Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)


Main Professional Roles

  • Partner of AC Firm società tra avvocati S.r.l., Milan – Rome (2020-current);
  • Member of the Adjudication Panel of the Italian Banking Ombudsman (ABF) (2015-2021);
  • Founding partner of Studio Legale Bonora e Associati, Milan (2000-2019);
  • Associate of Studio Legale Ferretti, Milan (1989-2000);
  • Trainee lawyer at Studio Legale Vanzetti, Milan (1988-1989).

Main Academic Roles

  • Lecturer in Banking Law at the School of Law of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 1989-2004.
  • Member of the teaching staff of, among the others:
    • the second-level Master Courses “CRERIM - Credit Risk Management” (2018-current) and “COFIN - Compliance Officer in Financial Institutions” (2017-current) of the School of Banking, Finance, and Insurance Sciences of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore;
    • the Post-graduate School in Financial Markets Law (and, before that, of the Master Course in Financial Markets Law) of the School of Law of the University of Milan (2003-current);
    • the Part-time Master Course in Business Law of the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore (2004-current).
  • Speaker and lecturer at conferences, seminars, webinars, and staff training courses on banking, finance, and anti-money laundering (current);
  • Lecturer in post-graduate training courses on banking, finance and anti-money laundering organised by CeTIF (Centre for Research on Technologies, Innovation and Financial Services) and CEFIRS, (Centre for European Financial Regulation Studies) of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (2007-current);
  • Scientific advisor and member of the teaching staff for the anti-money laundering subject within the Master GEOBANK - Management and Organisation of Banks, promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (2009-2010);
  • Coordinator of the Business Law and Banking and Financial Transactions Module of the Master in Fiscal and Financial Management Law at the University of Bergamo (2008-2009);
  • Member of the scientific committee and teaching staff of the Master in Banking and Financial Markets Law organised by Just Legal Services in Milan and of the teaching staff of the Master Course in Law and Business at the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore (2003-2006);
  • Lecturer of the Master Course in banking and financial intermediation at the University of Montpellier (France) and the University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo'.

Research Activity

  • Member of the research unit Marketplace lending: verso nuove forme di intermediazione finanziaria? (Marketplace lending: towards new forms of financial intermediation?), within the research group FinTech: digitalizzazione dei processi di intermediazione finanziaria (Fintech: digitalization of financial intermediation processes), promoted by Consob with the participation of 15 Italian Universities (2017-2019);
  • Participation in the Research Project of Relevant National Relevance promoted by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (PRIN 2010-2011) on Market Governance in the EU;
  • Participation in the comparative study promoted by the European Commission in view of the reform of Directive 2001/24/EC on the reorganisation and winding-up of credit institutions (2008-2009);
  • Participation in the Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN 2006) on Consumer Protection and Payment Services in the New EU Legislative Framework;
  • Participation in the research project promoted by the Centre de recherche sur le droit des affaires of the Chambre de commerce et industrie de Paris, the results of which have been published in L. Aynès (ed.), Le contrat de financement. Etude comparaison et perspective du crédit bancaire, Litec, Paris, 2006.

Professional Memberships

  • President and member of the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Banking and Financial Law, Paris;
  • Vice-president of the Associazione Europea per il Diritto Bancario e Finanziario, Milan, the Italian society affiliated with the European Society for Banking and Financial Law;
  • Member of the European Law Institute, Brussels;
  • Member of the "Gian Franco Campobasso" Society for Commercial Law, Naples;
  • Member of the "Giorgio Ambrosoli" Centre for Legal Studies, Milan.


  • Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, J.D., 1988;
  • Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht, various periods of study 1989 – 1993;
  • Advanced Training Course in Banking and Financial Law of European Union organised by the European Society for Banking and Financial Law, Brussels, 1996.