Noemi Quagliati is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, with the project Bird's-Eye Views of the Venetian Lagoon. Planetary Visions and Birdscapes of an Aquatic Ecosystem. Starting in 2024, she is part of the program “GLOBAL_AT_VENICE - Research and Training for Global Challenges” and is affiliated with THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE).

Noemi received a PhD in art history from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in 2021 on the subject of landscape photography in WWI Germany. Before joining Ca' Foscari, she lectured on German eco-aesthetics at the Junior Year in Munich program (JYM), a study abroad program affiliated with LMU Munich and Wayne State University. She also offered courses on North American photography and art at LMU’s Amerika-Institut, where she coordinated the PhD program of the Class of Culture and History.

Over the last years, she has been a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Georgia, and the Research Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Deutsches Museum, where she has collaborated on modernizing the museum’s historical aviation section by investigating the topic of aerial photography. She has been offered research grants from the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research at RWTH Aachen University, and the European University Institute (EUI).

Her research interests focus on landscape and aerial iconography, nature and territorial photography, distant view and photo-optical technologies for military and environmental applications, multisensory and eco-aesthetics, Blue Humanities, animal studies, material culture, and collective memory.