Francesco VEDOVATO

Substitute/Visiting Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino

Francesco Vedovato got his Master degree in Physics in 2015 and a Ph.D. degree in Space Science and Technology at the University of Padova (UNIPD) in 2019 (Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Villoresi). During his PhD in experimental quantum optics, he focused on the realization of quantum optics experiments in Space collaborating with the Matera Laser Ranging Observatory of the Italian Space Agency. He has worked since 2015 in the QuantumFuture Group of the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) at UNIPD.
His research is focused on quantum optics, quantum communication in fiber, free-space and satellite channels. He has various peer-review publications in international journals in the area of experimental quantum optics and quantum key distribution. Relevant research achievements include the first demonstration of the feasibility of time-bin encoding along satellite-to-ground channels [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 253601 (2016)]; the realization of Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment along 3500 km via satellite channels [Sci. Adv. 3, e1701180 (2017)], the design and first implementation of an experimental scheme for realizing genuine time-bin entanglement [Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 190401 (2018)], the demonstration of the feasibility of satellite quantum communication over distances up to GNSS orbits [Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 015012 (2019)], the realization of a prototype for daylight quantum key distribution at 1550 nm exploiting integrated photonics [npj Quantum Inf. 7, 93 (2021)], the realization of a record-low QBER source for quantum key distribution at 1550 nm [Optica 7, 284-290 (2020)], the introduction of a convenient formalism to evaluate the phase of a light signal propagating on a general curved background [Phys. Rev. D 101, 104052 (2020)].
He was funded by the COST Action "Quantum technologies in Space" to spend a period abroad at the Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy under the scientific supervision of prof. Carlo Rovelli.
His project “GaliQEye: Galileo’s Quantum Eye at DEI” was granted by the Department of Information Engineering to develop the optical ground station placed on the roof of DEI department.
He is participating in different national and international projects (I-QKD, QSEC, QUANGO, QUDICE, Moonlight-2, QSNP, QUANCOMM) on quantum communication. He is one of the founder of the Padua's OSA/SPIE Student Chapter "Pulse".
He is co-founder of and developer for the UNIPD startup ThinkQuantum srl, aimed at developing QKD systems for secure communication, with particular focus on free-space optical technologies, adaptive-optics and ground station development.
He is currently teaching the course "Quantum Methods for ICT" for the master degrees at DEI and the course "Quantum Communication: methods and implementations" for the PhD course in Information Engineering.