Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)

Giulia Daniele graduated in Art History at Sapienza University, Rome (BA 2010; MA 2012), where she also obtained the postgraduate Italian 'Diploma di Specializzazione' (2014) and the PhD degree (2018). Her doctoral dissertation, devoted to the Bolognese painter Prospero Fontana (1509-1597), has been awarded a publication prize by the same University, and has therefore been published as the first catalogue raisonné of the artist’s work (Rome, De Luca Editori d’Arte, 2022).

Having received the 'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale' (Italian qualification as university professor) as associate professor (sector 10/B1 - Art History), she is currently (since 2021) a post-doctoral research fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore: she collaborated for two years with the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence, dealing with the art-historical study and cataloguing of the gold and silver papal medals from the 16th to the 18th century held in the Museum’s collections and then participating in the preparation of the new setting and display of the Medal Room and the Baroque Room, reopened to visitors in November 2023. More recently, she has been contributing to a SNS project dedicated to Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa, delving into the local activities of Giorgio Vasari and the readaptation of pre-existing medieval buildings, with a particular focus on the Church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri.

Her research interests are mainly oriented on painting and, more generally, on 16th-century figurative culture, paying special attention to the language and artists of the so called ‘Mannerist period’ between Northern Italy and Rome, and to the circulation of models, although her scholarly production also includes insights into more advanced chronologies. 

In 2019, she was awarded one of the 'Borse di Alti Studi' (post-doctoral research grants) on Baroque Art, funded by the Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura of the Compagnia di San Paolo in Turin. Her research project aimed at analysing the large-scale landscape decoration in the late 17th and early 18th century between Rome and Lazio, the results of which were published in the Fondazione’s Digital Editorial Series (2021).

She has numerous collaborations with the Italian Ministry of Culture (in addition to the Bargello: Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo; VIVE - Vittoriano and Palazzo Venezia; Galleria Borghese; Gallerie degli Uffizi; Galleria Nazionale di Arte Antica - Palazzo Barberini; former Soprintendenza Speciale per il patrimonio storico-artistico ed etnoantropologico e Polo Museale romano; Direzione Generale Musei). She has also worked for the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, participating, among other things, in the organisation of two exhibitions (‘Leonardo a Roma’, 2019; ‘Raffaello e l’antico’, 2023); for the Direzione Cultura of the Regione Toscana (FSC 2014-2020 project ‘Ecosistema digitale’, section ‘The Renaissance in Tuscany: Medici villas and gardens’); and for the Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Treccani ('Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani' - art-historical section; 'Enciclopedia dell'Arte Contemporanea').