PhD Student
39° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2023
Area tematica
Narrative bias in external sources. Anatolians of the 1st Millennium BC in Classical Sources
Payne Annick - De Vido Stefania
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

I was born on 11 Sept. 1996 in Ancona, Marche (Italy). I studied at the University of Bologna where I graduated in Classics (bachelor's degree) and in Philology, literature and classical tradition (master's degree). My master's thesis Erodoto e gli Sciti. Materiali per un'indagine etnologica was discussed under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Ognibene and Prof. Antonio Panaino on 7 Nov. 2022 with the grade 110/110 with honors.

From Sept. 2023 I'm a PhD student in Ancient Heritage Studies (39th cycle) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Inter-University PhD programme with the Universities of Udine and Trieste). My doctoral project Narrative bias in external sources. Anatolians of the 1st Millennium BC in Classical Sources, which is part of the ERC project "Communication in Ancient Anatolia", focuses on the analysis of classical sources that deal with ancient Anatolian peoples and their cultures, trying to detect possible narrative biases.

I have always been interested in the study of Eastern peoples through Greek-Latin sources and, in recent years, my attention has turned to the Iranian world, especially to the Scythians and the various Iranian nomads of antiquity, which I studied both from the point of view of literary reception in classical sources and from an ethno-linguistic and religious-cultural one. As a result, I am also interested in Ossetian Nart epos, an essential tool for the understanding of ethnological and religious-folkloric data on the Scythians, and, more in general, in comparative Indo-European studies, especially on the religious and epic-folkloric side.

Since Febr. 2023 I have been collaborating with the scientific journal of Iranian studies "Quaderni di Meykhane", where I published some works and did peer review activity.