- Position
- Adjunct Professor
- Website
www.unive.it/people/marco.baravalle (personal record)
PhD program Musica E Spettacolo at the Sapienza University of Rome. Title of dissertation: In the Age of Crisis, In The Space of Struggles. Participation, Utopia and Alter-Institutionality in Art And Theatre From 1968 to the Warming Condition. Supervisor: Prof. Annalisa Sacchi. Grade: Magna cum Laude.
Master’s Degree in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Arts and Design. IUAV University of Venice. Title of the thesis: Contemporary art and political activism: the new forms of interweaving. Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Basualdo. Grade: 110 with honors (highest possible grade in the Italian system).
2022-2023 Research fellow at IUAV University of Venice and the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, in the context of the research project “Art and commoning. Radical and Instituent Drives in Art and Performance”
Fulbright grant: Visiting Student Researcher. CUNY Graduate Center, New York). Supervisor Prof. Claire Bishop.
2019- present
Adjunct professor in Phenomenology of Contemporary Art at the International MA in Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies at NABA-Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan. Teaching language, English.
Research Fellow at IUAV University of Venice in the context of the research project INCOMMON: in praise of community. Shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979)
Faculty at SACI-Studio Art College International (Florence and Venice). Course: Contemporary Art . Teaching Language: English.
Research Fellow at the Management Department, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, in the context of the project Veneto Innovativo. Research Focus: Cultural and social impact of art economy on the city of Venice/Art labor in Venice.
Teacher at the Summer School in Curatorial Practice, Venice, organized by A+A Gallery. Subject: History of Exhibitions.
2014 - 2015
Research Fellow at M.a.c.lab (Laboratorio di management delle arti e della cultura), Management Department, Ca’Foscari University of Venice. Research title: Creative Labor in the art city.
2007 -2008
Research Fellow at the Faculty of Arts & Design – IUAV University of Venice. Research focus: the level of applicability of the National Italian law n.717, 1949: regulating the norms for art in public buildings.
2005 - 2008
Assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Design – IUAV University of Venice, working with several visiting professors: Prof. Jimmie Durham, Prof. Nicolas Bourriaud, Prof. Mona Hatoum, Prof. Jorge Orta.
A Seagull’s Swoop. Anti-Extractivist Matter-Human Assemblages in Oliver Ressler’s Films. In Oliver Ressler. Barricading the Ice Sheet, NBK, Berlin, 2023, 80-94.
Venetian Impressions, Lines of Flight from the terrace-city. In The Last Grand Tour. Contemporary phenomena and strategies of living in Italy, edited by Michael Obrist and Antonietta Putzu, Park Books, Zurich, 2023. 280-286
“Preliminary Notes From a Performative Investigation”, in Open For Maintenance, Arch+ #252, Open For Maintenance. Publication linked to the German Participation at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2023.
«Assembly. Notes on Fugitivity and Capture», Polemos- Materiali di Filosofia e Critica Sociale, n. 2, 2021
“Utopie teatrali tra gli anni ’60 e ’70: Scabia, Living Theatre e Ronconi”, Biblioteca Tearale, BT 137, gennaio-giugno, 2022, 77-96.
The Biennale as Commons? in Maria Eichhorn. Relocating a Structure, catalogue of the German Pavilion. 59th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, 2022
Alter-Institutions and Art. Between Governance and Autonomy. Capture, Subjectivity, Decolonization, Governance, Acceleration, Queering, Imaginary Economics”, The Journal of Aesthetics And protest, Special PataInstitutional Online Issue, Kuba Szreder (ed)2021, https://joaap.org/patainstitutional/marco.htm
“Giuliano Scabia. Catastrofe dell’utopia, utopia oltre la catastrofe”, In fiamme. La performance nello spazio delle lotte (1967-1979), a cura di Ilenia Caleo, Piersandra Di Matteo, Annalisa Sacchi, Bruno Editore, Venezia, 2021.
“The Zapatismo of Operaismo”, When the Roots Start Moving. First Movement/To Navigate Backwards. Resonating With Zapatism, edited by Chto Delat and Free Home Univeristy, Archive Books, Berlin, 2021.
Oliver Ressler, an Archivist of Capitalocene, Catalogue text for: Oliver Ressler, Barricading The Ice Sheets, 4. 9. – 21. 11. 2021, Camera Austria, Graz, curated by Reinhard Braun.
Teatro ad oltranza. Giuliano Scabia e la partecipazione radicale; in Acting Archives Review; Anno X, numero 19 – Maggio 2020, ISSN: 2039‐9766; pp. 102-120.
On the Biennale’s Ruins? Inhabiting the void, covering the distance, in On Curating, issue 46, June 2020; pp. 533-541
Italian Blow-Up: Building Counter-Hegemonic Social Art Machines Against Reactionary Populism; in FIELD. A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism; Issue 12-13, Winter 2019.
For a Critique of Neoliberal Event. Picasso In The Dispositif of the Urban Souvenir; in Rogelio López Cuenca. Keep Reading, Giving Rise; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia of Madrid; curated by Manolo Borja Villel; (3 April - 26 August, 2019).
Art, Populism and the Alterinstitutional Turn; in e-Flux Journal, #89 March 2018.
Curare e Governare. Bourriaud e Obrist. La svolta relazionale della curatela (Curating And Governance. Bourriaud And Obrist. The Relational Turn of Curating); in Opera Viva: Un'arte del possibile, on line magazine.
La curatela come antipsichiatria. Dalla critica istituzionale all'istituzionalità del comune (Curating as Anti-psychiatry. From Institutional Critique to Institutionality of the Commons); in Opera Viva: Un'arte del possibile, on line magazine.
L'arte come pratica del comune tra finanziarizzazione e città creativa. Il caso di S.aL.E.-Docks; (Art as a practice of the commons between financialisation and the creative city. The case of S.a.L.E-Docks), in Atti della XVIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU, Italia 45-45; Venezia June 11-13, 2015, Planum Publishers, Roma Milano.
Praticare i commons nella città mostra. L'esperienza di S.a.L.E.-Docks (The practice of the commons in the Exhibition-City), in Exploit. Come rovesciare il mondo dell'arte (Exploit. How to Overthrow the Art World) edited by Giorgio De Finis, Fabio Benincasa, Andrea Facchi. Published by Bordeaux Edizioni.
Arte e Finanza (Art and Finance); in the Series Capire la finanza (Understanding Finance), edited by Fondazione Culturale Responsabilità Etica.
Voina et l'avant-garde renversée. Soustraire la vie au dispositif de la valorisation artistique (Voina And The Overthrown Avant-Garde. Avoiding the Artistic Valorisation of Life) ; in Voina. Art/Politique, In Etherotopia France – Rhizome.
L'arte contro la Finanza. Se si afferma il comune dell'arte (Art against Finance), in Lavoro Culturale.
Calibano al Lido, per un'immaginazione selvaggia (Caliban at the Lido. For a wild imagination); in Engramma, n. 94, Novembre 2011.
Arte e Politica (Arts and Politics); in Gillo Dorfles and Angela Vettese, Percorsi d’arte C; a history of art textbook for high school.
I precari del lavoro immateriale a Venezia (The Precarious Workers of Immaterial Labour in Venice); in “Carta”;15-2008
Arte militante, sovversione culturale (Militant Art, Cultural Subversion); in “Digicult”; 35-june 2008). www.digicult.it
Art for UBI (Manifesto), (ed.), Bruno, Venezia
L’autunno caldo del curatore. Arte, Neoliberismo, Pandemia, Marsilio, Venice.
Spaces of Exception-Spazi d'eccezione (ed)., Milieu Edizioni, Milan.
L'arte della sovversione (The Art of Subversion) (Ed.), Manifestolibri, Rome, 2010.
A collection of essays about art and activism. Contributors: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Brian Holmes, Maurizio Lazzarato, Claire Fontaine, Angela Vettese, and others.
Lecture: Guy Debord and Asger Jorn. The Situationist Détournement between Painting and Cinema, in the context of: Détournements - settimana residenziale a Catania, at Scenario Pubblico Workshop. Organizer: Università IUAV di Venezia.
Book Presentation Art For UBI (Manifesto) Teatro Do Bairro Alto, Lisbona
MILITANT RESEARCH FROM THE ARTISTIC PRACTICE | Critical Node on Militant Research, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.
Art commons and neoliberal capture. Curating and alter-institutions at the turn of 1968. Conference: Les pratiques créatives dans la fabrique du commun: politiques, discours et performativité, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.
Radical Participation.. Giuliano Scabia in turin during the hot autumn.. Conference: Decentralisation at Turin TeatroStabile. Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, Collegno, Torino.
Art Activism, online seminar with con iLiana Fokianaki and Oliver Ressler. Organizer Neuer Berliner Kustverein.
Alter-instituent Practices In A Neoliberal World. Conference in the public program of the exhibition: Overground Resistance, by Oliver Ressler, Vienna.
Giuliano Scabia e le azioni del decentramento torinese del 1969. CUT Conference: Gli studi teatrali tra eredità e futuro. Giacimenti documentari, metodologie, progettualità, Università di Padova
Speaker in the lecture program: En territorio enemigo. Pensar lo contemporáneo en un mundo pospandémico, organizer: Cercle de Economia Barcelona, in collaboration with MACBA and the Museo Reina Sofia di Madrid.
Speaker at: Histórias do Experimental #6 -, intervento online per il Teatro Do Bairro Alto, Lisbona
Speaker at The Coming South: Struggles, Epistemologies, Solidarity. Symposium organized by The Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.
Companion and moderator for the Museum Reina Sofia of Madrid during the webinar series Our Many Europes. Museum Research, organized by The Internationale.
Co-organizer and moderator of La Biennale ai Tempi della Pandemia (The Biennale in Pandemic Times). Online Symposium in the framework of the Forum of Italian Contemporary Art.
Co-orgnizer and moderator of Dalla città creativa alla città della cura, proposte per nuovi paradigmi relazionali (From The Creative City to The Caring City. Propositions for New Relational Paradigms). Online symposium in the framework of the Forum of Italian Contemporary
Active member of the Institute of Radical Imagination (https://instituteofradicalimagination.org/). Promoter and organizer of The ART FOR UBI Manifesto, a process of collective writing of a manifesto in favor of a Universal And Unconditional Basic Income.
Speaker at Internationalism After the End Of Globalization. Organized by the Muesum of Modern Art in Warsaw.
Art, Populism and Alter-institutional critique. Lecture at e-Flux, New York City.
Statement. Creative Time Summit at La Biennale di Venezia .
Gulf Labor and Precarious Workers Rights. Conference. The Center For The Humanities (CUNY), New York City.
Who needs Museums and Biennials?, Conference with Okwui Enwezor, Andrew Ross, Terike Haapoja, Kaarin Taipale. Meeting organized by Gulf Labor in the context of LA Biennale di Venezia.
Nuove Pratiche. Conference. meeting in Palermo (Sicily) on Cultural Innovation.
A Gathering of Ar(c)t(ic) Tribes. Conference; Mo i Rana, Norway. International symposium on art and society.
The Art of Being Many. Performance. international meeting at “Kampnagel”, Contemporary Art centre in Hamburg.
Tracce Visuali. Linguaggi artistici, nuove mappe, international conference at IUAV University of Venice.
Summer School. CIFAS (Centre international de l'art de la scene) summer school in Brussels.
S.a.L.E.-Docks. The other side of Venice. Interview; In Art Tribune
Speaker at Girl Monster; Kampnagel, Hamburg. Presentation of the exhibition of the Russian collective Voina, curated at S.a.L.E.-Docks in Venice.
Altro che Carnevale. Interview. The project of S.a.L.E.-Docks”. in Undo.net
Speaker at The Diagonal of Commonfare, Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid. The symposium is organized in the context of the international curatorial program Former West.
Speaker at: Arts Assembly, at NIFCA; Helsinki.
Speaker at: Everybody talks about the weather, we don’t. Event organized by Prof. Marco Scotini, hosted at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) Milano.
Most of my work as curator was developed (since 2007) as a member of Sale Docks, a collective also managing a physical space in Venice. www.saledocks.org
Performance: “Biennalocene”, in the context of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.
Program and Performance: Art For Radical Ecologies, @Venice Climate Camp
Program and Performance at Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid: On The Precipe of Time. Practices of Insurgent Imagination. The Zapatista Forum
Exhibition Le Mostrə della laguna, Sale Docks
Training and workshop: Training for the Future
Website and Performance Live: 100 ways to say we. Co-curated with Florian Malzacher and Neumarkt Theater, Zurich.
All Work And No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy. All Play and No Work Makes Someone Else A Rich Boy. Platform, round tables and exhibition; Sale Docks, Venice. Featuring: Danilo Correale, The Institute of Human Obsolescence, Macao, Maurizio Lazzarato, Carlotta Cossutta and others.
Dark Matter Games; Platform, talks, exhibition and interventions in public space; Sale Docks; Venice. Featuring Gregory Sholette, Kuba Szreder, Noah Fischer, Ilenia Caleo and others.
Spaces of Exceptions. Exhibition and book. The exhibition features more than 80 participants (artists, architects, NGOs and activists) that reflect upon the effects of the state of emergency on the contemporary urban space. http://www.saledocks.org/spazi-deccezione-spaces-of-exception-25-31-maggio/
The Actvist Maniera, A Graphic Glossary for the exhibition Life in Postartistic Times; Pop-up book produced by Sale Docks and presented at Making Use, group show curated by Kuba Szreder at the Museum of Modern Art of Warsaw. http://makinguse.artmuseum.pl/en/s-a-l-e-docks/
AB-STRIKE. Platform: an event about creative labor, urban space and the problems of contemporary exhibition making. Featuring Antonio Negri, Matteo Pasquinelli, Florian Schneider.
Voina: Soon we will be completely fearless; Solo Show; Sale Docks, Venice.
Gianfranco Baruchello. Desiring Experimentations. Solo show; Sale Docks; a retrospective of Baruchello’s film and video works.
Ogino Knauss. Urban Skin, solo show; Sale Docks.
Trouble Makers: Inquiry, Public Spaces and Social Movements. Group show; Sale Docks, Venice. Artists: Andreas Sieckmann, Claire Fontaine, Marcelo Exposito, Carlos Motta, Matei Bejenaru, Serpica Naro.
Multiversity, or the Art of Subversion; Symposium; Sale Docks, Venice. Lecturers: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Antonio Negri, Anna Daneri, Brian Holmes, Marco Scotini, Judith Revel, Adam Arvidsson, Massimo Cacciari, Maurizio Lazzarato.
In Venice, he is one of the co-founders of the independent art space Sale Docks (www.saledocks.org)
Partecipated Cartography Workshop; in collaboration with the Spanish architecture collective Hackitectura. The project is sponsored by Venice City Council and IUAV University of Venice. www.riereta.net/cartolab www.hackitectura.net
Dis-Orders. Group show; Bevilacqua la Masa Foundation; Venice.
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