSD)
Fisica teorica della materia, modelli, metodi matematici e applicazioni [PHYS-04/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino

Nell, Declan; Sanvito, Stefano; Rungger, Ivan; Droghetti, Andrea Effect of dynamical electron correlations on the tunnelling magnetoresistance of Fe/MgO/Fe(001) junctions in PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, vol. 111 (ISSN 2469-9950)
DOI 2025, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5088310

Bajaj, Akash; Gupta, Reena; Tokatly, Ilya V.; Sanvito, Stefano; Droghetti, Andrea Ab initio transport theory for the intrinsic spin Hall effect applied to 5d metals in PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, vol. 109, pp. 195132 (ISSN 2469-9950)
DOI 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5071261

Gupta, Reena; Droghetti, Andrea Current-induced spin polarization in chiral tellurium: a first-principles quantum transport study in PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, vol. 109, pp. 155141 (ISSN 2469-9950)
DOI 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5071244

Halder, Anita; Nell, Declan; Sihi, Antik; Bajaj, Akash; Sanvito, Stefano; Droghetti, Andrea Half-Metallic Transport and Spin-Polarized Tunneling through the van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2 in NANO LETTERS, vol. 24, pp. 9221-9228 (ISSN 1530-6984)
DOI 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5071243

Nowik‐Boltyk, Ewa Malgorzata; Junghoefer, Tobias; Giangrisostomi, Erika; Ovsyannikov, Ruslan; Shu, Chan; Rajca, Andrzej; Droghetti, Andrea; Casu, M. Benedetta Radical‐Induced Changes in Transition Metal Interfacial Magnetic Properties: A Blatter Derivative on Polycrystalline Cobalt in ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION, vol. 63 (ISSN 1433-7851)
DOI 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5071242