Associate Professor
Scientific sector (SSD)
Letteratura francese [FRAN-01/A]
www.unive.it/people/julien.zanetta (personal record)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dslcc
Where: Palazzo Cosulich

Julien Zanetta (Geneva, 1984) holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Geneva (2014). From 2015 to 2017 he obtained a postdoctoral fellowship to carry out his research in the United States (University of Michigan / NYU) and from 2017 to 2019 he contributed to the curation of the correspondence between Odilon Redon and Andries Bonger. His work focuses mainly on Charles Baudelaire - to whom he dedicated his doctorate and was involved in the curatorship of his Œuvres complètes for the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade -, art criticism and aesthetics in the 19th century, the relationship between literature and painting, and the work of Jean Starobinski. He taught history of French literature at the Université Saint-Louis - Brussels and at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) from 2019 to 2023.

He is the author of five monographs - Baudelaire, la mémoire et les arts (Classiques Garnier, 2019) ; D'après nature. Biographies d'artistes au XIXe siècle (Hermann, 2019) ; Niveurmôrre. Versions françaises du Corbeau au XIXe siècle (Droz, 2020) ; L'Hôpital de la peinture (Rue d'Ulm, 2022) ; À proportion. Eugène Delacroix et la mesure de l'homme (Bord de l'eau, 2023) -, and a translation of essays on aesthetics and literature by William Hazlitt (Sentiment et raison, Sorbonne Université Presses, 2019).